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Home / Issues / № 2, 2016

Medical sciences

Baratova D.A., Baratova M.А.

Tuberculosis pulmonary- is a terrible infectious disease is caused by infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis in our body - sticks Koch. It has ubiquitous  propagation and in developing, and developed countries, and the highest incidence morbidity of this pathologies.

In this connection, the purpose of our study was detection pulmonary tuberculosis at an early stage of the disease at voluntary donors of hematopoietic stem cells.


In the research group from February 2012 to August 2016 included 202 voluntary bone marrow donors. Of these, the kirghiz nationalities- 124 people (women 48, men -76) ranging in age from 18 to 50 years. Composition-78 people (women 15, men -63) donors Russian-speaking population of Kirghizia.

The study was conducted in fluorographic of department policlinic in St. Petersburg, Astana and Bishkek.

Further roentgen thorax study to donors continues.


Fluorography of the chest was performed on an outpatient basis in radiological cabinets

Donors bring us the result radiograph and the conclusion radiologist.


At conducting us studies on  tuberculosis infection voluntary donors who considered themselves practically healthy people, but, at  detailed polls in 45% cases men are abusing tobacco and clinical manifestations noted  at the some donors a morning coughs and had a variety of chronic pathology  in remissionю At the availability of pulmonary pathology (chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma in remission) donors in a timely manner suspended from the donation  of bone marrow, the possibility of exacerbation disease and complications.

Given that pulmonary tuberculosis occupies one of the first places among the pulmonary pathology and  prevalence by  frequency has an increased occurrence and  among youth  and among the older ages. To create healthy bone marrow registry, need to research   the pathology of pulmonary and one of simple, accessible kind of research is a fluorography of the chest.

This indicates to us doctors clinicians to go from simple to complex and expensive research.

Fluorographic study was used as a method for early diagnosis of lung pathology at primary negotiability of voluntary donors to the National Register of hematopoietic stem cells Kirghizia, the donor is healthy or not and in the future can be a donor or not the  bone marrow.In connection with, what selection  in the register donor bone marrow was conducted in the quality and  thorough examination.

In primary uptake in the National Register and the detailed surveys have 2 women voluntary donors kirghiz nationality, temporarily living in St. Petersburg, suspected symptoms of tuberculous pathology of the pulmonary.

One donor noted manifestations the coughing for several years, but earlier chest radiography not conducted.  Aimed at fluorography study where was were changes in the lungs and  made additional radiograph and diagnosed tuberculoma pulmonary tops.

The second donor has manifestation of a subfebril temperature of within 37˚-37,5, sweating, fatigue, but felt themselves healthy.When fluorography study revealed changes in the lungs and made additional radiograph and diagnosed: disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.

At the time of the study, both patients on dispensary accounting never consisted, diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis the first time. Patients was consultations spesialist-phthisiologist and hospitalized in a specialized hospital at the place of residence, for further examination and treatment. In the comparison, among donors Russian-speaking population Kirghizia the pulmonary tuberculosis not revealed.

Donors having pulmonary pathology are in the database of the National Register hematopoietic stem cells Kirghizia, as debarred  from the donation of bone marrow.

And today, fluorography study of bone marrow donors remains essential for the early detection  one of a dangerous lung pathology such as tuberculosis and affordable, safe, convenient method of diagnostics and has extensive experience in clinical use.


1. Conduct radiography of the chest  voluntary donors bone marrow at primary negotiability in the National Register of hematopoietic stem cells Kirghizia.

2. The potential donors  bone marrow from National Register of conduct  radiography of the chest annually.

3. The potential donors of bone marrow before collecting hematopoietic stem cells to carry out chest radiography of the chest with prophylactic aim.

4. Reject voluntary donors of bone marrow from donation at availability of pulmonary tuberculosis.

5. In the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis further examination, treatment and observation in phthisiologist, therapist(oncologist on the testimony).


Bibliographic reference

Baratova D.A., Baratova M.А. TUBERCULOSIS PULMONARY AND EARLY DIAGNOSIS AT VOLUNTARY DONORS OF HEMATOPOETIC STEM CELLS. . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25121 (22.02.2025).