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Teaching science
Today the ways of solving the problems of educating the modern citizen are different in the world. The USA is seeking the ways of forming the responsibility for the future of democracy, in Europe the human rights are taught, Russia searches for own paths focused on the values of civil society. In the new post-Soviet states of Central Asia including the Republic of Kazakhstan great attention is given to the issues of civil and patriotic education of students identifying the specific conditions for its implementation on the basis of maintaining the inherent features and national identity.
Main part
According to the analysis of recent research on the represented problem the sustained interest of scientists is arisen to civic training of the person: Dolejšiová, Ditta, and Miguel Angel García López (2009), Torney-Purta, Judith, John Schwille, and Jo-Ann Amadeo (1999), Ichilov, Orit (1998), Niemi, Richard, and Jane Junn (1998) [2-5], and others.
In the pedagogical science of Russia various aspects of civil and patriotic education of student youth are considered in the works by G.N.Filonov, V.I.Lutovinov, N.A.Savotina, O.S.Gazman, B.T.Likhachev, A.K.Bykov, A.S.Gayazov, N.V.Ippolitova, V.V.Gladkikh, and others.
In recent years the theoretical-methodological and psycho-pedagogical bases of patriotic and civic education of students are intensively developed by Kazakhstani researchers (A.Kalmyrzayev, A.Bekturov, A. Bizhanov, D.A.Kaletayev, G.O.Medetbekova, A.K. Nurgaliyeva, Zh.A.Makatova, A.K.Kalimoldayeva etc.).
Following V.I.Lutovinov [1] in our research we base on the organic relationship between patriotic and civic education, as one of the most important features of person's civic consciousness is his high level of patriotism, and true patriotism is inconceivable without conscious sense of civic responsibility for the destiny of his Fatherland, without active social activities aimed at positive change of spiritual and material environment of the society.
In the light of the objectives of the investigation we have developed a structural and substantial model of civil-patriotic education of the student youth. The aim of the investigation is providing the best scientific and methodological, organizational, informational and other conditions for the education of young people, patriots of the Fatherland. This aim is specified in the following tasks:
-to analyse the features of the civil and patriotic education of students and to define its essence in the new socio-economic conditions of development of Kazakhstan;
-to form the students' civic consciousness and Kazakhstani patriotism as one of the most topical moral qualities of the person at present;
- to build students´ political and legal culture;
- to develop the historical consciousness of young people;
- to create in the university the environment for active social functioning of youth; to organize the effective student government.
- to build students' patriotic consciousness and civic qualities by means of forming the positive behavior and promoting the image of the hero of our time among young people.
Substantial block of the model composes the unity of three main components:
1) cognitive component includes a system of methodological, political, psychological- educational, multicultural knowledge and expertise required for the formation of civic and patriotic ideology;
2) value and motivational component reflects the attitude of students to the universal, state, national, democratic values in the light of personal-significant values and motives;
3) social-activity component involves the development of social competence of future professionals, their involvement in creative activities at the university and active socially useful activities outside the university.
Technology block of the represented model includes forms, pedagogical skills; stages of formation of civil and patriotic competence.
Estimated-effective block of the model includes the following criteria for civil-patriotic education of student youth:
1) cognitive: the system of knowledge of civil and patriotic content;
2) value-motivational: the commitment to the values of the Kazakh mentality;
3) social-activity: the willingness and ability to an active social-oriented activities.
This model has experimentally been tested, and the developed technology of forming the civil and patriotic competence of future professionals has been put into practice of the South Kazakhstan universities.
To sum up, the system of forming the civic consciousness and patriotism of student youth must meet the current needs of a democratic legal state and civil society. In this regard, in the university it is necessary not only to form the scope of civil-patriotic knowledge of future professionals, but also to equip them with skills to use this knowledge in practice as well as to help them gain some experience corresponding to the spiritual and moral aspirations of a true patriot and a citizen of the homeland.
2. Dolejšiová, Ditta, and Miguel Angel García López. European citizenship--in the process of construction: challenges for citizenship, citizenship education and democratic practice in Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe Pub, 2009.
3. Ichilov, Orit. Citizenship and Citizenship Education in a Changing World. – London: The Woburn Press, 1998.
4. Niemi, Richard, and Jane Junn. Civic education: what makes students learn? – New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.
5. Torney-Purta, Judith, John Schwille, and Jo-Ann Amadeo. Civic education across countries: twenty-four national case studies from the iea civic education project. – Amsterdam: IEA and Washington, D.C.: National Council for the Social Studies, 1999.
Dzhilkishiyeva M. THE MODEL OF CIVIL-PATRIOTIC EDUCATION OF STUDENT YOUTH OF KAZAKHSTAN. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24940 (22.02.2025).