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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Savin I. A., Ustinova L.P.

It is commonly known that parameters of the speech situation are important for understanding of a separate statement and the text as a whole. In our study we take the definition of the speech situation of  W. V. O. Quine [Куайн, 1986: 361], who considers the Agent (Agens), the Recipient (Patiens), the Content and  deictic elements, including   words and grammatical categories as the main participants of the speech situation.

As far as is known, the majority of researchers focus their attention on the characteristics of two main actants of  the speech situation, namely the Agent and the Recipient.

According to M. Ja. Glovinskaya,  the actant “Content” influences considerably speech behavior of communicants and  determines the choice of the words in general [Гловинская, 2000: 403].  The actant “Content” refers to characteristics of information, involving such parameters as newness, relevance, social sphere, secrecy, time orientation, subject of communication, truth or false, accuracy,  authenticity and form of communication [Гловинская, 2000: 415]. In our opinion, authenticity  of information is one of the key characteristics, indicating its value for all the participants of communication. This article attempts to consider verbs and word-combinations of the German language, considering authenticity of the conveyed information.

Considering the German verbs of informational semantics, it should be mentioned that they belong to a very large and mixed group of verbs.  According to our statistics (on the basis of 5 thousand examples) the most used verbs  are dominant verbs sagen, sprechen, reden, erklären, which make   44%  of all cases.

In  56% of cases other verbs and word-combinations are used, each of which makes no more than 1% of all cases, however they are of great interest as they reflect the  richness and variety of language and characterize the actants of communication.

It is evident, that the dominant German verbs with nondifferentable meaning  comprise the  group of verbs, which implement oral, coherent speech, demonstrating neutrality concerning authenticity  of information.  Nevertheless word-combinations with the above verbs can communicate different degrees of authenticity of information, for example: die Wahrheit sagen, Märchen erzählen, Quatsch reden, Quatsch erzählen, Blech reden, Stuβ reden. Ich sage die Wahrheit. Ich lüge nicht [L.Harig: 157].

In general, among the  verbs of the German language, representing  degree of authenticity  of information, there is a distinct differentiation between verbs and word-combinations, actualizing  a high-degree authenticity  and verbs, realizing unreliable or even knowingly false information.

Among the verbs, referring to a high level of   authenticity   of information are zeugen, bezeugen, behaupten, bestätigen, versichern.

The highest degree of authenticity  represent the verbs   zeugen, bezeugen, as one can witness what he has seen with his own eyes, what cannot souse doubt. Our example: Ich kann bezeugen, daß er nicht lügt [К.Мейль: 314].

Assurance of the Agent  in a high level of authenticity of information is realized by the verbs behaupten, bestätigen, versichern,  which communicate together with assurance of the Agent in the authenticity of information his wish to convince of the truth the Recipient: «Afganistan kann sich auf Deutschland verlassen», versicherte Fischer während eines Besuchs bei dem Armeechef der Provinz Muhammad  Daut [Deutschland, №3, 2004: 11].

In spite of the statement  that German verb berichten is used mainly for giving objective information,  we found that in some situations it shows neutrality to the authenticity of information, for example: Wir sind es, die dafür einzustehen haben, ob die Wahrheit oder die Lüge berichtet wird. [C.Heine: 82].

Not infrequently, wishing to demonstrate objectivity, one can quote, as the use of quotes allows to disclose the matter fully and more accurately: zitieren, wörtlich anführen. Here we have an example: Schröder: Aber ich habe in meiner Regierungserklärung bewusst meine beiden sozialdemokratischen Amtsvorgänger Willy Brandt und Helmut Schmidt zitiert und an ihre Reformpolitik erinnert [Deutschland, № 1, 1999: 13].

Among  the verbs and word-combinations, conveying  false information are lügen, verleumden,  irreführen, irreleiten,  which are relevant in any communicative  situation, for-instance: «Besteht ein Irrtum in der Person, kann die Eheschließung nur von dem  der beiden Ehegatten aufgefochten werden, der sich hat irreführen lassen [heisse.de]

Low degree of authenticity of  information express the  verbs and word-combinations ausplaudern, redenmunkeln, (ein Gerücht) verbreiten,  which semantics has a connotation of a negative attitude to the speaker, who gives obviously false or negative information, for example:    «Zum Teufel, Gerda, was redest du da!» «Ich weiß, was ich sage, Genosse,» erwiderte sie [C.Heine:292]

The verbs of conversational speech (spoken language), having pejorative connotation, are often used for conveying false or unreliable information: spinnen, flunkern, schwindeln.

 The verb spinnen is used in the meaning «to talk nonsenses, to
babble nonsense
». It is interesting, that etymologically the verb points at the occupation of the Agent  and refers to the speech of a skilled seaman (Seemansgarn spinnen): «Schwören ist Quatsch! Ihr spinnt…» [H.G. Konsalik: 160]. «Hat dir Wiga auch diese Räuberpistole erzählt? Ich glaube Michael spinnt…» [H.G.Konsalik: 164].

The semantics of the verb flunkern reflects  a subjective attitude to the Agent especially  in the imperative sentences, for example: Flunkere nicht! Schneid nicht auf! [Langenscheidts, 1997].

Unauthenticity of information is actualized  with the word combinations which are formed by  the dominant speech verbs: Märchen erzählen, Quatsch reden, Quatsch erzählen, Blech reden and indefinite-personal expressions man sagt, man munkelt, for example: «Halt die Schnauze!» schrie Wulpert außer sich. <…>«Sage ich es nicht: Er ist leicht bescheuert…er redet Blech» [H.G.Konsalik: 277];  Erzähl keinen Quatsch, Orlando [I.Schulze: 103]Man sagt, er habe einen im Sterben liegenden Bruder [B.Lebert: 28].    

Analyzing the verbs of informational semantics, it is necessary to mention adverbial words which characterize the Content and express  intensity of action:

1) accuracy of information: genau;

2) reliability of information: wahrheitsgemäß;

3) different degree of availability of  information: geheim, versteckt, vertraulich, konfidentiell, offen;

4) a different degree of completeness and coherence of  information: ausführlich, nicht zu Ende.   

So as follows from the above, inside the  microsystem of   speech verbs and word-combinations of the  German language with regard to authenticity of the conveyed information there is a detailed differentiation to following semantic features: «to provide authentic information», «to give obviously  false information», «to give unreliable information». In group of verbs with the meaning of false information there is a significant group of verbs and word combinations having pejorative connotation.

1.Гловинская М.Я. Глаголы со значением передачи информации//Язык о языке (Studia Philologica). М., 2000. 624с.

2. Куайн У.В.О. Слово и объект//Логический анализ естественного языка. Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Вып.XVIII. М.: Прогресс,1986. 392с.

Bibliographic reference

Savin I. A., Ustinova L.P. DEGREE OF INFORMATION AUTHENTICITY IN SEMANTICS OF GERMAN VERBS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24796 (22.02.2025).