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Hypnotherapy is quite an effective method of treatment of alcohol and nicotine addiction, but, unfortunately, it is not for everyone. It is suitable for patients who easily suggestible and believes in the effectiveness of this method. When a session of hypnotherapy to get skeptical or just not ready to give up alcohol or smoking patients, they quickly emerge failures and relapses.
In the state of hypnosis fails to inspire many people with an aversion to alcohol and tobacco (up to nausea and vomiting), to develop new healthy conditional reflexes, even the smell of alcohol and tobacco. During the rational psychotherapy the patient is given complete information about the enormous harm caused by alcohol and tobacco all systems and organs, until the sexual sphere and transmission to offspring morbid heredity - physical and mental retardation, dementia and often children. This therapy is used both individually and in specially selected groups (group hypnosis).
The purpose of this article is to compare the most popular methods of hypnotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism and smoking.
Materials and methods
Coding A.R. Dovzhenko
Coding Dovzhenko in medicine as a method introduced in the late twentieth century physician from Feodosia, Dovzhenko for the treatment of addiction to alcohol and smoking. The method was truly unique. The mechanism of coding is to create an active psycho-physiological dominant, aimed at a healthy lifestyle and preventing tobacco use and alcohol use.
For over 30 years, and to date this method has been successfully used for the encoding of alcohol dependence and is considered the most effective and humane. Especial popularity it has acquired in Russia and CIS.
The method of coding
During the session, the encoding takes psychological and hypnotic effect on the subconscious mind of the patient. He inspired indifference to alcohol for a certain period, is given to the installation of a sober way of life, after which the patient is reduced and then completely disappears craving for alcohol. To achieve this effect does not require any deep hypnosis or drugs, everything happens in the waking state, psychotherapist affects the patient's only words.
Dr. vividly and emotionally, with concrete examples, in plain language, talks about the dangers of alcohol for the body, its destructive action, and gradually brings the patient to think about treatment. During the session, it does not sound such phrases as "vodka - vomiting", "vodka smell sickening," etc.
In conclusion, psychotherapist tells the patient what will happen to them in the event of the use of alcohol (whether accidental or intentional) in the period of the code. The patient who has violated the rules, there is a "break-up of the code," and it may be a stroke, heart attack and other serious consequences, including death. So do not try alcohol, to verify the effectiveness of the encoding, it can be expensive!
Dates of coding from alcoholism
The ban, which applies the method of coding from alcoholism, is set for a specified period. His patient chooses, as desired. This may be one, three, five years or for life. Recommended timing coding 3-5 years. The complete absence of craving for alcohol after the encoding method Dovzhenko is usually observed after 1-2 years. But it also happens that 1 year of coding from alcoholism is enough that a person accustomed to a state learned to give up alcohol alone and forever quit drinking.
Upon expiration of the re-encoding can be performed over a longer period or to extend the period before the end of the previous coding.
Is it possible to be decoded? Yeah, it is possible. The code can be removed at any time, without causing any harm. Of course, this has to do psychotherapist and better if he spent the session the patient coding from alcoholism. If during the term of coding patient accidentally took alcohol, an urgent need to see a doctor to be decoded. If you quickly come to the doctor it is not possible to remove the code by phone.
After encoding method Dovzhenko alcoholism man returns to normal sober life gets, as they say, a second chance, and further recovery is fully depends on it. The less provocative situations, the more comfortable and easier to pass abstinence from alcohol in the patient.
Only adherence to the absolute sobriety says that a person has passed coding, and cured of alcoholism. Later, when the disciples thanks to Dovzhenko coding from alcoholism became engaged in his many disciples to all corners of our country - the method ceased to be unique and, on the contrary, has turned into something ordinary, commonplace, along with other methods.
Hypnosuggestive programming I.I.Razygraev.
The technique involves the suppression of some other instincts. For a conditional basis, in this case, the alcohol inclination is taken as an instinct (along with the self-preservation instinct, maternal and sexual desire). This is a fairly revolutionary approach to the treatment of alcoholism. By the same method, and treated other diseases, such as nicotine addiction.
The experience of hypnosis sessions, accompanied by the mobilization of erotic sensations, showed that the transfer can be used quite successfully to suppress the instinct of alcohol.
Methods hypnosuggestive programming I.I.Razygraev.
1. At the beginning of the treatment the patient is suggested increased libido at full refusal of alcohol, ie, It carried out a so-called suggestive programming;
2. Taking into account the long-term alcohol addicted in some patients, hypnotist programs to cure their comorbidities. This refusal of alcohol accelerates the healing process;
3. Then the patient "immersed" in the medium hypnotic sleep or profound, indirect spending abstract suggestion of having a clearly pronounced erotic overtones. However, in this case hypnosuggestive programming differs from many similar methods (often used by Western experts) lack of a rough specification. The session is held against the backdrop of a romantic musical accompaniment, a doctor closely monitors all the external manifestations of the patient's emotional, often changing the rhythm, tone of speech, reaching a positive emotional load increase;
4. After 3-5 sessions, held at intervals of 2-3 days, hypnotist produces accurate leveling transfer.
During the hypnotherapy there is an influence on the human subconscious. It uses a variety of techniques. For example, in deep hypnosis conducted psychocorrection such methods as regression of age, immersing the patient in childhood, that is, at a time when he was healthy, did not know about alcohol, was not addicted. Hypnotic suggestion in this state can restore a sense of freedom, to remove the stressful moments of childhood, youth - they can simply "erased" retroactively. Provoking moment of first use of alcohol can be anything, including a negative experience. Therefore, under hypnosis, the patient undergoes and fulfills all age stage, sometimes - from the moment of conception.
In a state of hypnosis can also be performed at the patient's age progression, that is, to see the future, to lay some protection program that calls at certain times of fear and inability to consume alcohol.
To restore the normal functioning of an organism often used method of erotic hypnosis. Basic instincts in alcoholics die away, and it is imperative to intensify the sexual, erotic activity, so that through enhanced sexual emotions interrupt the emotions that arise when taking alcohol.
In a state of hypnosis can enhance creative activity related to the arts, business, writing activities to maximize to fill the void that the person is formed, when he refuses to alcohol intake.
Modern hypnosis is able to work without total immersion of the patient to sleep. The consciousness of a patient in these situations remains clear, and the suggestion is carried out using so-called "trance states."
Pros of coding method Dovzhenko
* The method is simple and at the same time sufficiently reliable, time-tested.
* The efficiency of coding is according to some 87-90%.
* This method is considered the most humane and ethical, not an affront to human dignity.
* This method of encoding alcohol dependence is recognized by all the world's leading psychotherapists and approved by the WHO (approved by the Ministry of Health in 1984).
* Encoding is carried out for 1 session, which lasts an average of 2-2.5 hours.
* Coding of alcohol occurs in the waking state.
* At the encoded human alcohol does not cause a gag reflex, etc. symptoms that usually accompany medical methods of coding from alcoholism. Therefore, the patient can feel normal for the holiday table, and even the guests pouring liquor.
* Dovzhenko method is suitable for almost anyone who wants to really get rid of the addiction. Exceptions are only those who are immune to hypnosis.
* Harmless, does not harm the health of the patient, and even a positive effect on the psyche and the nervous system is coded.
* When accessing a patient for coding provides complete anonymity. Personal data is not submitted to drug treatment clinic, the patient is not put on the account.
* Individual approach to each patient.
* The combination of encoding method Dovzhenko with other methods of treatment of alcohol dependence, which increases their efficiency.
* Cure patients with any religion and without coding method Dovzhenko did not hurt matters of religion.
Mandatory requirements for the patient
The voluntary decision of coded patient - this is the first and most important condition. Forced encoding method Dovzhenko not lead to the desired result, but on the contrary, may have a negative effect and minimize the therapeutic effect of coding. The desire of the patient to recover from alcoholism, to change your life for the better, will help to take the coding and avoid possible recurrence. It does not matter the nature and stage of alcoholism, its duration and frequency of alternating remissions and relapses of the disease.
Also, for successful coding alcoholic prerequisite is considered an absolute sobriety patient. Refrain from alcohol should be at least 7-10 days before the session. Do not take anything that contains alcohol, this list includes not only beer and alcoholic beverages but also a variety of alcohol-containing medicines. This requirement demonstrates the seriousness of the intentions of the patient to accept treatment, strengthens the will power, sets it on the perception of psychological information. For coding method Dovzhenko there is a limit on age. By treating only the patients admitted over 22 years.
Pros of hypnosuggestive programming I.I.Razygraev.
This treatment involves the deprivation of the patient's ability to shoot, for example, stress using alcohol instead it happens assertiveness in the sexual sphere, increased libido. Many similar techniques based on suggestion patient inability to use of alcohol, but instead is given nothing but fear and depending on the inevitability of serious consequences in the event of an abnormality.
Each of these methods has its own advantages, so it makes sense to look individually for each patient is the methodology that will be most effective to him as an individual personality with its own unique features.
2. M. Gordeev, V. Yevtushenko "Hypnosis Techniques", Moscow, 2003
Zebrin Y. COMPARISON OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRECTIVE METHODS OF ALCOHOL AND NICOTINE ADDICTION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/462-24893 (22.02.2025).