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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Ecological sciences

Abdimutalip N.A., Toychibekova G.B.


Presently Kazakhstan conducts the great number of works on renewal of the Aral Sea. An Aral Sea dried out during fifty years, causing for a sea and all region great number of ecological and economic problems. Presently, evaporation of the North Aral Sea sea is diminished. Works are conducted, on his renewal. In October, 2003, the Kazakh government declared about beginning of construction of dike (Weirs of KokAral) for the division of two parts of the Aral Sea. In August, 2005 building of dike was completed, after it a water level rose in the North Aral Sea and his salinity diminished. The considerable increase of sea level was fixed in 2006, even the greater what was expected. Works are conducted, on his renewal. In October 2003, in January 1994, by countries Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan, was signed agreement, on the terms of that 1% of their state budgets distinguished on the decision of sea problems.

Seas so much influence on an environment, on humidity of air, on a temperature, on agriculture etc. Thermal influence of sea spread to 200-300 kilometres, and his influence on humidity of air attained 300-350 kilometres to the south. Before an area, adherent to Aral Sea, tested his favourable influence only. But with withering of sea amplitude of winter and summer temperatures increased on 1,5-2 degrees, air became drier, a frost-free period grew short on 12 days, but also it is enough, negatively to influence on the vegetation period of agricultural cultures, on the productivity and productivity of agriculture [1-2].

A characteristic feature of climate of Near Аral Sea is sharp continentalness. On off-shore territories of the Aral Sea atmospheric fallouts grew short in several times. Their size averages a 150-200 mm with a considerable unevenness on seasons. A high volatibility (to 1700 mm in a year) is marked at reduction of humidity of air on 10%. The temperature of air fell down in winter and in summer rose on 2-3 0С. High temperatures (to +490С) are marked in a summer period (picture 1). The personal touch of climate of Near Аral Sea are high repetition and considerable duration of duststorms. Often in the district of the Aral Sea blow high winds. Most intensive and дительны they on the bank of the west of sea - a more than 50 twenty-four hours. High speed of wind can arrive at 20-25 m/ss [3].



Рicture 1- Last watching the temperature of air (°C)



For Near Аral Sea of steel early ground frosts are characteristic. Now they come in the middle of September, that perniciously influences on ripening of harvest (picture 2). This difficult complex of problems created a sharp social-and-ecological situation in the region of Near Аral Sea, especially in Republic of Karakalpakistan, being in the epicentre of Aral sea crisis. In the last few years in this region there is a sharp height of oncologic diseases, diseases related to metabolism. A tendency takes place to the height of diseases among a population tuberculosis, diseases of thyroid and anaemia, especially among women. The high is remained by morbidity of breathing organs among children to one year.


Аральское море: солевая буря

Рicture 1- The region of Near Аral Sea


But world community is informed not enough of position in the Aral Sea region. Exists not so much really scientific data that explain the indexes of health of population of Near Аral Sea. And already the the few knows more, that an ethnic group above-ground in the epicentre of catastrophe is under threat of change of gene pool.

There are many reasons of Aral sea catastrophe, but as we know main from them this very sharp reduction of river flow. Before many rivers fell at-sea, but now much water is expended on watering, irrigation of earth lying next to the rivers, therefore the sufficient amount of water does not come to the sea-lake.

Water after washing of the fields is thrown down in low-laying areas, where she forms enormous lakes. From them such dirty water leaks in wells and other sources of drinking-water, from where people take water. Hereupon in the district of Aral Sea for the last decades a death rate grew twice (for example, child's death rate grew with 4,47% to 7,15%, and in some districts to 8-9%), every 12th child dies. Maternal death rate in 4,3 time higher, than on the average on countries the CIS, for 90% women are different chronic diseases etc., this list can be continued long. But here such water is not enough in the pool of Aral Sea even, because her consumption in 5-6 times below than norm.

For the last two ten of years the Aral Sea lost 640 cubic meters of water. It strongly influenced on the state of sea, his volume diminished twice, and area - on 1/3, salinity of water attained 27 grammes of salt on a litre (in fact it was once fresh). A sea level fell down more than on 13 meters. 2,6 million hectares grew into the hydrochloric desert that got the name Aralkum already. The milliards of tons of poisonous salts that got here together with water after washing of the fields accumulated in the Aral Sea. From the bottom of sea ten of millions of tons of salt dust, plenty of poisonous substances that then speed away wind on very large distances is accumulated in that, rise constantly. That on the fields in Middle Asia for a fight against illness of cotton plant (by a wilt) poisonous chemicals is used dichlorinediphenilthreechlorineethane (SANTOBANE) is especially dangerous. This connection does not decompose in the wild and it is very dangerous for a man. Poisonous chemicals is similar to it many years accumulated at-sea, now acid rains fall out above this region. Mineralization of fallouts very threatening, so above Tashkent she attained 165 mgs/l already. Very threateningly and that a poisonous dust gets in the atmosphere of earth, that was already noticed in some countries.

Drying out of Aral Sea results in strengthening of wind erosion of surface of dried-up bottom of the Aral Sea and to the general increase of dustiness of air pool of the Central Asiatic region. Part of heaved up an in air dust can arrive at large heights and spread to considerable distances.

Every year there is plenty of duststorms on territory of Kazakhstan. Especially active in that behalf there is territory adherent to Aral Sea. Falling of water level in the Aral Sea and drainage of considerable part of bottom of sea of led to appearance of new powerful sources of duststorms. Therefore, right after beginning of this process large attention was spared his monitoring and prognosis of development. But at the beginning of 90 years of the last century of possibility of it considerably went down in connection with displacing of works on the hydrometeorological monitoring, by reduction of number of weather-stations and them equipments, by sharp reduction of expeditionary works. In some measure to help straightening of situation the space monitoring of duststorms [4].

Renewal of all Aral Sea is impossible. For this purpose it would be required in four times to increase the annual inflow of waters of Amudarya and Syrdarya as compared to the present middle index of 13 cm3. Reduction of irrigation of the fields would become only possible means, on what leaves 92% fence of water. However four from five former soviet republics in the pool of the Aral Sea (except for Kazakhstan) intend to increase the volumes of watering of farmlands - mainly, to feed a growing population. In this situation, passing would help to the less moisture-loving cultures, for example replacement of cotton plant a winter wheat, however two main water consumption countries of region - Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are intend to continue to grow exactly a cotton for a sale abroad. It was possible also considerably to perfect existent irrigatory channels: many of them are usual trenches, through the walls of that leaks and goes away to sand enormous amount of water. Modernisation of all system of irrigation would help annually to save about 12 cm3 waters, however would cost $16 milliard.

Kazakhstan, nevertheless, undertook an attempt even partly to recover north Small Aral Sea. At the beginning of 1990 y. an earthen dike was erected - with that to prevent to the outflow of water southward, where she was vainly lost from evaporation. In spite of the fact that as a result of catastrophic breach in April 1999 a dike was destroyed, the undertaken attempt showed fundamental possibility to heave up a water level and decrease her salinity. Kazakhstan and World bank was distinguished on the decision of this problem $85 million. Much more powerful earthen dike became the staple of new building complete in November 2005 long 13 kilometres, including a concrete weir with a hydrotechnical breech-block for adjusting of admission of water. The large volume of flow of the river Syrdarya by a next winter put beginning to renewal of north Small Aral Sea. As a result for some eight months a water level rose here from 40 a to 42 m higher than level of the World ocean - to the height expected beforehand. The area of water surface increased on 18%, and salinity of water, beginning approximately with a 20 g/l, constantly went down and today attained the level of a 10 g/l. Fishermen again began to catch the representatives of different types of fishes - including so valuable, as a pike perch and sazan.

More recently many experts considered the Aral Sea irretrievably lost. However successes show with renewal of north Small Aral Sea, that the considerable in size areas of this reservoir fully can again become ecologically and economically productive. History of the Aral Sea - not only evident example of ability of modern technological society to ruin the world of nature and people. She demonstrates enormous possibilities of man on business of renewal of environment.

1. V.I.Korobkin, L.V.Peredelsky "Ecology" 4- publishing house "Phoenix", 2003y.

2. "Kazakhstan true" from Octobers, 22 of 2010y. The article is "Return of Aral Sea".

3. http://meteocenter.net/photo/island/

4. Space monitoring of duststorms of Near Аral Sea by means of dustborne index of NDDI О.P. Arhipkin, G.N. Sagatdinova. Institute of space researches, Department of education of Republic of Kazakhstan.

Bibliographic reference

Abdimutalip N.A., Toychibekova G.B. STUDY OF ECOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF DRYING OUT OF THE ARAL SEA. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24859 (22.02.2025).