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Teaching science
The objective reality of contemporary Russian society involves a high degree of studying the development of higher education institutions not only professional competence but also allow competence to implement professional capacity and the ability to solve social problems.
Civic competence as an expression of civic duty, civic responsibility to the changing social situation, respect for human rights and freedom.
The solution to this problem is possible when paying attention to the formation of civic competence and as a consequence of the manifestation of civic leadership during training.
The aim of the study was to determine the location of the educational environment of a higher educational institution in the process of formation of civic leadership, determine the substantial components of the civil authority.
Innovative processes in the social, political and economic spheres of contemporary Russian society in the training of engineers with a high level of innovative proposals, competitiveness, mobility, ready to bear responsibility for their actions, for the results of the decisions taken.
Currently, one of the aims of universities is the formation of the students not only professional competence but competencies related to the possibility of realization of professional potential and the ability to solve social problems.
The solution to this problem is possible when treatment focuses on the formation of civic leadership during training. Qualitative completeness of the process of formation of civic leadership attaches to the integration of information, cognitive, motivational component of the pedagogical discourse and the development of civic consciousness, the experience of social practice.
Higher education institution will act as a social institution that provides different stages of the educational process and the integration of the various methods of education, starting from the problem of the formation of the educational environment of the university and as a consequence the formation of civic competencies of students of a technical college becomes relevant throughout the training.
We understand educational environment as a system of interaction between the various components of the learning process and the conditions of formation of the personality in accordance with the social, common requirements, as well as a system of opportunities for its development, contained in a social and spatially-subject environment of higher education. Educational environment acts as unified educational process of the university and "integrates in extracurricular activities, serving as the main tool of making the personality of professional identity formation of a professional". [1]
Educational environment performs several functions:
- social and adaptive (system of signs which consist with objectives, motives and features of individual and social environment, and formed by people to realize their interests in the environment [3]);
- cultural view (it broadens the mind, excites interest to learning, constitutes, develops a culture of theoretical thinking);
- political (legal, political and moral education and training [2]).
Purposefully organized process of formation of civil competencies provides unlimited possibilities for the students to develop not only educational programs, but also the formation of socially oriented characters. We have seen the process of formation of educational environment in terms of not only the technology we used, but also directly from personal landmark of faculty. Employees and teachers act as an example for the students in the relations within the team, focus on professionalism in the workplace. The concept of educational programs of higher education opens unlimited possibilities of relationships between teachers and students.
Formation of a civic competence will be a prolonged process that requires the using of modern approaches. We consider that it is possible to select the "start" method that proceeds from this point of view: developing the theory of civic competence is influenced by the understanding of the prevalent in science definition of "social competence".
Analysis of domestic and foreign researches of this problem (I.A. Winter, V.A. Vodyanikova D.A. Pochebut, G.E. Belitskaya, A.G. Asmolov, O.N. Machekhin, E.F. Zeer et al.) reveals social competence as a component for sense-of core competencies.
The analysis of domestic and foreign approaches to the concept of "social competence" allowed to formulate the author's definition: social competence is a multi-dimensional property of the person, which includes knowledge of the social environment, norms of reciprocity, valuable understanding of social reality and the ability of social adaptation in different situations.
In working out the concept of civic competence as an expression of civic duty, civic responsibility for the changing social situation, respect for human rights and freedom, we must not forget that the multidimensional definition will consist of these components:
- Competence of choice - the ability to exercise choice and make decisions based on a system of social and civic values;
- Competence of the action - the ability to implement the methods of decision-making;
- Communicative competence - the ability to interact with other people and society (tolerance);
- Educational competence - development of a new, the ability to self-education in a changing social environment;
- Research competence - the ability to analyze and evaluate the social situation.
Paying due attention to the formation of the educational environment of a higher educational institution we can say apparently that the formation of socially oriented process of education will help to evolve students' characters, which will focus on the process of social adaptation, a sense of civic responsibility, social duty, raising initiative in future professional activities.
2. Dolinina, IG, IP Mironov Civic leadership: psycho-pedagogical characteristics of students of a technical college // IG Dolinina, IP Mironov // Executive. education today. - 2013. - № 11 - P. 31-36.
3. Dolinina, IG Formation of political culture concept. Model / IG Dolinina // Nar. education. - 2005. - № 6. - S. 212.
4. Dolinina, IG Political culture as a factor of identity formation / IG Dolinina // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Publisher: National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk) - 2005 - № 287.- pp 124-132
5. Dolinina, IG concept of formation of political culture of civil type / IG Dolinina // Akmeology. - 2007. - № 4. - P.156 - 161.
Dolinina Irina, Fedoseev Nikita THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE FORMATION OF CIVIL COMPETENCIES OF STUDENTS OF A TECHNICAL COLLEGE. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24935 (13.03.2025).