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Home / Issues / № 2, 2016

Teaching science

Strategic direction in the development of additional education system of Russia
Varaksin V.N.

Special mission additional education is the possibility to change the value status of the whole society, there may be a chance to implement his constructive development and the emphasis on state policy regarding further education.

Additional education, as a mechanism for individual support of the individual of self-realization in society, contributes to meeting the variable and changing needs of children, adolescents and families in General.

In modern society, which partly solved the task of meeting the basic human needs to the fore the values of self-expression and personal growth, there is a need in the manifestation of civic solidarity. In recent decades, General education gives preference to detail that implies availability and commitment to the overall «mass» education to design diversified education for self-realization. Thus, education becomes not only a means of development of universal norms, cultural patterns and integration into society, but also creates obstacles in the implementation of a fundamental process of personality development, that is, individualization, as seeking and finding a person in itself.

The relevance of the topic is aimed at ensuring the organization's strategy for more education to help children and adolescents to engage in scientific, technical, social and economic processes of society. The development of innovative forms of thinking and activities, effective communication, defining the standard of the modern world.

In children and adolescents there is a possibility in the promotion of individual educational strategies that can be realized only in specially organized training formats as well as in other spheres of life of the maturing person.

Additional education must flexibly and effectively react to modern challenges to the abilities and opportunities of a growing person. So it can significantly expand the range of services provided and opportunities and ensure the effectiveness of planned results.

Additional education contributes to a close connection with the practical activities in different directions, thus differing from the primary, it has the opportunity to acquire the necessary social experience, and diversity of choice, trying and making mistakes in their search, but at the same time, getting the necessary professional attitude. In children and adolescents, in the process of creative activity is the formation of a design and a business culture that focuses on creative, productive activity.

To the development of creativity in children and adolescents by means of further education to attract scientific, engineering, cultural elite of the country, revealing of talented children and teenagers, developing their motivation to learn and creativity. In this regard, it is possible to identify the following objectives:

- the possibility of self-realization in the creative development,

- promote meet the different interests of children and adolescents and their families having different social status,

- creating conditions of motivation and capacity in children and adolescents, rolling in the innovative potential of companies.

The task of strategy development additional education:

- to increase the coverage of children and adolescents with interesting supplementary education;

- to improve the quality of modern further education;

- update the content of further education in accordance with the main objectives of the state development, children and adolescents, as well as the needs of the family, changes in the technological, cultural and social life of society;

- to create a mechanism of financial assistance to further education;

- to create an interagency system of interaction with the institutions of additional education;

- to create conditions for the participation of the family and the public in managing the development of the system of additional education.

To solve the formulated problem and to achieve strategic goals, it is necessary to update contents, to simulate a new form of supplementary education. In our opinion one of the more effective forms include the following:

1.modular training program,

2.creative-oriented Olympics

3.the practical lab and internship sites,

4.the continuity of further education,

5.developing projects and role-playing games

6.problem-creative clubs.

The implementation of above mentioned activities can occur through involvement in the system of continuous further education, the various enterprises and firms, private organizations, individual entrepreneurs providing corporate assistance in providing materials, tools, payment of scholarships to the most outstanding children and adolescents who have shown their commitment in cognitive, creative and intellectual activities.

The extension of supplementary education can be expressed in a variety of professional programmes, projects and creative innovations to study the subject of professional activity.

Plunging in a specific creative activity, children and adolescents reinforce the idea of yourself as a person that produces initial familiarity with the environment and space you are using, the workmanship and design of the investigated object of study. In children and adolescents and develops imagination, is the ability to creation of new objects that surround them and contribute to direct sense perception in the manufacture of a particular model. Children and adolescents participating in role-playing games, acquiring initial professional skills, possess the arbitrary behavioral forms in the context-defined norms of behavior.

«Modelling the process of speech favorite star gives the child confidence in their capabilities, satisfy the feeling of importance, develops a positive attitude towards people» [3].

Developing an internal action plan, which increasingly contributes to the manifestation of personal reflection, self-monitoring and self-evaluation of their own activities, and criticality.

The effectiveness of the development of arbitrariness and cognitive processes is due to the emphasis on personal attention, perception and memory. This in turn contributes to the formation of the initial levels of conscious ability to learn, to develop scientific concepts and the development of effective collaboration skills with teachers of additional education, and in General with adults and peers to achieve a common goal, which formulate together.

Using training that brings children and adolescents to the acquisition of professional competencies, we can recommend a variety of activity workshops in which children and adolescents actively participate, since these forms are new for them and allow you to build skills which are then quickly and effectively learn a popular modern profession. Used in the training courses and modules, primarily formative in children and adolescents the ability to consolidate, structuring and using knowledge, and academic motivation.

«In the process of interactive communication by using role-playing games, created the conditions for the simulation of complex situations with further development of skills out of them. In the process of interactive communication issues that arise in the analysis of those situations that sets the leader and the participants, analyzing them, activate mental activity» [1].

The use of a network of interaction of various educational organizations and institutions of further education between them suggests the possibility of enrolling in secondary and higher institutions for completion of education in institutions of additional education.

«Interaction with different types of educational institutions focuses on the composition and structure of supplementary education. Final implementation of this principle is to ensure unity of approach and interaction of the subject for a substantial part of further education» [2].

Now such a situation has arisen where there is a feasibility of measures to support children and adolescents at the expense of the state budget, including Federal.

Therefore there is a need for the development to identify specific measures to provide financial aid to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the support of children and adolescents, technical sports, as well as training providers such provision.

In addition, there are unresolved issues of legal and organizational nature, hindering the further development of technical sports.

The opposition there is not only inconsistency of the existing regulatory framework, but in bureaucratic barriers relevant agencies, which impede the full development of the additional education, restoration children's rooms and clubs at the place of residence the establishment of specialized platforms in schools, colleges and universities, thereby limiting the possibility of development of additional education.

To implement strategic interventions in further education, as well as the various innovations for children and adolescents, should be involved in solutions to these problems, colleges, institutes, science, industrial policy and entrepreneurship, various corporations, public organizations and enterprises. In some cases, you can refer to religious denominations, since they gained immense power in society, professional and creative unions, political parties, voluntary associations, enthusiasts, informal and family education.

Such a diverse social capacities that contribute to education, will also provide indispensable assistance and involvement of the broad public masses for socialization and cultural development of the individual. The efficiency of the realization of this potential requires careful design and the introduction of complex mechanisms for integration of activities and resources relevant logic development system of additional education.

Thus, marked changes in further education cannot be reduced only to the industry to build a whole system of additional education forming regional and Federal educational community. The institutional structure of further education in the strategic development creates a unique out-of-bounds of organizational structures, the existing system of education, which in turn will highlight a new modern subjects of educational process, to open the possibility for setting strategic goals and form strategic decisions.

Modern problems of development of technical creativity of children and adolescents are based on the imperfection of the practice of diagnosis of the level of entrainment technical work involved. The competencies, knowledge, skills, abilities, and functional training to acquire the profession of morphofunctional indices, potential, psychological ability, technical talent in sports and orientation depends on the design of the model characteristics of children and adolescents their gaming performance.

This situation in further education needs to be strengthened management functions from the Executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and coordination of the Federal bodies of Executive power, expressions of interest in additional education because it is the Foundation of the future development of the country.

For implementation of complex of measures aimed at changing further education, which ultimately will contribute to the development of the whole system of additional education of children and adolescents.

The results of the implementation of complex of measures on change of additional education of children and adolescents should be:

- ensuring the availability of additional education for all categories of children and adolescents

- increase the number of children and adolescents who could regularly be involved in technical sports

- intellectual growth fitness of children and adolescents

- formation in children and adolescents reasonable relationship to employment, as well as Patriotic Outlook and active life position.

Hence, the strategy of development of system of additional education of Russia depends not only on individuals working with children and adolescents, but also from the system of promoting the unity of institutions of additional education - schools - colleges - universities, regional and Federal services that contribute to the development of intellectual potential of the country.

1.Varaksin V.N. Creation of conditions for interactive interoperability in joint activity // Scientific-methodical electronic journal «Concept». – 2015. NoS4. – C.6–10. – URL:http://ekoncept.ru/2015/75073.htm.

2.Varaksin V.N. Program «Modelist-Konstruktor». ped-kopilka.ru 2016. 10c.

3.Kolechenko, A.K. encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies. SPb.: Karo. S. 361. 2001. – 368с.

Bibliographic reference

Varaksin V.N. Strategic direction in the development of additional education system of Russia. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-24991 (22.02.2025).