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Dissemination of knowledge among the population in different areas of practice is included in their maintenance - a set of measures for the preservation, recruitment of mental health, early care and recovery of population's health.
We consider the psychological education and other options for the spreading of expertise among the population as a necessary part of psychophylaxis work of specialist, as a form of his work for the dissemination of expertise, as a special version of the pedagogical activity carried out by experts on their own or in collaboration with experts of a different profile helping to reach the purposes of education more effectively.
Psychological education has the following four objectives:
1) formation of scientific attitudes and representatives about the psychological science and practice (psychologizing of society);
2) informing the public on issues of psychological knowledge;
3) formation of a stable demand for the application and use of psychological knowledge for effective socialization of the younger generation and for their own development;
4) prevention of psychogenic disease (iatrogenic disease). The content of the psychological education is determined based on the specifics, the type and profile of the institution and the level of general psychological culture of the subject (individual, group, collective, mass audience), and the social situation.
The same functions are carried out by sanitary and socio-pedagogical education.
The forms of organization of education: individual (interview); group (thematic lesson, parents' meeting at school); creative (shows with the participation of the recipient, KVN (Club of the Funny and Inventive), etc.); public speeches (lecture, message to a large audience), and others.
Depending on the degree of interaction in the process of informing the subjects, the forms of organization can be divided into monological, dialogical and group ones. The use of some form is determined by the experience of experts, their communicative, lecturing, creative skills and the specific situation of the audience, in which this type of work is carried out.
The process of education of the masses requires time, efforts, occasionally voluntary ones, without ensuring the full success. The rapid entry of the electronic and informational technologies into the daily life, accessibility and ease of use them at the same time create new challenges for experts in the field of pedagogigs, psychology, medicine and social sciences. There are both advantages and disadvantages. The socializing via social networks is more realistic and may even addict emotionally, but it is very limited. In particular, it is devoid of such important components as eye contact, tone of voice, physical touch, gestures. All of these create a special inclusion of the field, the atmosphere of dialogue, they cannot be replaced only by texts. Electronic communication is less natural, it is a degenerate form of relationship between people. Despite of the fact that there is the apparent lack of experts' participation in the virtual communication with the aim of disseminating scientific knowledge, psychological and sanitary education, this field is occupied by non-specialists who can publish the description of tools, unchecked scientific facts into the Internet.
There are several problems of dissemination of expertise among the public considering the psychological education:
- ordinary people's need the psychological knowledge is expressed as a desire to get ready "recipe" for solving their own problems in life;
- mythologizing of psychological knowledge;
- psychological knowledge is often portrayed and assimilated as "esoteric knowledge", which is available to a narrow circle of people;
- mixing psychological education and so-called "psychological / mental / esoteric" practices;
- reductionism and simplification of psychological concepts, facts and laws;
- lack of professional psychologists in the activities of psychological education and the participating of specialists from other fields (teacher, social worker, methodist and others) in the role of "psychologist";
- optional (released-time) nature of the psychological, sanitary and socio-pedagogical education, and low "demand" to learn it.
Decades ago, people aspiring to self-education, learned with books of special popular scientific series, read the works of psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, could attend open lectures of leading scientists, but now more and more people rely on the Internet. It can be considered as a positive trend - there are more possibilities to have a self-education on the psychological, sanitary and pedagogical issues.
Chuprov L.F., Kostrigin A.A., Khusyainov T. M. Current issues of dissemination of expertise in field of psychology, pedagogigs and social pedagogigs: new challenges. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24905 (11.03.2025).