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Medical sciences
Evaluation of effectiveness and focus of factors impact on the result is possible using the dispersion analysis [8]. According to abovementioned, the purpose of the research is to conduct the dispersion analysis of the most significant pathogenic mechanisms causing microcirculatory dysfunctions in case of periodontitis.
Materials and methods
25 patients with mild generalized periodontitis, 25 patients with moderate generalized periodontitis and 25 patients with severe generalized periodontitis, randomized according to sex, age and severity of baseline somatic pathology, were involved into the dispersion analysis.
The impact of 4 factors on microcirculation level:
А - level of blood cells;
B - level of blood plasma hemostasis indices;
C - erythrocytes status;
D - values of LPO-AS system.
Values, which are the most significantly (r < 0.05) associated with microcirculation value have been chosen for dispersion analysis. Coagulation cellular indices were measured using platelet adhesiveness value; plasma values were measured using blood fibrinogen value; erythrocytes status was assessed using erythrocytes aggregation value; LPO values were evaluated using MD value.
The gradation, considering its shifting factor from a mean value in the observation group, was adopted to each factor: shifting to 1 - 10.0%; shifting to 2 - 11-20% and shifting to 3 - 21% and more. Screen form of matrix observations was made on the basis of chosen gradations. Corresponding microcirculation index is taken as "j" value.
The intensity of controlled factors impact on the microcirculation value was measured by the deviance value in the group.
, where
Kj is the intensity of impact on the microcirculation value, %;
SS1 - microcirculation deviance due to "j" factor impact;
SS - total microcirculation deviance due to the impact of all controlled, non-controlled, random factors and measuring errors.
Significance of factors impact on the microcirculation value was assessed according to F-Fisher criteria. Effects equal or making more than 0.05 (significance value P<0.05) [8] were considered as significant. Results statistical processing was done by Statistika 6.0 Software.
Results and discussions
According to the dispersion value, linear effects of chosen factors to microcirculation value are significant (P<0.01) (table). Patients with SGP had higher possibility (P<10-8). Probably it was due to the highest increase of all factors impact intensity and microcirculation maximal deterioration in case of severe periodontitis.
Screen form of dispersion analysis results
Factor |
SS |
Degree of freedom |
MS |
F |
P |
MGP (mild generalized periodontitis) |
1 |
4.07 |
2 |
2.04 |
10.3 |
0.0013 |
2 |
3.04 |
2 |
1.52 |
7.72 |
0.0045 |
3 |
5.44 |
2 |
2.72 |
13.80 |
0.0003 |
4 |
2.63 |
2 |
1.31 |
6.67 |
0.0078 |
Error |
3.15 |
16 |
0.20 |
ModGP (moderate generalized periodontitis) |
1 |
2.31 |
2 |
1.15 |
6.49 |
0.0086 |
2 |
2.98 |
2 |
1.49 |
8.37 |
0.0032 |
3 |
3.76 |
2 |
1.88 |
10.58 |
0.0012 |
4 |
2.25 |
2 |
1.13 |
6.35 |
0.0093 |
Error |
2.84 |
16 |
0.17 |
SGP (severe generalized periodontitis) |
1 |
4.99 |
2 |
2.50 |
173.08 |
-08 |
2 |
5.50 |
2 |
2.75 |
190.66 |
-08 |
3 |
5.82 |
2 |
2.91 |
201.70 |
-09 |
4 |
4.18 |
2 |
2.09 |
144.85 |
-07 |
Error |
0.22 |
16 |
0.014 |
Microcirculation deviance due to controlled factors makes 82.82% in case of MGP (mild generalized periodontitis); 79.92% in case of ModGP (moderate generalized periodontitis) and 98.94% in case of SGP (severe generalized periodontitis). In such a case, the specific intensity of other factors impact makes 17.18%; 20.08% and 1.06%, correspondingly. During analysis of separate factors, it was established that erythrocyte aggregation made 29.68%; 26.60% and 28.10% correspondingly for patients with MGP (mild generalized periodontitis), ModGP (moderate generalized periodontitis) and SGP (severe generalized periodontitis); corresponding contribution of platelet adhesiveness index made 22.2%; 16.34% and 24.09%; fibrinogen level - 16.58%; 21.07% and 26.57% and MD level - 14.35%; 15.91% and 20.18%, correspondingly.
Intensity of factors impact on microcirculation
GP |
Factors |
Non-controlled |
Controlled |
Thrombocytes |
Fibrinogen |
Erythrocytes |
MD |
17.18 |
82.82 |
22.20 |
16.58 |
29.68 |
14.35 |
ModGP |
20.08 |
79.92 |
16.34 |
21.07 |
26.60 |
15.91 |
1.06 |
98.94 |
24.09 |
26.57 |
28.10 |
20.18 |
It is necessary to note that the intensity of all studied factors impact was high and significant: erythrocytes cytoarchetictonic dysfunctions contribution varied within the limits of 26.60-29.68%; thrombocytes activity increase made 16.34-24.09%; fibrinogen and LPO processes increase made 16.58-26.57% and 14.35-20.18%, correspondingly.
The table demonstrates microcirculation mean value, deviation from mean values, standard errors and factor occurrence frequency at periodontitis of different severity. Microcirculation index is decreased, when the intensity of all factors impact is increased. Refer to the Figure for an obvious change of microcirculation mean values associated with various factors. The largest range of mean values for erythrocytes agglomeration value proves its high efficiency to microcirculation inactivation.
The largest range of mean values for erythrocytes agglomeration value (15.07-13.28 MGP; 12.81-11.75 ModGP and 11.0-9.73 SGP) proves its high efficiency to microcirculation.
It shall be noted that other factors caused the reduction of paradontium microcirculation. So, the range of mean values for thrombocytes functional activity made 14.67-13.81; 12.7-11.94 and 11.04-9.77; fibrinogen level - 14.77-13.91; 12.79-11.91 and 10.99-9.76; MD level 14.92-13.63; 12.76-11.98 and 10.36-9.78, correspondingly in case of MGP (mild generalized periodontitis), ModGP (moderate generalized periodontitis) and SGP (severe generalized periodontitis) (refer to Figure).
It is obvious that blood clotting ability process, its rheological characteristics and lipid peroxidation processes cohesion appear mainly at microcirculation zone. Microcirculation dysfunctions are closely accompanied by clotting. Understanding of realization mechanisms and rules of clinical hemorheology, cellular cytoarchetictonics and processes of lipid peroxidation ensured the evaluation of pathogenic mechanisms of microcirculatory dysfunctions formation in case of paradontium pathology progression.
Dispersion analysis provided the opportunity to evaluate the relation of microcirculation dysfunctions to core factors impacting on the intensity of metabolic-trophic disturbances, hemostasis processes and cellular cytoarchetictonics dysfunctions.
Pathogenic significance and the intensity of impact on microcirculatory dysfunctions of erythrocytes functional-morphologic parameters, plasmatic indexes and cellular homeostasis and activation of peroxidation processes were defined.
Table 3
Screen form of defining statistics results according to the intensity of factors impact (dynamics of microcirculation factors at different gradations of controlled factors)
Figure. Mean values of microcirculation index (y) according to the intensity of factors impact - 1-trombothytes; 2-fibrinogen; 3-erythrocytes; 4-MD; PM mean value in the group
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URL: www.science-sd.com/460-24754 (22.02.2025).