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The global changes in information, communication, professional and other spheres of a modern society demand updating substantial, methodical, technological aspects of formation, revision of former valuable priorities, purposes and pedagogical means.
The technology of class-fixed system throughout centuries appeared the most effective for mass transfer of knowledge, abilities, skills to students. The present changes in public life demands development of new ways of education, the pedagogical technologies dealing with individual development of the person, creative initiatives, skills of idividual movement in information fields, formation of the universal abilities of students to put and solve a problem for decision problems arising in life, in professional activity, self-determination in an everyday life. The accent is transferred on education of originally free person, formation at children of ability independently to think, extract and apply knowledge, carefully to consider made decisions and accurately to plan actions, effectively to co-operate in various on structure and a profile groups, to be opened for new contacts and cultural communications. It demands wide inculcation in educational process of alternative forms and ways of conducting educational activity.
In transition from a postindustrial society to the information there is a change of a paradigm of formation. In an information society in a role of leading requirements at an estimation of level of preparation of graduates act key competence. Competence is understood as the general ability and readiness of the person for the activity based on knowledge and experience which are got thanks to training. The competence approach to formation is guided by independent participation of the person in educational informative process.
Key competence concerns to the general (metasubject) maintenance of formation. In the three-level hierarchy offered by A.V.Hutorsky, key competences are on the first place. Further general subject the competences (concern a certain circle of subjects and educational areas) and subject (private in relation to two previous levels of the competence, having the concrete description and possibility of formation within the limits of subjects).
It necessary to choose such technology of education that students the most part of time work individually, learn to planning, organizing, self-checking and an estimation of the actions and activity for formation competence. Offered the interactive methods as homeward from variety of modern methods of education. The given methods as no others, promotes formation practically all key competence at students. Domination of interactive methods in educaction does not mean a complete elimination of others, it assumes only their prevalence.
The word “interactive” is formed from a word “interact” (English) where “inter” - mutual, “act” - to operate. "Interactivity" means ability to co-operate or be in a dialogue mode. Hence, interactive training is, first of all, dialogue training. Dialogue is possible and at traditional methods of training, but only on lines “the teacher - the student” or “the teacher - group of students (audience)”. At interactive education dialogue is under construction also on lines “the student - the student” (work in teams), “the student - group of students” (work in groups), “the student - audience” or “group of students - audience” (work presentation in groups), “the student - the computer” etc[1].
Interactive education is a special form of the organisation of informative activity when educational process proceeds in such a manner that almost all students appear involved in knowledge process, they have possibility to understand and reflect on concerning that they know and think. Joint activity of students in the course of knowledge, teaching material development means that everyone brings the individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways of activity. It occurs in an atmosphere that students allows not only to receive new knowledge, but also to develop the communicative abilities: ability to listen to opinion of others to weigh and estimate the various points of view, to participate in discussion, to develop the joint decision. Educational possibilities of interactive forms of work are considerable also. They promote an establishment of emotional contacts between students, accustom to work in a command, remove nervous loading of pupils, helping to test feeling of safety, mutual understanding and own success.
Interactive education is the education that immersed in communication, it keeps an ultimate goal and the basic maintenance of a subject, but alters forms and receptions of conducting a lesson.
The interactive method of teaching solves simultaneously three primary goals:
· The informative;
· Communicative and developing;
· Socially and orientation
Also allows:
· To realise the subject approach in the organisation of educational activity;
· To form an active, informative and cogitative activity of students;
· To strengthen the motivation to subject studying;
· To create favorable atmosphere at a lesson;
· To exclude monologic prepresent a teaching material and duplication of the information which can be received from accessible sources;
· Spontaneously to remember special terms and data;
· To fulfil in various forms communicative the competence of students.
What allows to reach activization of informative activity of students at interactive teaching? Certainly, scientifical and methodical bases which based on interactive. It:
· Training through experience and cooperation;
· The account of distinctions in styles of knowledge;
· Search and research methods;
· Game methods.
Interactive training demands use of special forms of the organisation of informative activity and puts quite concrete and predicted purposes, for example, creation of comfortable conditions of training and an inclusiveness of students in educational interaction that does productive process of teaching.
In comparison with traditional teaching and interactive teaching changes interactions of teachers and students: activity of the teacher gives way to activity of students, and creation of conditions for the initiative becomes a problem of the teacher.
Structure of an interactive lesson
Lesson stage |
Time % |
The methodical purpose |
Approximately techniques |
Stage 1 Motivation |
5 % |
To concentrate attention and to cause interest to studying of the given theme |
Stage 2 Announcement of a theme and problems
5% |
To provide understanding students of their activity that they should reach in a result of a lesson |
Through an epigraph, a word, the name |
Stage 3 Reception of the necessary information |
5% |
Instruction of students for task performance |
Stage 4 Interactive task
60% |
Practical mastering of a material |
Stage 5 Summarizing |
25% |
Discussion for the purpose of material fastening |
Time distribution in the given scheme can be considered conditional, at own discretion and depending on features of a lesson it is possible to prolong or shorten those or other stages of a lesson, however it is desirable, that all listed qualitative stages of a lesson remained.
Interactive forms and receptions can be applied at all stages of the lesson, many of them are universal, well approach for material studying in many subjects. Application of interactive modes of study allows students to acquire knowledge which are not reached at traditional methods of teaching, they make the choice, show the initiative. Interactive technologies create comfortable conditions of training for each student feels the progress and intellectual possibility, as productive process of teaching. Almost all students are involved in knowledge process.
Byimursava B.M. Essence of interactive education. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24828 (22.02.2025).