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Formulation of the problem. Behavioral economics on the one hand reveals the content of a relatively new analytical trends in the development of economic science of the last decades, on the other hand it is recommended to study. As a new independent discipline. It is known that in practice there is nothing better than a good theory, for it determines the theory of human behavior, firms, households, the state and its regions in the economic life of society, which is reflected in the results of their economic activity. "The ideas of economists and political leaders - John Maynard Keynes wrote [4], - when they are right and when they are wrong - are much more important than most people think. In fact, once they rule the world".
Modern economic theory is diverse. It suggests different solutions of economic problems from the perspective of the different schools of thought. But the choice between the various recommendations of the school complex, because the theory of each of them, with a grain of truth, reflects only one side of the real economy. In real life, a change of scientific schools and the teaching of the main provisions of their theories is happening in the fight, because each of them claims to universality of his theory, at the same time reflecting a substantially different economic interests of particular classes or social groups.
Analysis of recent research and publications. This research is reflected in the few works of scholars like Keynes D [4], Lehrer D [5] Greenspan, A [2], and Russian scientists: Abalkin L [1]., Zhuravleva G [3]., Pavlov I [7]., Manohina N [6]. And etc.
Objectives of the study:
- To form a picture of the interaction of a modern economy with the achievements of psychology;
- To reveal the role of experiments in the modern economy;
- Demonstrate the capabilities of the implementation of the identified patterns of human behavior in economic theory;
- To consider the various practical applications of behavioral theories;
- Explain the meaning of the construction of economic models and describe the problems associated with them;
- Develop recommendations for public administration institutions that develop different forecasts on the basis of economic and psychological models.
The main results of the study. The changing economic world of the new century is characterized by qualitative changes in the public consciousness in the understanding of the dynamics of economic, social and spiritual processes. Changing the scientific world. And the world is changing faster than the process of understanding the world. The whole world now, including Russia, is going through a special period of turbulence and reconstruction, the appearance of poorly studied, but it is quite regular and important for economic development trends (transformation of economic systems, globalization, technological explosion, computerization, environmental and economic security, etc. ).
The main task of economics has always been to give an answer about the structure of the economic world. But today the world has changed, the problem of modern economic science is becoming a new explanation of the world. Unfortunately, earlier economic schools do not solve this problem. For classical political economy and the modern "economics" serious claims impose not only Russian, but also well-known Western scientists and economists. This brings to mind the famous saying of Russian academician L.I. Abalkin, that in science there cannot be the monopoly of a scientific school in the absolute truth. [1] Where there is such a monopoly, ends with science, as evidenced by the entire historical experience of Russia.
In today's economy the ability of automation and information not only to the creative thinking and the ability to informal acts, extraordinary decisions and actions, innovations - this is the main requirement to experts. In this case, in the first place are the theoretical knowledge, contributing to the development of the mental apparatus. Learn to think independently on the basis of the analysis of different doctrines, theories, and views of scientists and theorists is the first objective of the study and teaching of economics.
Behavioral economics is a relatively new science and a new academic discipline. It has more interdisciplinary in nature and is located at the junction of at least two sciences: psychology and economics that brings out the psychological basis and dynamics of human decision-making and other agents.
Who cannot take into account behavioral economics as a behavioral approach:
- Inherent in the activities of the different actors from the individual and the company, to the markets and regions;
- Systematically repeated and complicated;
- Reveals the underlying motives of the agents, not always following the canons of the traditional economy.
Behavioral economics, until recently, many believed science secondary, optional - sort of a minor relative of adult traditional economy. However, supporters of the latter is still recognized that individuals behave in unreasonable time to time, is irrational, but it has always been theoretical arguments. They argued that the behavioral experiments - psychologists and economists, no matter how interesting, do not deny rational models, because they are carried out under controlled conditions and in the absence of the main regulator of rational behavior - competitive market environment.
Positions of traditional economists were seriously shaken by the global financial crisis. In October 2008, the great Alan Greenspan [3] made his confession. The belief that individuals, companies and markets is fundamentally rational, collapsed, and the corresponding risk for the interests of the economy and society have appeared in all its glory. We are talking about the psychology of economic and financial behavior. These disciplines have long been on the periphery of economic analysis, but the financial crisis suddenly moved them into the center of attention of economists and financial analysts. Currently, over 20% of students-economists in the United States are engaged in a major in behavioral economics at leading universities in the country. The awarding of the 2002 Nobel Prize, the researcher in this field - the American psychologist D. Kahneman - played a positive role in the development of behavioral economics.
Exploring behavioral economics, experts are trying to understand how psychological phenomena, emotions and group dynamics affect economic decisions. Studies have shown that people often make decisions that are not in their best interests, or take at face value what economists consider essential to their well-being, that seemed to benefit them. For example, from a rational point of view, better start saving for retirement early in your career. But many do not, and studies show that people are afraid of long-term savings. In investment decisions, it is likely to have a huge impact many kinds of cognitive and emotional effects. The economists of the old school argued that irrational behavior could not settle down on the ground hard calculations of the financial markets. Irrational people can swing the pendulum of equilibrium prices and indices, but the wise traders will always cost "market stall" to economically justified levels. After 2008, this ghostly law cleared. Behavioral economists, who often use more worldly and empirical approaches than economists who are engaged in the formal adoption of market models, denied the established opinion that the bankers behave rationally, carefully analyze their decisions and focus only on maximizing their own personal interests.
Conclusions. Behavioral economics is formed as a new intelligent platform of the scientific community, the new direction in which effected a shift in emphasis from the development of formal models of rational behavior of the individual in various situations of choice in the process of experimental and empirical testing, determine the consistency level (divergence) of traditional economic theory and derived from her patterns, trends with the real facts of economic activity.
2. Alan Greenspan, "The Age of Turbulence." Ed. House "United Press", 2010
3. G. Zhuravlev "behavioral economics." Monograph. Ed. House "TSU of GR Derzhavin", 2016
4. J. M. Keynes' Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Selected Works. " M .: Economics, 1993, p.517
5. D. Lehrer "As we make decisions." Moscow, 2010
6. N. Manohina "Behavioral economics - economic development paradigm." Ed. House "TSU of GR Derzhavin"
7. I. Pavlov "behavioral economics - a positive approach to the study of human behavior." Moscow, Ed. house "IE RAS", 2007
Aleksandrova E.V., Zhuravleva G.P., Skripnikova M.I. BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS AS A NEW BRANCH OF ECONOMICS.. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25097 (22.02.2025).