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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Teaching science

Abdulaeva P.Z., Osmanova A.A., Abdulaeva Kh.S.
The success of professional activity of a specialist in any field depends primarily on the level of its overall development. In modern conditions the student should have fundamental training; with the rapid increase in the volume of scientific and technical information the University is not able to provide the young specialist knowledge for life. Fundamentalization of education means its focus on universal and General knowledge, on the formation of the General culture, the development of generalized methods of activity, the thinking.

The development of the FSES of the third generation requires a deep reform of both content and methods and techniques of teaching. The process of introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of the University is imperative and should be directed not only at improving specific professional competences, but also on the development of spiritual culture of students, the main components of which are the General academic culture and the culture of dialogue. It is obvious that the main condition of formation of the spiritual culture is the subject-subject interaction between teacher and student. This interaction, in turn, is implemented by means of personal-oriented educational technologies. In the learning process of constructive interaction between the teacher and the student are implemented in the search, problem and discussion of educational technologies. No coincidence they are classified as dialog technology, technology cooperation and the search for meanings. The dialogue defines the context of co-curricular activities, which develop its subjects. Dialogical interaction as learning activities in the process of studying the Humanities is not only connected with the recognition of new, but with the advent of a new life and cultural space of the learner. Teaching profession is both transformative and management. And in order to manage the process of personal development, you need to be competent. The concept of professional competence of the teacher, therefore, expresses the unity of its theoretical and practical readiness in a holistic personality structure and characterizes his professionalism (A. I. Mishchenko).

The content of professional competence of the teacher profession is determined by the job description. It is a normative model of competence of a future teacher, displaying the EBP of professional knowledge, abilities and skills. Roughly defining professional competence from other personal entities, we mean that the assimilation of knowledge (accumulation Fund information) is not an end in itself but a necessary condition for the development of "knowledge in action", i.e. abilities and skills - the main criterion of professional training.
The problem of increase of level of professional competence of future teachers able to freely and actively think, to model the educational process, to generate and implement new ideas and technologies of training and education is very important in modern socio-economic conditions. Firstly, professionally competent teacher has a positive influence on the formation of creative students in the process of educational work; secondly, will be able to achieve better results in their professional activities; thirdly, it contributes to the realization of their own professional capabilities.
In pedagogical literature are often used and already settled the terms "competence", "competence". Their widespread use is justified, especially in view of the need of modernization of educational content. For example, in the strategy of modernization of the content of General education read: "...the main results of activity of educational institution should be not a system of knowledge, abilities and skills by itself. We are talking about the set of key competences of students in intellectual, legal, information and other spheres". And yet, up to the present time in the European academic community there is no single clear and unambiguous definition of "competence" in terms of its use to describe a desirable image (professionally-qualified models) graduates of a certain level of education 

Translated from the Latin "competentia" means the range of issues in which a person is knowledgeable, has the knowledge and experience, therefore, competent in a certain area the person has the appropriate knowledge and abilities, allowing it justified to judge this area and to act effectively in it. At the same time of professional competence referred to as individual psychological education, including experience, knowledge, psychological readiness.
In psychological and pedagogical literature the term "competence" is associated with a particular activity and means, according to the I. Ozhegov dictionary, "knowledge, credibility in some area" and "competence" has the following meanings: "terms of reference, the rights of any person, body, range of issues, of Affairs in anyone's doing".
They are complementary and interdependent concepts: competent person, not having jurisdiction (competence) cannot be fully and socially significant aspects of its realization.
This understanding is found in the definition of A. S. Belkin, describing competence as a combination of what a person has, and competence - as the totality of what he owns.
If we talk about the professional competence of teachers, the content of this concept put personal ability of caregiver, teacher, allowing him to independently and effectively solve pedagogical problems. Necessary for solving various pedagogical tasks assumes knowledge of pedagogical theory, the ability and willingness to apply its provisions in practice. You can also say that the professional competence of a teacher is the maturity in his work of the various parties pedagogical activity and pedagogical communication, self realized teacher's personality at the level providing sustainable positive results in the education and development of students.
The formation of the modern competence of the future specialist is through the content of education, which includes not only the list of subjects and professional skills, which are formed in the process of mastering the subject, as well as on the means to the active position of the student in social, political and cultural life. All this together forms and develops the personality of a future teacher so that she had ways of self-development and self-improvement that would ensure the effective functioning of the teacher as the subject of a professional in the system "man-man".
Preparation of a competent specialist of the relevant requirements of today, endowed with qualities, knowledge and skills necessary to be specifically capable and viable, is impossible without building on the scientific basis of the corresponding system of learning.There are different approaches to determining the competence of a specialist. So, for example, N. F. Talyzina, believes that it needs to meet three constituent parts: quality, knowledge, skills.
These include:
-quality: expressing attitudes towards work, diligence, attention, creativity;
Characterizing the General style of behavior and activity: performance, autonomy, loyalty, authority, activity and energy;

Mental abilities: flexibility, insight, foresight;
Administrative and organizational skills: the ability to create a working atmosphere, ability to manage people, to stand up for the team, to understand people, to convince them;
Characterizing relationships to people: honesty, politeness;
Characterizing the attitude: rigour, humility, confidence, self-improvement.
-knowledge: professional in their field, a common culture, awareness of professional activity;
-skills: to solve the tasks; work with literature, to teach, to work, to plan activities.
This list may grow or shrink depending on the activity.
The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 identified the main purpose of professional education is to prepare skilled worker of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, fluent in their profession oriented and related fields of activity, able to professional growth, social and professional mobility, meet the needs of the person in receipt of an appropriate education.
It is necessary to form axiological components of competence of a future teacher.
The main conditions of development of professional competence of students is:
1.Organizational management (curriculum, semester schedules, scheduling, development of criteria to determine the level of competence, material and technical equipment of the educational process).

2.Educational (the selection of the content of lessons, the integration of the various courses, the selection of the leading ideas).
3.Process (assessment, organization of active forms of learning, determine the groups of skills included in the competence, the use of innovative technologies).
4.Psycho-pedagogical (implementation of diagnostics development of students, the system of stimulation of learning motivation, the definition of criteria of competence, reflexive evaluation stage of each lesson, enabling students to self-government).
The creation of an information environment to obtain a holistic view of the state of formation of the system of professional competence, about qualitative and quantitative changes in it can serve pedagogical monitoring.
Pedagogical monitoring is a unifying sociological, psychological and managerial monitoring in order to obtain a holistic view of a student's personality. Such an integrated approach to the study of the individual student, learning situations, etc. is aimed primarily at understanding the real learning opportunities: the degree of training, learning, cognitive and personal interests, learning motives, as well as to establish a didactic reasons for the poor academic performance, satisfaction of students and teachers of the educational process, the emotional state of students, characters relationships.

Information about the authors: Author: Abdulaeva Patimat Zulkiplievna, Dagestan State Medical Academy, candidate of education science, professor of the Department of the Liberal Arts. Address: 367029 Makhachkala, Engelsa 47 «В» / 1.  Telephone: 8(903) 423-43-13.

e-mail: patimat1959@mail.ru;

Coauthors:  1.Osmanova Asiyat Abdulbasirovna, Dagestan State Medical Academy, professor of the Department of the Liberal Arts.

 2. Abdulaeva Khadizhat Suleymanovna,  postgraduate at Dagestan State Medical Academy .

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Bibliographic reference

Abdulaeva P.Z., Osmanova A.A., Abdulaeva Kh.S. THE FORMATION OF VALUE-SEMANTIC COMPONENTS OF THE COMPETENCE OF A FUTURE TEACHER IN THE PROFESSIONAL DEYATELNOSTI. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24800 (22.02.2025).