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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Phisics and Mathematics

Sokurov V.F.
During lines of years cases of full combustion of people without the seen reasons of external influence have been fixed. There are some hypotheses of an explanation of this phenomenon, one of which - influence of space beams on the person.

Researches of a stream of space radiation have shown, that energy of particles reaches 1020 eV. Such particles will freely penetrate through a magnetic field of the Earth down to a sea level.

Let's consider influence of a stream of protons with energy Е = 1020 эВ on an organism of the person.

The quantity of substance gone by a proton at direct hit, it is possible to find from the following reasons.

We admit, that density of substance of an organism:

                        ρ = 103 kg / m3,

 The linear size: 

                         l = 1m,

Then the quantity of substance gone by a proton:

                        t = 100 г/sm2.

Length of run of a proton, concerning strong nuclear interaction [1]:

                       λ = 70 г/sm2,

That is the proton tests about 2 interactions.

Factor Allocation of energy [2]: 

                            K = 0,5,

Therefore the allocated energy from one particle makes: 

                       ∆W = 5*1019 eV.

At passage of a primary space particle to the environment as a result of strong, weak nuclear and electromagnetic interactions as a result of cascade processes the electromagnetic avalanche is generated.

The cascade of secondary particles () develops in the environment under the law [3]:


Where  the dependence determined from the data of measurement with value ρ6оо = (2,0-20,0) sm2 in an interval of antiaircraft corners

 θ = 0 ° - 45 °:


Values ρ6оо in view of run of the absorption known from measurements, find from average function of spatial distribution (ФПР) of the charged particles [4]:



Where rо - moler radius, on the average rо ≈ 70 m; Ns - the average of the charged particles describing ensemble of downpours with given ρ6оо [5].

One proton can create up to 1011 secondary particles [3].

As a result of cascade development of an electromagnetic avalanche in an organism ≈108 secondary nucleons and мезонов are formed. Thus, the allocated energy makes ≈1027 eV.

The density of a stream of secondary particles makes ≈105 m-2. Then the allocated energy will make 1032 eV.

The quantity(amount) of atoms in the considered(examined) volume makes ≈ 1025, hence each proton gets energy ≈10 МeV .

Кулоновский the barrier to protons makes Е = K*q2/r, (1 МeV ).

Hence, protons approach on distance less 1Fermi, that creates a condition for realization of reaction of thermonuclear synthesis:

Н12 + Н12→ Не24.

Speed of a particle v0 = βC, where relative speed β = 1, speed of distribution of an electromagnetic signal in v environment  v= C/n, where n> 1. That is v0> v. As a result of it processes of thermonuclear synthesis are coherent, thus energy ≈ 106 Дж is instantly allocated. That is there is a microthermonuclear explosion inside the considered volume. The temperature of environment will make ≈ 3*103 K.

As a result of occuring process there is a full burning out of the considered volume.

The conclusion.

It is uneasy to calculate probability of space attack for all mankind.

Intensity of a stream of primary particles with Е = 1020 eV makes 10-16 m-2с-1 [3], that is 10-9 m-2year-1. Hence, for all mankind on the Earth ≈7 cases in one year of direct hit in the person are possible.

1. Sokurov V.F. Particles and fields. International publishing house «LAP LAMBERT AcademicPublishing», Germany. 2013. 268 c.

2. Sokurov V.F. Flow simulations of relativistic objects in the galaxy. International publishing house "LAP LAMBERT AcademicPublishing", Germany. 2013.262 c

3. Sokurov V.F. The study of the flow of relativistic objects in the atmosphere radar method. Ed. Tagalog. State.PED.Institute named after A. P. Chekhov, 2013.- No. 1.

4. Sokurov V.F. Research of a stream of cosmic rays a radar-tracking method. THE JOURNAL «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH» (ISSN 1996-3955) , 2013 Munich.

5. Sokurov V.F. Research of a stream of cosmic rays a radar-tracking method. Material for the 9th international scientific and practical conference, "Achievement of high school", the 2013. Volume 40. Math. Physics. Sofia. "Byal GRAD-BG" LTD. – 2013, p. 84.

Bibliographic reference

Sokurov V.F. NUCLEAR PROCESSES IN THE ORGANISM OF THE PERSON AT DIRECT HIT OF THE PARTICLE OF EXTREMELY HIGH ENERGY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24878 (22.02.2025).