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Philological sciences
The investigation is devoted to developing the problem on semantic structure of the intensity category in modern French as well as to revealing the means of intensity and their organization into a certain system, studying peculiarities of their functioning in speech and combinative means. Actuality of the above-mentioned items is determined by their importance for the theory of communicative syntax, indirect nomination as well as by the problems of the system organization of language means and by the interaction of the language categories in the process of functioning. Importance of the intensity category as a means of emotional and logical distinguishing the part of statement, insufficient extent of studying the ways of its expression in French as applied to the action strengthening or weakening stipulate necessity of consistent development of the theme which determined the choice of the subject of the present investigation.
Criterion of singling out such categories as intensity serves availability of semantic invariant of linguistic elements of different levels which perform a certain semantic function while interacting between each other. Semantic invariant in such cases is meaning of generalization of rather high degree approaching to logical and philosophical categories hence having universal nature to a considerable degree, for example, sense of motivation, generalization, change of estimation quality etc. Semantic category of intensity the contents of which makes up different gradation to the degree of displaying the signs of substance or action (state) finds an expression in language using various means imparting both strengthening and weakening of the sign. The words intensifying the key word are called intensifiers. Сategory of intensity has property of universality characterizing actions, objects, signs; it is actively displayed in semantic structure of verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs.
Сategory of intensity forms its semantic structure by interaction the substance of such categories as quality, quantity, measure. Obviously this explains existing differences both in the very understanding the category of intensity and in conceptual apparatus of researches on this problem: category of intensity; category of quantity, concept of graduating, sense of measure, sense of degree.
Scientific novelty of the paper consists in considering the French verbs with meaning of intensity and intensifiers of the verbal action in the context semantic category which allowed to determine substantial versions of this category, show the role of grammar, semantic, contextual factors in linguistic mechanism of intensification. For the first time this paper gives a description of paradigm sets of intensives taking into account their positions on the scale of graduation and shows interaction of categories of intensity, expressiveness, fugarativeness in semantics of verbs of modern French.
Shtatskaya T.V., Soulimovsky B.N. CATEGORY OF INTENSITY IN MODERN FRENCH. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24879 (22.02.2025).