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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Stukalenko N.M.

In the Message of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan the primary task lies in raising the level of education as the most important factor in the development of the nation [1].  For this purpose Kazakhstan decided to accede to the demands of the Bologna Declaration and integration into the world educational space. These requirements reflect the following key positions for higher school: the creation of clear and comparable degrees, a system of training "bachelor-master-doctor PhD» and training on the type of the European system of credit transfers. As part of these tasks, in the national education system adequate actions are aimed at conceptual reassessment of the role of higher education and science, the reorganization of the educational and professional programs, the development of mechanisms to assess and validate the quality of new educational services, material and technical modernization of higher education institutions, increasing the responsibility to the public due to the changes in the labor market, which requires a new level of innovation in higher education. In this regard, it should change significantly the training of teaching staff themselves: the vector of innovation and pedagogical orientation must be multiplied many times. The Bologna Declaration became a stimulant of higher education reforms and modernization of the educational space in general. The Bologna process is the process of convergence and harmonization of the education systems of the Bologna Agreement, in order to create a unified educational space, which is a constructive dialogue between the higher education systems of various countries aimed  at creating a unified area of professional education. The purpose of Kazakhstan   participation in the Bologna process is to increase access to European education, further improving of the quality and increasing the mobility of students and teaching staff through the adoption of a comparable system of higher education stages, the use of credits, granting graduates of Kazakhstan universities with common European Diploma Supplement. Joining the Bologna Declaration gains the particular importance because of the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev "New Decade - New Economic Growth - New Opportunities for Kazakhstan". Because it reveals a specific task: "The quality of higher education must meet the highest international standards. The universities of the country should aim at entering the ratings of the leading universities in the world».

Under the conditions of the modernization of education and innovation strategy and integral pedagogical process, increases the role of the modern teacher as a direct provider of innovation processes. With all the variety of teaching technologies: didactic, computer, problem, modular and others – the realization of leading pedagogical functions is up to the teacher. This requires a special teacher training, because their professional work realizes not only in special, subject knowledge, but also in the latest knowledge in the field of education and psychology, technology training and education. The readiness to accept and realize pedagogical innovations is formed on this basis [2, 3].

In understanding the nature of innovative processes in education lies two most important problems: 1) the problem of study, generalization and spreading of the best teaching experience; 2) the problem of introducing the achievements of pedagogical science into practice. The formation of the innovative direction of modern teachers` pedagogical activity, the content and mechanisms of its development, is to combine these two issues, because the process of learning and generalization of pedagogical experience has the ultimate aim of introducing all new, best practice into mass. All this emphasizes the importance of management activities on the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations. Besides this, the need for innovative orientation of pedagogical activity in modern conditions of the development of society, culture and education is determined by several factors: first, the ongoing social and economic changes caused the necessity of a radical renewal of the education system, methodologies and technologies of educational process in educational institutions of different types, and innovative activity of teachers itself, includes the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations, is a means of renovation of educational policy; second, strengthening of the humanization and humanization of educational content, a continuous change in the volume, composition educational disciplines, the introduction of new subjects require a constant search for new organizational forms, teaching technologies, and in this situation the role and authority of pedagogical science in the educational environment significantly increases; third, there is a change in the attitude of teachers to the fact of the development and use of pedagogical innovations; after all, if earlier under strict regulation of the content of the educational process a teacher was limited not only in the self-selection of new programs, textbooks, but also in the use of new techniques and methods of pedagogical  and innovation activity was limited to the use of the innovations that were recommended by the present standards, now it acquiring a more selective research character. That is why an important direction in the education system, especially the governing bodies becomes the analysis and evaluation of the innovation introduced by teachers, the creation of conditions for their successful development and use.

The modern education system has accumulated rich experience, which should be realized in a specific pedagogical activity. Experience shows that teacher training does not end within the walls of the educational institution, it continues during the period of professional activity. Continuous professional education of a teacher is a necessary requirement in the development of his creative abilities, an integrative element of his life and constant development of the individual educational experience. The growth of professional skills and pedagogical culture of the teacher is more intense if he occupies the position of an active participant of activity, if practical individual experience is interpreted and connected with the social and professional experience, if individual creative and professional search of the teaching staff is supported and encouraged.

An innovative approach to teaching - is an attempt to overcome formalism, authoritarian style of communication, to pay attention to the individuality of a student, the search of conditions for discovering his creative potential. Innovative teaching is a new type of training. It is based on activation of the emotional sphere of students, enables all learners in the learning process at the highest level of their success and raise of training activities to the creative level. Innovative training changes the character of pedagogical and cognitive activity of a student, as the objectives of the educational process are modified and a student becomes an active participant of the educational activity. Innovative training is the training, which combines all new, progressive, is of a great value to all the participants of the educational process. This new level of training is a kind of step to the learner-centered training in which not only the problem, the traditional, non-traditional, that are best reflected, and in the course of which new methods, techniques, technology became widespread. Innovative training represents a new level of professional skills of the teacher who knows teaching methods, who can introduce all the best into the educational process, who works creatively and is actively engaged in self-education.

In innovative training the teacher further exercise any innovation: introduces the new content, new teaching methods of education, conducts experimental research on the basis of pre-developed concept

etc. Therefore, when analyzing the innovative training, indicators and criteria of its innovative orientation are used in addition. First of all, the productivity indicators are: the degree of originality, novelty of technique (technology) of teaching, flexible combination of traditional and innovative forms, methods of teaching, the training content, the degree of use of pedagogical diagnostics that enables to identify the efficiency of pedagogical innovation, technology, opportunities for the other teachers to use this educational innovation. The realization of innovation functions is performed owing to the presence of professionally significant abilities of using innovative technologies, and social qualities of teachers are as follows: knowledge of the achievements of world culture, social activities, humanism, and focus on new technologies, nontraditional problem solving, effective use of information, high potential areas of activity and professional erudition. Participation of teachers in innovative activities based on the harmonious combination of methods, techniques, innovative approach to training and education, the use of educational technology in the educational process in schools requires a high level of appropriate knowledge, skills and desire to continuous learning.

Thus, the integration of science and education is a necessary condition of innovative development of Kazakhstan. The dynamic changes in the modern world economy and culture require a serious modernization of education, introduction of innovative technologies, the transformation of education into a flexible self-developing system that adequately respond to challenges of the epoch and changing demands of society. Education should be the driving force that is able to improve significantly the quality of life of our society.

1. Nazarbayev N.A. The Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan.–Аstana, 2010. – p. 24

2. The concept of continuous pedagogical education of the teacher of new formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Astana, 2005.

3. The concept of Higher Pedagogical Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Astana, 2005.

Bibliographic reference

Stukalenko N.M. ABOUT INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN THE BOLOGNA PROCESS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24834 (22.02.2025).