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Home / Issues / № 2, 2015


Voronova L.I., Isakov V.A., Avetisyan A.Z.
Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) is one of the leading universities in Russia. The Methodical department(MD) forms important  component of educational process of RSUH. This article describes two processes of automation MD: management of Expert list (EL) containing current quality of educational Work Programs (WP), developed by the departments and forming of regulatory documentation for educational process.

Information model

The EL document contains the criteria and results of evaluation (binary assessment and comments) WPs for each discipline, connected with the regulations in RSUH. EL is implemented as a table where the descriptors are attributes. Based on the analysis of WP disciplines of basic educational program (BEP) in EL displays multi-criteria quality of each WP and summary statistics preparedness methodological support of the BEP as a whole.

Currently the ELs are stored in files on the local computer expert, making it difficult to a search and an access to other employees, as well as providing analytics to the heads of various levels. Therefore, development of a subsystem is an urgent task.

The requirements to subsystem were formulated: Remote Access; Log in using two types of account: viewing and editing; specialized user interfaces; automated search of information about the WP; automation of statistical processing of attribute data for individual disciplines (abstract, purpose, tasks, learning outcomes, structure and content of the discipline, educational technology, etc.) and in a whole on EL, and print reports in tabular form.

Subsystem "Expert List" Architecture

The subsystem is integrated into the IS with three-tier architecture model Client - Server Applications- Database Server. It is shown in Fig.1. There was used DBMS MySQL. Data logic model of subsystem "EL" is shown in Fig.2. Client uses only web-browser, which sends HTTP-requests. Web-server «Apache» is used for the treatment of HTTP-client requests.

Fig 1. The IS architecture with subsystem functions description

The subsystem feature is forming special extended forms (Views) on the site, providing complex information processing. Views are generated based on a set of templates, and are used in different routines: data entry forms and adding to the database through the graphical user  interface; processing of information retrieved from the database and archive files via the graphical interface; automatic processing of natural language parsing program partially structured text; statistical analysis of quality indices [N].

Fig.2. Data logic model of subsystem “Expert List"

  The requirements implementation

The subsystem provides modes: EL viewing, searching, editing, adding with automated data entry, generation and printing of report. The access is allowed only to authorized users with roles viewing and editing. It‘s allowed to select  profile/ program / specialization and temporal range of the EL in any mode.

The interactive form, that visually displays the document EL structure as a table is available in viewing and searching mode. In this mode I’s possible to search through disciplines and there is a button to print the report. Statistics are displayed  under the table.

The edit mode form is similar to the view mode, but the opportunity is available for expert examination and also contains buttons for changing the data, calculating statistics on the fields or around the EL and delete data, or objects.

Append mode uses the interactive form, that lets add the new EL in database and select the required direction of training, profile, discipline and make the examination with  binary assessments and a comment if necessary. When adding a new EL creates an empty table with the completed list of disciplines, the previous version of the EL is available only in the mode for browsing and searching EL.


The subsystem “Expert List” has been developed. It contains the WEB-application connected to the Internet through a browser, and graphical user interface for remote access to the database. It provides automated control and monitoring of methodical support of educational programs RSUH.


1. 1. Pestryaev A.A., Voronova L.I., Voronov V.I. Design of multi-agent systems to collect textual information from the network // “RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. 2015. № 12. pp. 43-56.

2. 2. Pestryaev AA, Voronova LI Multi-agent systems. The interaction agent-gatherer with the database // Modern high technologies. 2014. № 5-2. pp 214-217.

Bibliographic reference

Voronova L.I., Isakov V.A., Avetisyan A.Z. "EXPERT LIST" SUBSYSTEM DESIGN TO METHODICAL MANAGEMENT OF RSUH. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24930 (22.02.2025).