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The term "outsourcing" is literally interpreted as "the use of external resources" or "external sources". It is an artificial word, which didn't exist in any language until the early 90-ies of XX century. Together with other artificial terms such as offshoring, global sourcing, insourcing, the term "outsourcing" describes ways to supply resources for company. Resources are necessary for any organization to achieve the main goals - value engineering and meeting the needs of the community in produced products and services. Outsourcing represents one of the possible answers to the question "Make or buy?" - known dilemma that lies at the basis of all management decisions on the choice of buying source.
Outsourcing in the area of personnel management (HR outsourcing) is an mobilization of external resources (companies) that specialize in personnel management with relevant experience, knowledge and technical means to perform all or part of HR management functions.
Often, the companies that provide staff outsourcing services are referred to when it is necessary to select a team for short-term or one-time project, for seasonal work or when there is no possibility or desire to increase the staff significantly.
Temporary staff outsourcing - the optimal way in the case, if you want to replace the employee who left on a long vacation or is on sick leave. However, in the first instance, staff outsourcing is considered as a possibility for transferring of recruiment and selection function to an outsourcer on a long term basis.
Staff outsourcing is required if: it is a large company with a vertically integrated structure; the company is committed to focus on development of the General line of business only; the company's limited staff, and it's undesirable to expand it from a legal point of view; there is an urgent need to fill an open position or in case of mass recruit of the line staff; the head can't provide adequate workload for a certain employee; Manager wants to avoid difficulties with the dismissal of employees - for example, in connection with the downsizing; companies need part-time working employees; the company with seasonal employment; you need to replace valuable employee at the time of his annual or prolonged sick leave.
At the heart of outsourcing, as a management methodology, is an idea of the use of external organization resources instead of developing own resources and competencies in not business-forming company activities. This approach to organizing of activities in practice gives the company access to any resources offered on the market today: technological, intellectual, information.
Taking the decision to engage the services of an outsourcer to perform certain business functions, the company should not forget about their own strategic interests and key competencies that constitute its strengths and the main difference from competitors.
Understanding the nature of outsourcing process and methodology, an awareness of possibilities and problems associated with its use, largely determines the future of modern Russian business. World business practice already has enough examples of implementing large-scale outsourcing projects. There are models for prediction development of business systems on the principles of "supply from the outside." The strategic goal of outsourcing is the use of advanced technologies and know-how to gain and retain competitive advantages.
2. Mikhaylov D.M. “Outsourcing. New system of business organising.” Textbook. - M.: Knorus, 2009. - 256 p.
3. Entrepreneurship: textbook/ Lebedeva G.V. and others/ Under the editorship of C.G. Svetunkova and prof. L.C. Tarasevich - St. Petersburg.: Publishing house UNICON, 2006. - 579 p.
Lebedeva G. V., Sadikova A.N., Ananieva I.V. OUTSOURCING IN THE HUMAN RESOURCE
. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/461-24946 (22.02.2025).