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Biological sciences
Objective. To study the possibility of vegetative propagation of artichoke prickly by the method of caudex particulation. Vegetative propagation of plants is widely spread in nature and has big importance inplant growing practice and agriculture [1,2,5,6].
It provides complete transfer of inherited features of the varietyor the form of propagated plant to the new generation. Attheexperimentalplantationofthe fourth yearof growing artichoke pricklyin theSRS ofTSAUwe paid attention to the fact that many plants at plantationbegan to particulate. It is one of the indications of plants' aging. Particulation, as a rule, is accompanied by caudex formation [3,4,5,6]. Allparticule sare well developed caudex. It is thesum of perennial part sofre newal shoot sofin creasing or der with great number of renewal buds, the part of thos can be latent [3,6]. In considerable development of caudex it can be conducted dividing the plant into particules not only by bushes but caudex itself. This problem in literature in artichoke prickly has not been described and studied.
Methods of research. On April 28-29, 2014 80 four-year plants were dug up, separation and calculation of all developed caudices was made:
30 plant shad one caudex, 46 - by two, 4 - by three caudices. Then caudex was length wise with acute knife, from above down, with required presence on each cut part (cutting) not less than 1-2 renewal buds and 1-2 lateral roots. Experiment son studying possibility of propagation of artichoke prickly by the method of caudex particulation were conducted without applying stimulants of growth. Caudices with capitulum in diameter of 6-7 cm were cut into3-4 parts with length of 10-12cm, diameter of 4-5 cm, cut into 2 parts with length of 6-78cm. Parts of caudex (cuttings) cut length wise were immediately transplanted on before hand prepared place for growing: into vegetative vessels (40 pieces) by twocuttings into the vessel, with defined composition of soilaccording to the project. Other cutting swere transplanted into open soil, in beds of experimental lots of TSAU and TashPharmI. Transplantedcuttingswereimmediatelywatered fromgarden watering can, further, in open soil was conductedwatering according toirrigation channel system. Spots with planted cuttings were plentifully mulched with garden humus.
Results of research. In planted cuttings, both in open soil and vegetative vessels renewal buds began to grow at 7-8 day after planting, simultaneously with formation of lateral additional roots. Calculation of acclimatized cuttings showed that cuttings taken from the plants with diameter of caudex capitulum more than 6 -7cm was- 85 %, and in cuttingstaken from the plants with diameter of capitulum of 4-5cm was 65 %, and less than 3-4cmin total 43 %. Latter, evidentlyisrelatedtoсвязаноwith large number of renewal buds and more developedcambium incuttings takencaudex of more than 6-7 cm in diameter. ForJune 25, 2015 in one plant planted into open soil, in average formed from 3 to 5 leaves with length of 35-40 cm. All plants grown from caudex particules began to blossom in May 2015.
Conclusion.1. For the first time in Uzbekistan was studied the possibility of propagation artichoke prickly by the method of caudex particulation. 2. It was obtained high acclimation rate (85%) of caudex particules from plants having caudex capitulum of more than 6-7 cm. 3. This method of vegetative propagation of artichokeshould be applied in plantations after the fourth year of their exploitation with the purpose ofpreservation ofvarietal qualities of grown artichoke plants.
2.Brause М.М. Propagation of plants. Translated from Eng. М.: Mir,1992 , p.192.
3.Korovkin О.А. Anatomy and morphology of higher plants//
Dictionary of terms.- М.:pub. House Drofa: 2007, p.320.
4.VictorovV.P., Chernyaeva Е.V. – Introduction of plants. Moscow, pub. House Prometey,2013.
5.HortusThird. Aconcise Dictionary of Plant cultivated in United States and Canada//Cornell University for L.B.Bailey
Hortorum.McMillan Publ.Co.1976.1290 pp.
6.The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening//, I-IY vol. NewYork.USA, 1992
Belolipov I.V., Abzalov А.А., Islamov А.М. VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION OF ARTICHOKE PRICKLY (CYNARASCOLYMUSL.) BY CAUDEX IN CONDITIONS OF UZBEKISTAN. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25031 (22.02.2025).