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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015


Innovative directions in research and evaluation management
Kruglov V. N.

Task analysis of control systems of the enterprise can be associated with phases of growth, decline, or life cycles, so often the problem of analysis of control systems of the enterprise are changing depending on the stage of development and life cycle of the enterprise [2, p. 437].

Assessment is a kind of establishing presence and the expression of some characteristics of the studied system. Tool for evaluation is the indicator. The evaluation analysis is based, the regulation in accordance with the specified standards of operation and development, finding and identifying trends, study of the characteristics and special features of some phenomenon, event, [1, p. 380]. Without the assessment cannot be developed recommendations, and, therefore, managerial decisions were taken, in particular regarding the improvement of the management system. The better the score, the greater the likelihood of effective, rational management decisions. For assessment should: highlight the object and the subject of the assessment; the establishment of evaluation criteria and measurement scales building procedures and systems evaluation; the choice of means and methods of assessment; the use of evaluation results [3, p. 94].

Diagnostics of the condition of the organization may affect the following areas:

1. Diagnosis of the financial condition of the organization: the analysis of the financial results of operations; financial analysis; diagnosis of bankruptcy.

2. Diagnosis of economic organization: the analysis of economic solvency (ability to operate profitably); analysis of economic results (volume of produced and sold products, gross revenue, profit, cost of the property); diagnosis of risk for the organization.

3. Diagnostics operating results of the enterprise: the analysis of efficiency of use of material, labor and financial resources; diagnosis of the quality and competitiveness of products.

4. Diagnostics of the technical condition and development of the enterprise: analysis of the state of technology and efficiency technologies; diagnostics innovation.

Such development will allow a current diagnosis online, without unnecessary expenditure of labor and resources [4, p. 216].

Currently there are many tools that contribute to the development of the organization. Such tools are used for development of guidelines and priorities for management decision making. The comparative analysis of these instruments are presented in Appendix 1.

All of these methods, if used wisely, provide a basis contributing to management decisions:

- Application of the Delphi method as a result gives some informed decisions, based on the survey of a group of people.

- Brainstorming techniques in a result is a list of solutions to specific problems raised by the experts, and then, out of the total number of ideas expressed select the most successful, which can be used in practice.

- Scenario method is a text that allows you to create a preliminary understanding of the system in the quantities and their relations, but the script, as any text is subject to the ambiguity of its interpretation, so it should be considered as a basis for further development of the model solutions to the problem.

- Objectives tree method allows to provide a complete picture of the interrelations of future events until obtaining a list of specific tasks and obtain information about their relative importance. Building the tree of goals and objectives ends at the level of the definition of performers. In the process of constructing the tree of objectives are often used algorithms joint work of experts, but, nevertheless, the method is based on not group work as such, but a special logic reasoning.

- Construction of the road map, as a result, gives a graphic plan of the script of the dynamic development of the organization, taking into account alternative paths and identify possible areas of performance (bottlenecks), as well as a detailed description of such parts of the organization as resources, technology, product, market, buyer, strategic objective, and creates a coherent system of communicative interaction between all organizational structures.

1. Kolpakidi D. V. Entrepreneurial activity: a training manual. Irkutsk: Publishing house of the NEEDLE, 2012. – 394 p. - access Mode: http://www.knigafund.ru/books/171979.

2. Valigursky D. I. business Organization. Moscow: Dashkov I K, 2012. – 519 p. - access Mode: http://www.knigafund.ru/books/114397.

3. Gukova O. N. Entrepreneurship in service industry: textbook / O. N. Gukov, A. M. Petrov. Moscow: Forum, 2012. - 176 p. - access Mode: http://www.znanium.com/

4. Lapusta M. G. Entrepreneurship: Textbook / M. G. Lapasta. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. – S. http://www.znanium.com/

Bibliographic reference

Kruglov V. N. Innovative directions in research and evaluation management. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24912 (22.02.2025).