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Medical sciences
The years-long professional experience of patient's reaction supervision on the psychological influence, the main peculiarity of which is the maximum focusing on the sphere of unconsciousness, will let to conclude, that each person's organism possesses written at the molecular level with the innate programs of normality, to which his physical nature is subjected.
The totality of these programs I named "the matrix of norm memory". They remain permanent till the end of every creature's life, including a human. The activation of the "matrix of norm memory" is able to lead to the reaction of stem cells that in its turn, initiates the process of regenerative changes in the direction of original norm.
The main essence of my theory and practice lies in the activation of the "matrix of norm memory", "written" in the organism at the finest level in terms of innate programs, to which the physical human nature is subjected.
The unique results achieved in the treatment, which were not able to be attained by means of former methods, testify that it was applied totally different mechanism of influence on a human, allowing to penetrate really into the sphere of unconscious, into this almighty managemental "secretariat" of nature, and to stimulate his inborn programs of normality.
The definition "the matrix of norm memory" itself as far back as 90-ies warped some of the "specialists",who stated with neglect that they "hadn't heard" anything like this.
The activation of "the matrix of norm memory", according to my theory, leads to the reaction of stem cells. Owing to these reactions, which can be referred to the term of "autocloning" due to its essence, organism shows an amazing ability to self-renewal of all organs and systems according to the natural norm.
I am convinced that stem cells of cross functional spectrum of actions hide not only in the embryo's organism, but also in theorganism of middle-aged people. Or they are developed over again, subjected to the "matrix of norm memory".
Exactly such a process is able to lead to the healing of organic diseases, and it was manifested in the incredible amount in hundreds of thousands of people as the result of medical broadcasting - 1989.
That's why my work theoretically can be named "the psychological stimulation of autocloning".
The force of their influence is incomparable with any other refined methods and procedures, to which psychologically and biologically a person is able. Since only they give an opportunity to influence their material nature. At the same time, the biggest complexity lies in the difficulty of their creation and application.
That's why the main differential peculiarity of my practical work is the direction to the elimination of somatic contraventions. As for human's mental world, which a classicpsychoterapy is occupied with, this is quite another theme, sufficiently studied and approbated. And, frankly speaking, is not so actual in comparison with problems of his physical world, from which the life itself depends.
Hypnosis for the correction of material nature of a human is unacceptable because of the necessity of using of verbal infusions, which are forceless to affect the organic tissue, according to the law about "the disobeying" of the somatic tissue to none of the mind messages. Never any words will be equal to the force of nature language.
The system of correction of physical nature of a human, using in my practice, has nothing to do with hypnosis. Otherwise I couldn't cause the disappearance of postinfarctioncicatricial changes, release from oesophageal obstruction, from diabetes, asthma. I could never succeed to eliminate in one moment the longstanding allergy, snoring, in few seconds correct broken and poorly breathing noses, achieve many others amazing results.
However, unfortunately, as a result of incompetence and submissive trait to someone's opinion, many of my contemporaries didn't see this "far future", which took place long ago in my work in the past, and thousands of times was revealed during broadcasting - 1989.
This demonstration of primitiveness of judgment, peculiar to amateurs or total boors in the psychological treatment questions, unceremoniously intruding in chase of sensations into the alien and incomprehensible for them sphere, leads to the profanation of the science of the future, so promising.
The vast practice shows that there are no those boundaries in the human organism renewal at the physiological and organic levels, which couldn't be attained with the help of properly developed psychological programming, aimed at the sphere of unconscious.
. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24924 (22.02.2025).