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Home / Issues / № 3, 2015


Levchaev P.
In the context of the global financial crisis, of special importance are the questions of financial provision of activity of firms, corporations, enforcement of socio-economic obligations of States and economic actors. The new look and the search for alternatives of development are possible given the expansion of financial and credit instruments of influence on the activation of economic processes. We offer the use of a "systemic concept of symbolic interpretations of the value nature of financial resources". This paradigm consideration is implemented by applying the systemic approach of scientific research, taking into account cost basis changes and use of accessible forms and methods of realization of financial and credit operations in the economy. This scientific approach will allow us to direct cost relationship for the implementation of reproductive function of capital in the economy.

An innovative concept of symbolic interpretations of the value nature of financial resources, has as its objective the identification and use in the activities of the business entity signs the value of contributing to the fulfillment of the current tactical problems and growth capital in the future. Value relationship of any entity economy make it possible to attract from outside the cost, part of which is adopted for business signs (money, securities and other) forms its financial resources. Tolerance in the economic turnover of the company value, makes it possible not only to attract financial resources and their rate of turnover, but also determines the possibilities of capitalization of the business. The logical chain has extreme links: the attraction of acceptable financial resources - restructuring of companies as a way to increase its worth. Economic entities, carrying out relationships with contractors, have two different value streams: 1) the outflow of value from the system; 2) the flow of value to the system.

The concept of business value is considered today as one of the key in management science, because it involves the evaluation of all managerial decisions from the point of view of business capitalization. This focus can be explained by the system-wide, according to the law of development of every material system tends to achieve the greatest total potential by passing all the stages of the life cycle of the system. In today's world, any innovation is adopted only when it gives value growth of the economy. From this perspective, financial innovation is integral index, which is based on factors of very different nature and order, but always realizing itself in assessing the economic efficiency. Innovation from the point of view of financial science, the characteristics of the modern world we define as innovation that will ensure future quality growth cost. Through understanding the concept of value innovation is achieved by the performance in the current economic environment.

dvanced economic countries have formed the structure of post-industrial society. This innovation surge has led to the widening gap in levels of development among leaders and stragglers countries build the transition to the next stage of development, which is practically not recognized by the countries of outsiders. The new economy requires a concrete definition financial aspects. The basic concepts here are: information economy, service economy, knowledge economy, the process. Economic transformation of the largest players in global Finance (States, transnational corporations, banks) have led to new factors of building the economic power and configuration of global Finance.

1) Information economy determines the configuration of the global economic and financial systems. To the traditional factors of production (labour, land and capital) today added the Supreme information.

2) Finance change the behavior with control on reproduction, and the priority becomes the reproduction of capital, transnational entities in competitive sectors of the information economy.

3) the Monetary unit can be real, and even electronic potential and economic power based on established cutting-edge technologies.

The concept of symbolic interpretations of the value nature of financial resources allows to use modern features of the financial-credit relations in order to overcome crisis manifestations in the global economy.

Bibliographic reference

Levchaev P. THE CONCEPT OF INNOVATION VALUE IN ECONOMY OF THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/462-24949 (19.02.2025).