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Teaching science
Realities of the coming time of freedom and creativity generate the new educational inquiries doing more and more actual technologies of game training, large-scale and which various introduction promotes full implementation of the concept of gamification of modern education.
The review of the available theoretical researches allowed to reveal that the concept of gamification of professional education is objectively caused by a transition tendency in new "a professional era" where each worker becomes "the person playing", reaching various professional and game heights, status positions, encouragement, bonuses, etc.
The history of gamification sends us in the 80th years of the 20th eyelid - time of emergence of the term "gamification". Gamification gained the real birth and recognition only in 2010 and "it happened because the community grew and gained critical weight, "game playing" became the term which is very famous, a number of experts managed to crystallize and define accurately what this means"[1].
Gamification is an application of the game principles and elements, receptions, the technician, approaches, video games, computer games for not game tasks, types and spheres of activity.
Let's consider the main components of gamification in representations of a number of researchers (K. Verbakh, A. Salina, A. Mosina):
- the possibility of personalisation (an avatar, customization of the character, control of a personal profile);
- system of encouragement (non-material motivation in the form of achievment, levels, earnings of unique awards);
- communicative function (communication and tracking of intra group process of friends, competitive elements);
- dynamics (game scripts for activization of game behavior "here and now").
The revealed variety of components of gamification produces plurality of opportunities which it bears for modern education.
Gamification of education promotes the best perception and assimilation of a training material, overcoming of stagnancy, inertness, conservatism of modern education, turning study in interesting, fascinating and even fascinating occupation, constantly involving trained in educational process, creating the necessary emotional background filled with feeling of pleasure, happiness, a positive spirit, tendency to overcoming of problems, to achievement of the objectives and receiving results.
For introduction of the concept of gamification in system of modern professional education on the basis of Bryansk State University named after I.G.Petrovsky the author's game the interuniversity, student's Internet festival "Pokoleniye.Ru in Bryansk" is realized.
The Internet festival is a complex innovative, educational technology, with the full-fledged game nature of realization, special conviviality, subordination of the uniform concept and subject, regimentation and rules of game behavior of participants, competitiveness, plurality of the used demonstration forms, network nature of interaction, existence of a specialized information platform (Planet of the Creative Internet portal), multifunctionality as communication, educational and methodical and research center [3].
The main result of a festival is a creation by participants of the realized and actual projects.
For history of the Internet festival more than 1700 participants, 10 higher education institutions of Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia participated in it, more than 150 projects of a social, social and economic, innovative, scientific, educational, educational, patriotic orientation are created, the extensive empirical database of sociological and psychology and pedagogical researches of process and results of the Internet festival is saved up. [3].
The structure, the game and educational maintenance of the Internet festival, a technique, experience of its carrying out can be transferred to any educational institution at preservation of high productivity and receiving a set of effects, as the certificate to that acts results of psychology and pedagogical and sociological researches of participants of the Internet festival.
2. Mosin A. Plus gamification of all country? [An electronic resource] - the access Mode. - URL: http://www.ukrbanks.info/kolonka/Plyusgyaymifikaciya-vsyay-strany.html
3. Development of creative independence of students in system of high school training on the example of game pedagogical technology of the Student's Internet festival "Pokoleniye.Ru in Bryansk": Monograph. Saint-Louis, Missouri, USA: Publishing House Science and Innovation Center, 2015. - 214с.
4. Salin A. Gamification: how does it work? Site "Tezis.Ru. Humanitarian discussions" [An electronic resource] - the access Mode. -URL:http://thezis.ru/geymifikatsiya-kak-eto-rabotaet.html
Yeliseyeva E.V. Gamification as a trend of development of the education system. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24926 (22.02.2025).