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Executive Editor:Publishing house "Academy of Natural History"
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Nano- and micro-electromechanical systems (n-MEMS) is one of the key technologies with annual growth of 13% per year. The systems allow to cost-effectively increase the sensitivity and mechanical efficiency of devices [1].
Modern technologies such as satellite transport monitoring are utilized to solve the problems of transport management and accounting and optimization of all related processes.
At the moment the most common sensors are the capacitance sensors of fuel level. But large-sized probe limits the range of their use in remote monitoring systems and complicates their mounting and maintenance.
Problem Definition:
Replacement of level-meters used in modern satellite monitoring systems of transport and fuel level control (ultrasonic, float sensors, capacitance sensor, optical, etc.) with the n-MEMS sensors as more satisfying in terms of accuracy and reliability [2].
The prospects of modern instrument engineering are closely tied with the creation of devices with low weight, small size, low power consumption and low cost along with the fulfillment of their functions with a given accuracy.
Micromechanical sensors are of miniature size, low weight and low power consumption. Modified techniques of microelectronics technology are used in their production. A combination of mechanical elements, sensors and electronics on a common silicon-base via the technologies of microproduction. Their production is based on the traditional technology of semiconductor integrated circuits production. [3]
Real-time organization of transport network and monitoring of fuel consumption via built-in navigators, which receive satellite signals of GLONASS, GPS. Localization and transmission of fuel level sensors data. GLONASS and GPS monitoring of transport and traffic control via a web browser over the Internet.
Market analysis:
Motorola - one of the major manufacturers of MEMS prefers pressure sensors manufactured via solid machining. Their main direction is tire pressure sensors.
STMicroelectronics NV is intensively promoting the SIP technology (system-in-package) in the n-MEMS products. This technology is used in wireless n-MEMS products and is integrated into gas detectors designed for environment monitoring.
The significant amounts of n-MEMS products are manufactured by ST Company for the use in gyroscopes and accelerometers. They are based on capacitance motion detectors, while the sensors of environmental control have membranes as their basis.
Step-by-step study of probeless miniature n-MEMS sensors of fuel level has been carried out [4]:
- Theoretical justification for the use n-MEMS technology for creation of level sensors;
- Simulation of various sensor modes;
- Scale mode testing of the sample [5].
The possibility of using a sensor based on nano- and microelectromechanical systems showed an extended temperature range of measurements [4], more linear dependence of the output characteristics, while increasing the accuracy and reliability of fuel level control in the satellite monitoring of transport systems [6].
The usage of n-MEMS products for satellite transport monitoring is restricted by positioning systems, and more «classic» sensors are used for fuel control (ultrasonic, float sensors, capacitance sensors, optical, etc.).
Creation of a contactless sensor of fuel level based of n-MEMS technology, will greatly expand the range and capabilities of this class of sensors.
2. Vasiliev V.A., Chernov P.S.Modeling and estimation of the parameters of the morphology of the surfaces of thin films of NANO- and MICRO-electromechanical systemS. Measurement Techniques. 2013. vol. 55. № 12. pp. 1350–1355.
3. Vasiliev V.A., Chernov P.S.Smart sensors, sensor networks, and digital interfaces general problems of metrology and measurement technique. Measurement Techniques. 2013. vol. 55. № 10. pp. 1115–1119.
4. Markelov A.S., Keller R.S., Nikonova G.V. Usage of MEMS sensor of fuel level with temperature compensation in satellite transport monitoring systems // Devices and methods of measurement, quality control and diagnostics on manufacturing and transport. 2013. pp 370–377.
5. Nikonova G.V., Markelov A.S. Linearization calibration curves pressure sensor // Computer measurement technologies. 2015. pp.290–293.
6. Markelov A.S., Nikonova G.V. Linearization of the output parameters of pressure sensors // Engineer and scientific applications on NI technologies. NIDays. 2014. pp. 241–243.
Nikonova G.V., Yessimkhanova A.M. NANO- AND MICRO-ELECTROMECHANICAL (n-MEMS) SENSORS FOR REMOTE MONITORING SYSTEMS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24933 (11.03.2025).