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Home / Issues / № 2, 2016

Historical science

Vasiliev Y. A., Yaitskaya N. V.

In the late 19th - early 20th centuries noticeable the increased participation of women in almost all spheres of the Russian state, political and socio-economic life, and their influence steadily increased. Traditionally, the increasing role of women was more noticeable in cities, where there were more opportunities to manifest itself, to exert their abilities and be seen.

First of all, this applies to teaching staff. The second largest attract women area was the medicine. The third area in which women's participation was quite noticeable, was the charity. Becoming more women-cashiers (even at the State Bank), civil servants, Telegraph operators. The Secretary of the Novgorod statistical Committee V. A. Podobedov in 1907 noted increased in public institutions competition officials and servants of men by women.[2]

According to the 1897 census in the province of Novgorod more than 80 thousand of women (81 784 people) gave information about the individuals as independent, including non-target classes - 39 590, commercial - 42 194 (extractive industries, including agriculture - 28 088, manufacturing - 6725, lines of communication - 191, trade - 2307), other classes - 4833 people. Most of them were engaged in agriculture - 27 340, servants, odd jobs, private service - 19 259, clothing - 2680, processing of fibers - 1713, trade - more than 1200, training and educational activities - 787, ceramic manufacturing - 773, chemical production - 864, "cleanliness and hygiene of the body" - 732. Agriculture led even single women - 14 148 people.[3]

One of the indicators of the increasing emancipation and independence of women was their participation in the savings business. The city savings banks in the province of Novgorod began to be established 1864 (Cherepovets). By 1870 m. they operated in 4 counties of the province of Novgorod, Valday, Cherepovets in Kresttsy, bringing together approximately 121 investor with the number of deposits 7671 rubles.[4] In addition, there were cash in the treasuries and other institutions. Their number increased steadily and by 1913 had reached 105 with the total amount of deposits of 22.3 million.[5]

Data on customers of the city savings banks, Novgorod province (1864-1872).[6]

categories of investors

the number of savings books

amount of the initial fee

(in rubles)

on average



3 810




3 983



From the table it follows that although women were among the contributors was a third less than men, but the total amount of contributions of even a few more, and the average size of the contribution is much higher.

It should be noted that women have been more frugal investors - the average amount of their initial contribution is almost 2 times higher than the depositors-men.

In Lukahsinskaya state postal-telegraphic savings Bank №2 (station Valdayka Borovichi uyezd), 1914-1921 of investors 112 95 was the peasants, and of these, 51 woman, 61 of them were recorded as unskilled laborers and not farmers (among them, 45 women), a trade deal with only one woman. Burghers there were 12 (9 women).[7] In the book of claims by the Fund of an initial contribution of peasants appear, the majority - 67% (28% women).[8]

Again, we should note the high percentage of participation in savings transactions of women and their contributions, as a rule, not decreased, in contrast to contributors-men, but rather tended to increase.

Depositors of women you can meet representatives of different professions, classes and ages. Children in whose name deposits were issued, of course, parents. Let us cite, for example, information on the Belskaya state savings Bank at post and Telegraph office (1913-1918). Among its contributors was the daughter of the chief post and Telegraph office - 7 years, daughter of Cantor is 8 years old, the preacher's daughter - 5 years old, the daughter of a civil servant - 6 years, a teacher's wife, teacher, daughter of a police officer - 7 years, the wife of a guard, etc.[9]

Thus, women in the province of Novgorod, as in the whole of Russia in the second half of XIX - early XX centuries. occupied not the last place in the most different spheres of public and economic life. However, before 1917 they did not have voting rights and are not accepted on public service (excluding the position of the lower technical staff).


The study was funded from the Federal budget to conduct scientific research (fundamental research, applied research and experimental development) №2667 "Novgorod land in the context of socio-cultural development: history, archaeology, and culture" carried out within the framework of the basic part of state task in the sphere of scientific activities.

1.State historical archive of the Novgorod region (GIANO). F. 456. Inv. 1. Un.1. Savings and loan cashier employees in government institutions Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs in the Novgorod province. P. 108-109.

2. The first General census of the Russian Empire in 1897, SPb, ed. Statistical Committee of the Ministry of interior, 1903. Notebook 1. P. XIII, XIV, 142-145.

3. Kaufman, I. I. Statistics of the city savings banks. St. Petersburg, 1875. P. 1, 9.

4. Statistics on the operations of the State Bank and savings banks for the years 1860-1892 St 1893. P. 94-95; Russian state historical archive (RGIA). F. 681. Inv. 1. Un. 266. Outline of the development and activities of state savings banks. P. 36-37.

5. Kaufman, I. I. Statistics of the city savings banks. St. Petersburg, 1875. P. 35-38, 47, 55-57, 62, 70, 78-80, 82-84 etc.

6. GIANO. F. 449. Inv. 1. Un.2. The book of accounts of depositors Lukohsinskaya the state postal-telegraphic savings banks. №2. (1914-1921). P. 1-60.

7. GIANO. F. 449. Inv. 1. Un.1. The book statements on the initial contribution Lukohsinskaya postal and Telegraph savings banks. №2. (1890-1893). P. 1-111.

8. GIANO. F. 454. Inv. 1. Un.1. Belskaya state savings Bank at post and Telegraph office. P. 1-240.

Bibliographic reference

Vasiliev Y. A., Yaitskaya N. V. THE PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN THE NOVGOROD PROVINCE IN THE SAVINGS BUSINESS IN THE SECOND HALF OF 19th – EARLY 20th CENTURIES.. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25105 (22.02.2025).