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Executive Editor:Publishing house "Academy of Natural History"
Editorial Board:
Asgarov S. (Azerbaijan), Alakbarov M. (Azerbaijan), Aliev Z. (Azerbaijan), Babayev N. (Uzbekistan), Chiladze G. (Georgia), Datskovsky I. (Israel), Garbuz I. (Moldova), Gleizer S. (Germany), Ershina A. (Kazakhstan), Kobzev D. (Switzerland), Kohl O. (Germany), Ktshanyan M. (Armenia), Lande D. (Ukraine), Ledvanov M. (Russia), Makats V. (Ukraine), Miletic L. (Serbia), Moskovkin V. (Ukraine), Murzagaliyeva A. (Kazakhstan), Novikov A. (Ukraine), Rahimov R. (Uzbekistan), Romanchuk A. (Ukraine), Shamshiev B. (Kyrgyzstan), Usheva M. (Bulgaria), Vasileva M. (Bulgar).
In connection with the transition from traditional education to innovative education, which implements the general principle of the development of students, there is a need to apply new forms and methods of training using modern technology.
The priority objective of education in the modern school is the development of personality, ready for proper interaction with the environment. It creates positive motivation for self-education and self-development.
To develop the creative abilities of each child, which include individual characteristics, the qualities of a person which determine the success of the implementation of their creative work of various kinds, it is necessary to use new educational teaching and information technology, thus involving every student in active learning process.
The main directions in the formation of children's creative abilities are the development of creative imagination; the development of thinking qualities, forming creativity. Finding non-standard ways to solve creative problems can be successfully implemented through the project activity, which involves, according to some scholars, indirect excitation of the will of the child to self-organization of the conscious interaction with the environment [3, p. 211].
Integrated projects, which can be carried out in the classroom and during extracurricular activities, play an important role in the development of pupils’ creative abilities. Such projects are unconventional and they are of particular interest among both bright and weak students. Therefore they create a positive motivation to self- education [2, p. 3].
Some examples of integrated projects, which are carried out under the supervision of the teachers of primary school , technology, fine arts, biology, knowledge of the world, history, the Russian language and literature, mathematics are presented in Table 1.
Table 1
The Bank of Ideas for projects
№ |
The topic of the project |
Forms of presentation |
1 |
Production of hosiery puppets, glove puppets and scenery for the puppet theater |
staging of poems, fables, fairy tales, (grades 1-6)
2 |
The history of the hand-made book |
The display of the book at literature and knowledge of the world lessons (4- 6 classes) |
3 |
Decorate the house. Lush puffs for pillows and blankets. |
The display of products at lessons of handicraft and at a school show. |
4 |
Magic Paper. 3D-modeling (animals, vehicles, buildings, etc.) |
The display of products in the classes of learning about the world, the exhibition (grades 1-4) |
5 |
5 Paper miracles. Quilling. |
Exhibition of paintings |
6 |
Japanese Kusudama and / or kirigami. |
Exhibition of products, display at the lessons of the fine arts and technology (grades 3-8) |
7 |
Denim alteration. |
Fair of products (grades 1-11) |
8 |
Hand-made Christmas tree (various techniques) |
Exhibition of products (grades 1-11) |
9 |
Edible wild plants |
Oral presentation at the lessons of knowledge of the world and biology |
10 |
Plasticine alphabet (wood, grain (salt dough), straw, etc.) |
Exhibition of plasticine book (Pre-school, grades 1-2) |
11 |
Unusual use of marine rocks (drawing on the rocks) |
Exhibition of products (grades 1-11) |
12 |
Smart Toys |
The presentation of products, the creation of educational games for preschoolers. |
13 |
Paper Theatre. Papier-mache |
The production of theatrical props, theatrical performances (grades 4-8) |
14 |
The houses in the world. My dream house. |
The exhibition of products (grades 1-11), a report in an extra-curricular class |
15 |
The masters of carpet making (patchwork, quilting, weaving, knitting, etc.) |
The exhibition of products (3-11 grades) |
16 |
Match fantasy. Unusual use of matches. |
Exhibition of products (grades 1-11)
17 |
His Majesty Square |
Presentation in extra-curricular classes, the exhibition (grades 3-8) |
18 |
Landscaping design |
Presentation of school site (4-11 grades)
19 |
Decorative and applied products in the interior. Set design for my room [1, p. 60]. |
Presentation of items (8-11 grades)
20 |
Pedestrian safety when crossing the road (social project) [1, p. 81]. |
Production and presentation of booklets, theatrical performances, etc. (grades 1-11) |
21 |
Bus stop |
Refining urban bus stops (4-11 grades) |
Shchyurkova N.E., Mukhin M.I., Zhelannova A.V. define three psychological mechanisms that serve as the foundation of the project and determine the degree of efficiency of its implementation:
- Encourage a child to see a certain representation (image) of the final desired result;
- Create a state of readiness to make efforts to implement the project;
- Form a conscious systematic desire to fulfill the plans meaningful for themselves, loved ones and people in general [3, p. 218].
Children's age has abundant opportunities for the development of creative abilities. Unfortunately, these opportunities become irretrievably lost over time, so you need to use them as efficiently as possible in a period of study at school.
2. Technology. Grades 5-11. Project activity in the classroom: planning, abstract classes, creative projects, workbook for students / avt.- status. N.A. Ponomareva. - Ed. 2nd. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. - 107 p.
3. Shchyurkova N.E., Mukhin M.I., Zhelannova A.V. New education in the new school / Under total. Ed. Shchyurkova N.E.. - M .: ARKTI, 2012. - 264 p.
Glazyrina N.L. PROJECT WORK AS A FORM OF DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ CREATIVE ABILITIES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24829 (22.02.2025).