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Teaching science
Media education at Russian universities of modern art, culture, and design is being actively developed by students and teachers. Dependent on the educational program, each higher education institution is establishing its own integral master training modules.
The trend towards asynchronous master training remains a complex issue. For instance, it is difficult for graphic designers to make a commercial for an interregional festival. A folklore festival, a rather conventional and familiar concept for Russia, now requires some respect to its status of the cultural legacy "promoter".
The connoisseurs of folklore are no longer satisfied by the computer-made clichés of festival posters. The reason for such dissatisfaction is related to the fact that the guests and participants of such festivals are potential poster buyers. They also provide an expert appraisal of designers' professionalism. Festival posters are being collected.
When it comes to a festival poster, one may come across different opinions on the quality of design training on the IT basis as well as on the lack of interconnection between the basis of such training at Russian universities and the new trends on the Net. We believe that studying foreign developments can help establish an international instrumental and training module that will be popular with students studying eye tracking, fractal graphics, digital arts, and generative design [3, 6].
Asynchronous master training reflects the limited nature of communication with our foreign fellow students and teachers.
The reports and websites of Russian universities contain multi-scale patters of communication with foreign partners. But teachers and master students have no access to the info-libraries of our partner universities.
This kind of service provided by our foreign partners will inspire our students to learn foreign languages to read articles by European undergraduates and master students on the topics of qualification training.
The asynchronous nature of training can be seen both externally and internally. For instance, the localization of multimedia products is an important indicator of a master's competence. What we leave outside the limits of computer-based education is the aesthetic and philosophical sense of what the traditional ethnic culture has achieved in terms of ethnic art and graphics.
Competences with a vast regional outlook is what we deem imperative for high quality education. The basis of the Russian ethnic art education model should become an integral part of the master training module at the universities of modern art, culture, and design [1,2]. The real world experience of regional design can help study in detail the graphical and artistic achievements of a certain area as well its natural scenery [4,5].
The review of the current situation at the universities of modern art, culture, and design allows to conclude that we should eliminate the external and internal factors leading to the trend towards "asynchronous" master training.
2. Kuleshova O.D. Fractal graphics as a way of vocational training of the students. Article. //International student forum 2015. Pedagogics. Accessible via: studeforum@rae.ru.
3. Tkalich S.K. Eurasian coordinate of Russia: master research routes. Article.// Eurasian Union of scientists. No. 4. 2015. – PP. 152-154. Accessible via: info@euroasia-science.ru.
4. Tkalich S.K. Regional research in design: vector information replication of the fine arts in the heritage. // The world of arts and science: the issues of philology, art history, and cultural studies. – Novosibirsk, Russia. 2013. No. 27. – PP. 47-52. Accessible via: CИбак@info.ru
5. Tkalich S.K., Tkalich A.I. Media didactics: integration of scientific and methodological bases in master of arts courses. Article.// //Achievements of contemporary natural sciences. No. 9. 2015. – PP. 373-376. Accessible via: http://@search.rae.ru.
6. Fazylzyanova G.I., Balalov V.V. Eye Tracking as an evaluation tool for graphic and multimedia products // Science and the world. 2014. No. 3 (7). – PP. 173-179.
. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24936 (22.02.2025).