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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015

Teaching science

Sabekiya R.B., Askarova G.B.

The problem of formation of ecological and moral consciousness of humanity is becoming common-civilization problem of preserving human not only as a natural being, but also as a special existence mode  responsible for the preservation of universal existence. Today the further fate of the world and humanity is largely dependent on the moral (spiritual), not material, factors. On the way of overcoming national egoism and planetary initiation to the moral and environmental consciousness overcoming of the general crisis is possible - in politics, economics, education, culture, interpersonal relations. In connection with this the problem of education modernization is actualized, designed to form the intellectual elite of the nation, with a strong sense of self-esteem, perception of their free and creative nature, sense of responsibility for the free choice and moral duty to ourselves, other people, ones country, humanity. In education, environmental and moral upbringing is emphasized first of all, because education should not only contribute to the increment of a specific set of knowledge and skills, but also the vision of the whole panorama of human social existence, with discretion in its common spiritual foundation and meaning.

It is a modern school, built on common standards, reflecting global trends in the development of education, should be a factor in the humanity spiritual progress. Human values underlying government policies of the younger generation upbringing, set consideration of man as a part of the global fractal structure of the Universe, in fact, offer an intuitive vision of common reason to human life, self-evidence to relationship of personal and universal being. In this particular vision of the unity of the world and humanity is the essence of ecological consciousness as a reflection of the integrity and interdependence of the world of man and the cosmos, and, therefore, sense of personal responsibility for the human being, its preservation and development. In practice of the particular nature protection measures, a person realizes such aspects of his human nature as intelligence, activity, creation, compassion, care, love. In actualization  of environmental consciousness man reveals his moral nature as the only being capable of building a new world based on the highest moral absolutes. The orientation of the modern school on the universal human values is seen as the way of preserving the integrity not only of the global educational environment, but also the world as a whole.



Bibliographic reference

Sabekiya R.B., Askarova G.B. ECOLOGICAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF PUPILS . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24925 (22.02.2025).