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Teaching science
Relevance. The development process of integrated research programs in institutions of higher education determines the relevance of developing a mechanism for implementation of pedagogical technology on stage improved training of future specialists. Relevance is based on achievements in pedagogical science, modernising the organisational structure of high school, to renew the essence of education, on the one hand and implementation of integrated programmes in research training, on the other hand.
Integration processes in the sphere of education, helped to unify the educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education in educational «college-university» cluster. The Association of educational institutions has contributed to the development of integrated programmes, research activities in the training of future specialists [1].
In the regional educational cluster «college- university» in the Udmurt Republic implemented tiered training using an integrated approach in assessing the quality of training; expanding range of educational programs and elective courses; embedded individual educational trajectory for students that promotes employability of graduates in the labour market.
Objective: develop a mechanism for the implementation of integrated programmes of research in the «сollege - university» in the Udmurt Republic.
The hypothesis of the study. Mechanism for implementing the integrated programmes, research activities in College-University system, functioning on the basis of the integrative approach, is carried out on the basis of technologies of forming research future professionals in the system of continuous education. Educational technology includes target, diagnostic, insightful, procedural and analytical components and implemented: a) with the position of the integrative approach; b) on the basis of intersubject links academic disciplines; in) pedagogical mastery of the teaching staff of the University.
Research methods. Analysis of primary sources on the subject of the study; comparison of abstracting, classification; a synthesis and interpretation of scientific data; observation and introspection in the form of self-evaluation, the conversation, the method of expert assessments, testing, analysis of products activity. Applied statistical and mathematical methods of processing results of experimental data.
The results of the study
1. It has been established that an integrative approach justifies the elaboration and implementation of integrated programmes, research activities of the students in the «college-university» as:
- education cluster as a tiered system of continuous pedagogical education, integrating optimization of process conditions and factors for training future specialists; action mechanism of realization of complex programs of research students, functioning in the relationship between the individual components and environmental factors;
- participation of students in integrated programmes research identifies potential to optimize personal, educational and professional development of the future specialist [2].
3. Technology development and implementation of integrated programmes, research activities of students is based on the profile of the Organization of the learning process of students, the recruitment of additional educational programs, development of a culture of business and core competencies; build individual educational route; opportunity to engage in research with the first phase of instruction in the learning cluster.
4. Implementation of the technology development and implementation of integrated programmes, research activities of students in College-University system is carried out through:
-personal resources students (motivation training activities; the level of autonomy and responsibility; cognitive activity; an interest of the individual in receipt of vocational education);
-reflexive activities of students, which ensures that cognitive activity, build programs of personal and professional development;
- information resources for educational, scientific and professional activities of students;
-evaluation and correction of students through the selected criteria and indicators.
2. Volkov P.B. Development of the concept of continuous pedagogical education in conditions of integration of the educational institutions in the education cluster/http://mnv.vectorscience.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/mnv/Volkov.pdf
Volkov P.B. Organization of scientific research activities of students in the educational cluster College-University» Udmurt Republic
. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25123 (22.02.2025).