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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Philosophical sciences

Moskovchenko A.D.

Systematization of knowledge is a theory of knowledge arrangement into integral structural units. System integration describes the mechanisms for knowledge systematization. The problem is made relevant by: 1) the massive body of knowledge accumulated by the humankind; 2) snowballing growth of knowledge over the last century; 3) intellectual globalization and problems associated with philosophy studies at modern universities.

Lack of system in knowledge information threatens to potentially cause catastrophic disbalance in the functioning of social units, particularly those associated with philosophical development and education.

One can talk about three levels of system integration.

1. Global (human knowledge in general).

2. General scientific (cross-disciplinary scientific knowledge).

3. Specific scientific (knowledge systematization in individual scientific areas).

The specific scientific level has achieved significant success in knowledge systematization (in physics, chemistry, geology, biology and social sciences); the general scientific level has seen some new system integration research over the last decade (synergetics, nanotechnology…); the global level remains poorly researched, with its core being in systematization of philosophical knowledge. The fundamental reason is that there is no up-to-date universal methodology for system integration of knowledge.  

We propose and methodological, multilevel system program for structuring of philosophical knowledge, which enables us to establish a number of principles that tie the philosophical knowledge together [1]. These principles include the dialectic matrices of system integration, which contain the whole spectrum of the philosophical teachings of the past, present and the future.

1. Cultural principles (science and non-science).

2. Geocultural principle (west and east).

3. Ontological principle (natural and artificial).

4. Gnoseological principle (fundamental and technological).

5. Hermeneutical principle (whole and part).

6. Stratagematic principle (tactics and strategy).

7. Anthropological principle (human and non-human).

The concept of autotrophy developed by the Russian space school serves as the conceptual systemic foundation underpinning the whole structure of philosophical knowledge. Based on the concept, we have formulated a systemic network of principles unified by the superintegrative principle of autotrophy, which prescribes the following rules.

1. Systemic autonomy. Intermixture of different systematic levels of philosophical knowledge is not allowed. Each of the seven philosophical matrices is based on its own logic and systematization methods.

2. Systemic optimality achieved through transdisciplinary dialectic matrix connections, leading to immense information-density of philosophical knowledge.

3. Systemic harmony. The system-level differentiation and integration of philosophical knowledge should take into account the transdisciplinary cultural ties and reach out to the metaphysical area.

The ontological (bioautotrophic cosmologic) mechanism of system integration should be complemented by the psychognoseological procedures of the imaginary logic of N. A. Vasiliev [2].

The proposed methodological system integration program will make it possible to reveal the diversity of philosophical schools and branches with focus on fundamental and technological autotrophy.

1. A. D. Moskovchenko. Metodologicheskaya Mnogourovnevaya Sistemnaya Programma Strukturirovaniya Filosovsko-Nauchnogo Znaniya (printsipy, soderzhaniye) // Proceedings of TUSUR University. Tomsk, 2006. # 5. P. 99–103.

2. V. A. Bazhanov. N. A. Vasiliev i Ego Voobrazhaemaya Logika. Voskresheniye Odnoi Zabytoi Idei. M.: Kanon+, 2009. 240 pp.

Bibliographic reference

Moskovchenko A.D. ON SYSTEM INTEGRATION OF PHILOSOPHICAL KNOWLEDGE THROUGH THE CONTEXT OF AUTOTROPHY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24856 (22.02.2025).