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Teaching science
The aim of polycultural education, as it is accepted to take into account, comprises formation of ability to the effective vital activity in multinational and polycultural environment by a man who has a developed sense of understanding and respect to other cultures, the ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, races and religious beliefs.
The ideas of polyculture have found their reflection in the higher education programs and standards of the USA, Canada, Australia and European countries and which are based on the integrated studying of natural sciences and social disciplines under taking into account the polycultural base of scientific values appealing to educate students the ability to solve international conflicts effectively in the name of common weal.
Analyzing foreign and Russian practice of tuition from the polyculture principle point of view, it is possible to come to the conclusion that Russia drops significantly in this problem behind other world countries. At the same time, historically, Russia is a multinational power where along with Russian language as the language of international intercourse, communication is realized more than 160 languages that it helps to form polycultural educational environment.
Polyethnics of the Russian society dictates the necessity to formulate educational standards taking into account modern social guides and the problem of polycultural education is becoming the main component of Russian education at the modern stage.
Shtatskaya T.V. THE PROBLEM OF POLYCULTURAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-24995 (22.02.2025).