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Pedagogical support for security and counter-terrorism in preschools special attention should be paid to the training of teachers at the university. Students in high school have to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure the life safety of small children in preschools. They should be competent and willing to take adequate measures in emergencies: natural (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, cold), socio-biological (diseases, epidemics), man-made (emergency or disaster-related technology), social (criminal, family , domestic, religious, etc.).
Department of Pre-school education is the winner of the Grant AVTSP on "Pedagogical security and counter-terrorism in preschool educational institutions" (deadlines research: beginning 01/01/2012 end 31/12/2014). The goal of our research is to determine the theoretical and methodological bases of the problem, develop a holistic concept and system of work in teacher security, counter-terrorism in the mental terrorism and in extreme situations in preschool institutions.
At present, the research department is actively searching for interactive teaching technologies that form in children is not only a basic presentation skills for life safety, but also valuable attitude to safe living in the North. The technology developed in working with children provides heuristic, the problem method, a variety of forms of joint activities with them.
For the training of professionals and educators in preschool education, we have developed an innovative educational and methodical complex "Teacher ensure life safety and counter-terrorism in preschool educational institutions." The main objective of the course is to develop in future teachers the safety culture of life and to prepare them for preparedness in providing professionally competent defense and protection of children of preschool age in cases of emergencies. In the learning process of students insist on the promotion of a culture of personal, environmental, security, social and legal protection, safety in emergencies. Healthy way of life, knowledge of norms and rules of behavior in extreme or emergency situations, the development of moral and psychological stability is the core professional ethics of a preschool teacher in the name of conservation, saving the lives of young children.
Today, terrorism in all its manifestations has become one of the most dangerous problems that mankind entered the XXI century. In modern society, one of the global threats of Russia today is mental terrorism. Subject to attack this threat is both individual and mass consciousness, the protection of which requires the company timely and deliberate consolidation not only of intellectual effort and timely large-scale events to protect the inner spiritual world of every citizen and the whole Russian society as a whole. Particularly vulnerable to these children without stable outlook and perceived moral principles.
Because the preparation of teachers to ensure a safe environment in the DOO, able to work with children on a highly professional level to create a culture of safe life for ethnic and cultural traditions is one of the most important tasks of the university.
In a study of A.I. Sadretdinova emphasized that today the children and their teachers are the "one-fifth of the population, ac considering their families - more than half the country's population. This is what the place and the role of the security of educational institutions in the national security of Russia "[1, p.3]. Because each teacher in an emergency should be prepared to take urgent and adequate measures to save the lives of children.
Safety features of life in the North due to the climatic and ethnic and cultural peculiarities of the land. Harsh climatic conditions require sustainable production in children life skills. Formation of human security, which has the best climate for the health, stamina, dexterity and stress psyche, is the key challenge for educational institutions. In this regard, the experience of the people on the safety of life, to develop a set of preventive measures in conditions of extreme continental climate, of course, require substantial research and scientific and methodological grounds.
For the safety of human life must be aware of the value and meaning of their existence. Absolutely true statement N.D. Nikandrova that "... they find themselves in an emergency situation, people often survive if moved by high ideals, sees the meaning of life" [2, p.44]. In this regard, the traditional culture of life and human survival, accumulated over centuries people in the harsh conditions of the North is an invaluable source.
The main idea of the essence of traditional culture and education of the Sakha people is the formation of building up a person. Awareness, support harmony macro-and microcosm, the understanding of basic values and meanings of life, man's rise to the "spiritual-I" are the main goals of education of the perfect man. The philosophical doctrine of the Sakha (scientists Aiyy) highlights the multidimensional and value the essence of man, its great potential to understand the world and support harmony in reality.
Professor of Chuvashia T.N. Petrova said that "in the current conditions of reforming the system of education in Russia, the revival and implementation, and the national-ethnic potential, especially important to immersion in historical research and teaching of national spiritual culture, is of fundamental substantive basis for the formation of young generation" [3, c.3]. A.B. Pankin comes from the fact that for thousands of years to form original ethno-cultural space, in which the means, methods, and technology education of children have not lost their significance today. Professor argues that culture has always serves the needs of the individual, and above all its three basic needs: basic (need for food, meet the physical needs), derivatives (in the division of labor, protection, social control), integrity (the psychological needs of security, social harmony, life purpose, etc.) [4, p.50].
Each historical period in its essence fills safe living human society. Especially vital is the adoption of measures to ensure safe living teacher in educational institutions: the justification of the theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem, the development of its conceptual framework, the creation of an integrated system of security and counter-terrorism, etc.
However, analysis of scientific papers on the issues of security and fighting terrorism in educational institutions shows that in teaching science has not yet developed an integrated scientific concept and developed a system of work safety conditions in preschool institutions.
We believe that the pedagogical life safety of children in pre-school educational institutions must take into account the climatic features of the North, worked out over centuries and accumulated ethnic and cultural heritage of indigenous peoples, their value for nature, harmonization of reality. In this respect, the expected result is forecasted as education and personal development of preschool children take responsibility for secure livelihoods and acquire basic skills to predict the risk and its consequences, the skills to properly evaluate their ability to make informed decisions of safe behavior in extreme situations.
Noting the importance of ensuring security in the mental terrorism, anti-terrorist protection of children in preschool institutions, emphasize that there is a need to address the legal, organizational, scientific and methodological bases of the problem.
2. Nikandrov N.D. Russia: socialization and education at the turn of the millennium. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000. - 303 p.
3. Baisheva M.I. , Grigorieva A.A. Etnopedagogicheskie views of the Sakha people: on a material Olonkho. - Novosibirsk: Nauka. - 2008. - 167 p.
4. AB Pankin Formation of ethnic and cultural identity: studies. allowance. - M.: Publishing MPSI, Voronezh: Publisher NGO "MODEK", 2006. - 280 p.
Baisheva M. TEACHER SECURITY AND COUNTER-TERRORISM IN DOО AS THE DIRECTION OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEPARTMEN. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24827 (22.02.2025).