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Teaching science
In the article, through research, to which were applied different methods, considers the preparedness of the officers and cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to the implementation of preventive educational activities. Through the survey were identified the major trends in the officers understanding of the nature and content of preventive activities. Analysis of students training to preventive pedagogical activities showed deficiencies in pedagogical training of students. Offered the complex of socio-educational conditions, the implementation of which will increase the effectiveness of the Interior Ministry high schools cadets training to prevent and overcome behavioral problems of military men.
Keywords: Prevention, criminology, socio-pedagogical conditions, deviating behavior of soldiers
Preventive action of officers is a type of social and educational influences, so different by essential characteristic, content and specific[6]. In connection with this, we have been tasked to find out the attitude of various categories of educators about the need of knowledge of preventive work nature and content with difficult students. In the process of the MIA universities students pedagogical training research for educational activity with military men, prone to deviant behavior following methods were used: observation, questionnaires, surveys, and interviews with various categories of officers, teachers, learning training programs, case plans.
In the survey, and the survey of officers of different units (104 officers participated) 24 officers or 23% were convinced that the knowledge of preventive pedagogy are not needed. They believe that working with difficult military men, personal ability and inclination to work with these categories will be sufficient.
Other officers, 28 or 27% claimed that even without knowledge of the preventive work content, can effectively deal with difficult military men. Most important, in their opinion, in dealing with difficult military men is the need of prevention and re-education practical skills. Service experience and pedagogical intuition they consider basic and not a theory.
The largest group (52 officers, or 50%) agrees that the need of fundamentals of prevention knowledge is important in practical work with difficult military men. At the same time, some of them felt that they had no strong theoretical knowledge and would like more substantive pedagogical training, while others believe that such knowledge should be provided in the curriculum, and still others have argued that in preventive activity trained psychologists, lawyers, medical personnel should be engaged[1].
Survey data show, that a significant number of officers do not understand the importance and necessity of theoretical and preventive maintenance activities knowledge, working with difficult students. They believe their own experience and situational intuition is sufficient. Another part feels the need to obtain the necessary theoretical knowledge, understanding that help of professionals may not always be effective, as the psychologists, lawyers or doctors can not cover all the problems of preventive pedagogy, because only the officers have to work with specific difficult soldiers.
So for us it is important the opinion of those officers who believe that without specific knowledge of the problem, cannot be effective practical work with difficult soldiers.
With the help of the survey and the questionnaire we have identified the officers leading trends of understanding the nature and content of preventive activities that are interrelated with essential powers and content of preventive pedagogical activity, the foundation of which is the prevention and rehabilitation of difficult soldiers; importance to achieve a consistent result of various educators categories and subordinates interactions.
Common errors in preventive activity of officers and pedagogical training of students were identified. Their difficulties were: the lack of preventive activity nature and content, misunderstanding of preventive pedagogy theoretical learning.
The analysis of the surveys and questionnaires, the study of various categories military educators prevention activity, assessment of their pedagogical training level, revealed the following trends: a) preventive activity - it's a special kind of social and pedagogical activities; b) preventive activity characterized by super complex and lasting of getting positive results in working with difficult military men c) to enhance effective pedagogical activity in the army with soldiers with behavioral problems, special training of students in MIA universities (this is indicated by 70 respondents or 73%) is needed.
The results also showed that a considerable number of officers (46 or 48%) do not see the features in preventive activities, or difficulty in answering. They believe that prevention and rehabilitation - is theoretical far-fetched social and educational processes: in their view, individual work with difficult military personnel is enough, without singling them from the total weight of military personnel. Preventive activity they understand as the application of disciplinary sanctions, penalties, etc.
The research of technologies and methods of officers prevention activity in the MIA units, showed rather weak level of training for dealing with difficult soldiers. A broad range of educators opinions on the issue of certain technologies, methods, techniques, tools, and forms effectiveness are identified. Many educators have difficulty in classifying of particular technological tools to the appropriate level, a lack of knowledge of the theory leads to confusion of ideas "method", "technique", "means", "form", "competence"[3].
The data derived from the analysis and evaluation of officers preventive activity were further substantiated theoretically and practically, used in the pedagogical experiment in training students for preventive activity with difficult military men. Pedagogical errors of some officers in the process of prevention of military men deviant behavior have been identified.
Pedagogically wrong actions of officers in the process of prevention and reeducation of the military men can be divided into several types: pedagogical errors, pedagogical problems and antipedagogical actions.
The reasons of pedagogical errors are: complexity of preventive tasks in modern conditions, lack of the skills formation required for working with difficult military men of educators, subjectivism of officers in assessing of activity and behavior of a problem military man; insufficient knowledge of the soldier psychology with negative personality traits. Actions of social military educators not taking into account the regularities of preventive pedagogical process, the reasons for which were: increased complexity of dealing with problem soldiers, formal approach to preventive activity, low level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills; aversion to problem soldiers; authoritarian style of the pedagogical process management, were referred to pedagogical problems[7].
Thoughtless actions of military educators which knowingly led to negative results were referred to antipedagogical actions.
These are the main positive and negative tendencies identified in the study of content, organization and methods of officers preventive activities with problem military men.
In considering the theoretical and practical training of 104 students of military schools experimental groups on the issue of prevention and resolution of deviations in the behavior of the military men, the various, mostly inadequate levels of preparedness for preventive educational activities have been identified.
Analysis of the survey and the questionnaire showed that 52 students (50%) were not interested and did not read the literature on the problems of prevention and reeducation; 25 students (26%) are familiar with the articles in the press; 20 students (19%) read special scientific literature; 21 students (20%) did not answer or were difficult to answer.
The study found that only 24% of the of the experimental military schools students theoretically prepared for preventive educational activities with the military men with behavioral problems, and the rest (76%) have a weak theoretical and practical training, experience sheer confusion and difficulty in determining their own level of methodical training.
The negative side of students pedagogical training is the lack of prevention activities training almost at all military schools.
The study revealed that the main burden of the students practical training to work with soldiers with behavioral problems and military collectives objectively rests on the shoulders of military universities teachers, depending on their initiative and desire.
A study of the teachers responses of the reasons for the lack of attention on their part to methodological training of students to work with military personnel with behavioral problems it turns out that some of them, especially young teachers and unit commanders are not fully aware of the importance and the need of solving this problem. Other officers are not able to combine the teaching of the profile subject with additional training of students to the method of knowledge, skills and abilities transfer to other military men; some teachers feel they have additional work related to the implementation of methodical training of students to prevent and overcome the deviant behavior of military personnel[4].
The foregoing leads to the conclusion that at schools of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the departments of humanities is a certain psychological-pedagogical and methodological training of students for the course "Psychology and pedagogy", which is fixed in the process of practical training and is one of the elements of their training for the educational work with military man with behavioral problems. It has some ability to form students as future teachers of military personnel with behavioral problems. However, to work effectively with difficult military men it is not enough.
These circumstances made it necessary to review the implementation of socio-pedagogical conditions to improve MIA universities students pedagogical training for prevention and overcoming deviations in the behavior of the soldiers. Taking into account the above-mentioned difficulties in preventive activity of officers, we have proposed and implemented a set of social and educational conditions on improving the effectiveness of MIA universities students pedagogical training to prevention and overcoming of deviations in the behavior of the soldiers.
The fundamental socio-pedagogical conditions of improving the effectiveness of students pedagogical training to prevent and overcome deviations in the behavior of military personnel, in our view, should include:
1. Creation of a problem-research space that promotes personal growth of future educational officers improves their methodological, informational, research culture, developing their communication skills. In this case, special attention should be paid to the justification of tasks, objects, and objects of the activities with which the officer is found during preventive pedagogical activity in the army. The purpose of students training for preventive pedagogical activity should be described, teachers of psycho-pedagogical disciplines should introduce innovative elements in the content of education: the basic theoretical principles of military high school graduate on the prevention and overcoming of deviant behavior of military men; to determine the content of preventive pedagogical activities with soldiers with behavioral problems; apply various types of educational and pedagogical tasks and criminological situations in the learning process of military high schools as teaching materials and diagnostic tools to evaluate the effectiveness of students pedagogical training to preventive pedagogical activities.
2. The introduction to the content of students training of knowledge about military high schools graduates preventive pedagogical activities. For this purpose in the EG on the third and fourth years of study special course "Criminology" was tested. Teachers tried to acquaint students with future activity on the prevention and overcoming deviant behavior of military personnel. Commanders of the units and graduates were invited in these groups; they talked about their practice of pedagogical work with military personnel with behavioral problems. Further, the content and methods of training classes on special course "Criminology" was directed to the knowledge of the students of future preventive pedagogical activities[2]. Various methods for activating cognitive activity of students: discussions, role plays, playing situations of preventive pedagogical practice, the decision of preventive pedagogical tasks, situations, were used for this purpose.
3. Using in the students training of a method based on the design of preventive pedagogical tasks and situations, formulating and solving the problems of preventive pedagogy in the educational process of a military institution to train students for work with difficult military men. In EG teaching staff used a variety of preventive pedagogical situations of servicemen and military groups everyday life, the resolution of which was only possible with a good knowledge and understanding of deviant behavior nature, mentality and psychology of military groups men [5]. The role of criminological knowledge in solving problems of deviant behavior in their further pedagogical activity teaching was demonstrated to students.
4. A special place in the students training to preventive pedagogical activities was given to the application of criminological science knowledge in the period of probation, as well as during the work in the units providing military high schools. In training of the EG students for military probation each were given individual assignments to study and describe one of the issues related to practical pedagogical activity of an officer for the prevention and overcoming of military men deviant behavior in the army at present. After military training in the experimental groups were held practical training on the problems of military men deviant behavior, they encountered in the troops. Continuous pedagogical practice of students in the units and during the probation, as commanders of units, part-time psychologists of the groups in order to motivate future action to prevent and overcome military men deviant behavior and get the necessary experience was carried out.
5. Training of students to the criminological science method, using it in pedagogical activity with behavioral problems of military men.
6. Formation of motivation and development of value orientations to preventive pedagogical activities of the future officers.
7. Improving of pedagogical competencies of teaching staff and commanders of training units based on the special course "Criminology".
Our observations of educational activities and practice in military schools, the study of analytical materials and theoretical researches on this problem allows to say that the implementation of socio - pedagogical conditions complex for training of military schools students, improves efficiency, enhances the training objectives and results.
URL: www.science-sd.com/463-24966 (22.02.2025).