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Culture and art
Competitive bachelor students possessing high theoretical and practical competence of visual and spatial arts, ready to capture world art in the arts of an individual, predetermine intensive modernisation of higher artistic education.
Viewed as the basis for bachelor students of arts, the artistic competence is defined as an intention to study, analyse, and interpret works of art, cultural phenomena and patterns, to apply to artistic, historic and theoretic background in order to complete professional artistic tasks. The abovementioned is achieved within holistic, fundamental and philosophic interpretation of art and recognition of visual and spatial arts in course of society and individuals development.
We apply to modeling as to the relevant method of research and learning in order to study the development of artistic competence development among bachelor students of arts. Modeling constructs a structural and functional prototype (a model) of objects, phenomena and processes and “represents” them. The model of artistic competence development was formed in compliance with: theories of competences development by V.I. Baidenko, E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, N.V. Kuz’mina and others; issues of competence development among bachelor students of arts by V.N. Bannikova, N.A. Dolgih, S.N. Doroshenko, S.V. Kamka, E.S. Medkova, B.N. Nemenskiy and others.
The model of artistic competence development among bachelor students of arts is a theoretically grounded idea of actual pedagogic process, represented by a system of mutual components: goal-oriented, method-oriented, content-oriented, technology-oriented and diagnostics-oriented.
Present model aims to provide positive dynamics of artistic competence development among bachelor students of arts in higher education. The basic tasks are as following: to integrate motivation, values, cognition, practice, individual psychology and personality of artistic competence; to gain practical professional experience; to reflect and evaluate ones artistic competence.
The method-oriented component comprises a set of individual, competent and cultural approaches implemented in pedagogic principles of: learning personalization, integration of theoretical and practical training and dialogueness.
The content-oriented component of the model includes: emotional and axiological approach to art, critical view to cultural phenomena; knowledge of history, theory, essence and specifics of visual and spatial arts, basic notions, terms and facts of art study; knowledge and skills of analysis, interpretation and study of works of visual and spatial arts; professional artistic background.
The technology-oriented component contains proper methods and forms of artistic competence development. We divide methods in three groups: common didactic (verbal, visual, practical); active (discussions, brain storming, role and business games, the project method); special (comparative-historic, formal, iconological, compositional analysis of works of visual and spatial arts).
There are two forms of the pedagogic process, i.e. students’ curricular and extracurricular work. The first form comprises university lectures (topical, visual, “question-answer”); seminars (“round-table”, conference, interactive seminar); consultations. The second form includes: students’ independent work, excursions, contests, exhibitions, conferences.
The diagnostics-oriented component contains criteria, indexes and levels of artistic competence development that evaluate model’s efficiency.
The present model was proved to be efficient in the course of pedagogic experiment conducted in Kazan federal university. The bachelor students’ artistic competence has been increased.
Mishina A.V., Javgildina Z.M. The modeling of artistic competence development among bachelor students of arts. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24867 (22.02.2025).