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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Teaching science

Levchuk I.P., Kostyuchenko M.V., Nazarov A.P., Morosnikova E.A., Nerushay A.A.

Studies show that in some aspects the standard training of future professionals is insufficient. So, ready to perform their professional duties in everyday life, graduate students are lost and often are not ready to provide assistance in emergency situations. About 30% are not able to provide first aid at the 2.place of accident (to stop external bleeding by improvised available resources, to perform a transport immobilization for fractures and other simple measures to save the lives of the affected), not to mention the medical sort and provision of medical assistance stages of medical evacuation (Levchuk I.P., 2013). The frequency of emergencies is currently steadily growing, while in the last 10 years   the number of anthropogenic disasters increases with a high percentage of the casualty with combined lesions. Thus, in spite of all the existing methods and means of improving the training on discipline "Life safety, disaster medicine" professionals is urgent and most priority.

To improve the quality of training and control of knowledge of students on discipline "Safety, Emergency Medicine" in 2013 at the Department of Disaster Medicine of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University was introduced a score-rating system (SRS) with interactive electronic and remote technologies for independent work of students enrolled and evaluation of training. In the implementation of the SRS was marked a highly motivated students to study at the department, which was manifested in increasing attendance, more active work of students in the classroom with the possibility of obtaining points, students are actively used in preparation for the test control offered by way of a wireless remote access electronic resources and test testing. This has allowed 28.8% of the students receive 90% or more correct answers on the test control, 80-90% of correct answers - 45.2% of students, 70-80% of correct answers 34.5% of the students, and only 8.5% of students  scored less than 70% of correct answers. However, some trends have been identified in a change in the motivation of students for practical training. Assessment of the students with the help of the SRS, usually using test controls, based on the theoretical part of the discipline. The need to set the required number of points for passing standings, leads the development and strengthening of practical skills by the wayside. The introduction of simulation training methods is considerable interest among students during the lessons, but does not provide the necessary motivation to work independently on improving skills. Unfortunately, some students (about 10%) are not motivated to the development of practical skills, which are an integral part of the discipline "Life safety, disaster medicine",  and do not actively participate in practical skills in the process of training on mannequins, in pairs and in groups . But we must remember that emergency assistance in case of accidents and includes a number of limited time in quite a large amount of different activities to provide medical assistance and coordinated teamwork (Blokhin B.M., 2012). Therefore, this inactivity is fraught with students in their subsequent work of a large number of erroneous actions, increasing sanitary losses and various types of complications. To clarify the nature of the necessary impact to increase motivation of students to master the discipline, and select the method of teaching, improving the adaptation of theoretical knowledge appropriate to the work in emergency situations in the department of studies have been conducted psychological condition of the students, their self-assessment of the level of the received theoretical and practical training. It was found that stimulation by viewing photos and video of various origins and emergency medical staff work to increase the overall assessment of the students the relevance of the discipline, as well as to orient their training level is higher than in the group of students with the standard of theoretical and practical training simulation.

Thus, for updating and enhancing knowledge and skills of future physicians in the discipline "Life safety, disaster medicine” need more stress stimulation, not just role-playing games and simulators.

Bibliographic reference

Levchuk I.P., Kostyuchenko M.V., Nazarov A.P., Morosnikova E.A., Nerushay A.A. IMPROVING OF FUTURE DOCTORS TRAINING ON THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE "LIFE SAFETY, DISASTER MEDICINE". International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24872 (22.02.2025).