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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Pavlov B.S.

The process of formation of market relations in Russia has affected practically all spheres of life of Russians (including - Uralians). Special sphere of life support - health, combines the interests of the individual, social group (primarily - family) and society in general. The transition to a market relations is largely changed the value orientations of the population with respect to the protection and rehabilitation of a healthy lifestyle. Under the conditions the so-called socialist society, people's health, the health of the nation was considered (at least in ideology) of the public domain, which might (and should) be sacrificed to the public interest, the interests of the state. Under the conditions of transition to market formed related to health, mainly as private property of the individual (family), with which the owner himself can do "as he pleases".

Health in an integrated form reflects the qualitative aspect of the character of involvement of the person in the natural and social sphere and is an important natural prerequisite of the total activity. Health and social in nature, and in the form of determination of various spheres of life. Complicated anthropogenic changes of the environmental situation, the ongoing armed man the latest tools and impact on nature and itself, the lack of adequate social base healthcare movement purposefully creating conditions adequate humanistic lifestyle, require a deep ideological reorientation of society and, above all, the younger generation in health as the most important social value [Pavlov, 2014].

Ontogenetic development of the young person should be regarded as an integral component of the organic and physical, mental and reproductive health. Evidence of relationship with the labor health, defense and reproductive potential (both the individual and society as a whole) does not require comment. However, the state of health has a direct impact on the intelligence and moral condition, and on the socio-political behavior.

Setting goals and tasks of education and self-preserving viable generation - a problem that requires close attention not only parents, but also experts in the field of social psychology, sociology of youth, environmental and economic demographics. Necessary to create social and educational technology demographic policy, which would be able to form a viable and vitality generation of Russians [Pavlov, 2008].

Empirical basis for the analysis of the stated problems were the results of two polls conducted by us in 2008 and 2013. at the Institute of Economics of UB RAS in various cities and towns of the RF subjects included in the Urals Federal District, in particular:

- 2008 - in 7 cities and 14 rural settlements in Perm, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions surveyed by author profiles five categories of respondents: a) students of secondary and high school students in urban schools - 900 people; b) Students at middle and senior classes in rural schools - 540 people.; c) parents of students in urban schools - 770 people.; g) as experts - specialists authorities, coaches, teachers of physical culture - 220 people. - "Ural-1".

- 2013 - by quota and representative samples and were interviewed a) 300 adolescents a number of city schools closed administrative-territorial formation "Forest" (Sverdlovsk region) and b) 510 adolescents - Ekaterinburg. The main objective of the study - an analysis of processes of socialization of school youth in parental families, their health saving behavior, the formation of social values, attitudes and plans - "Ural-2."

Let us discuss some aspects of the stated problem. Our young respondents in the Ural cities and villages ("Ural-1" and "Ural - 2") asked: "Here are some of the values of life, which might seek adult. Choose five "most-" important to you "- we have received the following answers - (Table 1).

Table 1

The most preferred values of life, which,

according to young urbanites and villagers can seek to young man

(% Of total number of respondents in each group, in 2008 -

survey of 900 urban and 570 rural adolescents: in 2013 -

survey 510 adolescents Ekaterinburg and 300 teenagers - CATF "Forest"):

Values of life,

to be pursued

Groups of pupils







Good family and children





Good parents










Good companions, loyal friends





Favorite work, a successful business career





Opportunity to study at university





Opportunity to earn money himself





Material well-being, economic






Good living conditions





Knowing that benefit people





Informative, interesting leisure





Honesty, conscientiousness, good name





Sense of security from violence, theft





Belief in God






First of all, cannot surprise virtually identical in the distribution of responses in young townspeople and villagers in the survey in 2008 Difference in various positions within the statistical error. Such similarity in value orientations we associate, primarily, to the impact on young people in a single town and village information and ideological field created Internet TV, radio and other media. The five-year lag between the last two surveys (2008-2013) practically did not change the structure of value orientations of students in material wealth, but raised several claims and expectations of young urbanites in the spiritual sphere (“friends”, “leisure”, “good people”, “good name”) [Pavlov, 2013].

Lifestyle - one of the most important bio-social categories, integrating concepts of a certain kind (type) of human life. "Healthy Lifestyle" (HLS) - the category the more general concept "lifestyle", which includes assessment of the conditions of human life, the level of its culture and hygiene practices that preserve and promote health, to prevent the development of its violations and maintain optimal quality of life.

Poll "Ural-1" showed that the overwhelming majority of respondents from different social groups (97-99%) are aware of and release these or other factors of conduct consistent with a healthy lifestyle. Among the most significant determinants of healthy lifestyles, scored 60-80% of the vote respondntami included: "Refusal of bad habits (alcohol, smoking, overeating" (80-85%), "Regular exercise, physical exercise" (43-63%) "Proper nutrition» (52-74%) [Pavlov, 2010]. Health and health as goal-saving activities are often not matched in the daily life of the individual. It is important to take into account the cognitive health crushing its many components: physical, physical, mental, spiritual, moral, social. Motivational point of motor activity for the formation of physical culture in general is, for example, increase the visual attractiveness, confidence, support the activity of the society.

Our young respondents in the two cities of the Urals ("Ural-2") asked: "What are you doing now regularly for their health and physical development? Number of responses is not limited." The obtained answers are given in Table. 2.

Table 2

Types and forms of participation of young Uralians

in sports and recreational activities

(% Of total number of respondents for each of the four groups of adolescents;

in the "5-6 cl." - students in the numerator of Ekaterinburg,

denominator - of Forest; in the "10-11 cl." - similar)

Types of sports and recreational



5-6 cl.

10-11 cl.

Himself, individually doing:

- In the sports section

21 / 54

19 / 34

-Doing physical exercises

13 / 24

20 / 31

- Go skiing

17 / 56

18 / 37

- I skate

27 / 60

26 / 43

-Ride on a motorcycle, bicycle

22 / 46

20 / 25

- run

14 / 33

12 / 27


9 / 24

9 / 11

-Weights, dumbbells

6 / 12

12 / 21


6 / 12

8 / 5

-Go to the gym

6 / 11

16 / 27

-Play chess

9 / 9

6 / 12

Participate in school competitions

10 / 35

13 / 26

I go hiking in

7 / 29

8 / 20

Currently sports do not, unfortunately, there is no time and conditions

5 / 2

11 / 5


Figures given in the table, give competent and rich food for thought to the interested reader and relevant conclusions. First, they allow us to estimate (at least approximately) quantitative and qualitative indicators of development of sports activities in different socio-demographic groups of children and adolescents, the ratio of traditional, the spontaneous (in the family, in the yard, in the company of their peers) and socially organized (school, city cultural institutions and sports) forms of employment of the population the physical culture and sports.

Domination parental family in formation value orientations in general and particularly in the field of familiarizing young people in physical education is obvious. "What activities listed below you regularly worked with parents as a child?" - Answers to this question teenagers from Ekaterinburg (Ural-2) were distributed as follows (% of total number of respondents - 510 people).

a) activities outside the city


- Went to the lake to rest on the sea

- 72

- Went to the lake, sea hunt, fish

- 33

- Harvested in the forest mushrooms and berries

- 63

- Regularly went to the forest, "the nature"

- 44

- Harvested in the forest herbs

- 6

b) classes in


- Regularly played football, hockey

- 24

- Played badminton, volleyball, basketball

- 42

- Doing regular physical exercises

- 15

- Jog

- 15

- Riding a bike, skateboard

- 60

- Riding on a motorcycle, car

- 27

To sum up. Despite the fact that the value of health in normative representations of Russians (both young and adult) increased, it does not become a factor of consciousness, remained at the level of fashion - a real self-preservation behavior does not change much: still a lot of drinkers and smokers who violate sleep, rest and motor activity, not caring about nutrition, etc. Obviously, the formation of health fashion should not replace the creation of a culture of health and physical culture of the person primarily.

1. Pavlov B.S., Bondareva L.N. On the problems of reproduction of the rural population in the Urals // Agrarian bulletin of the Urals in 2013. no 12. pp. 90-94.

2. Pavlov B.S. Reproduction of human capacity in the region: theoretical and methodological aspects of socio-economic analysis (for example, the Urals) / Institute of Economics RAS, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. – Ekaterinburg: Institute of Economics, RAS, 2014. – 575 p.

3. Pavlov B.S. Health and a healthy lifestyle, as they are perceived by the population of the Urals // The region's economy. 2010. no 2. pp. 71-80.

4. Pavlov B.S. Family and self-preservation behavior of young people // The region's economy. 2008. no 12. pp. 109-122.

Bibliographic reference

Pavlov B.S. FAMILY AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH IN THE URALS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24843 (22.02.2025).