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Teaching science
In the methodology of teaching foreign languages today, the active search for a method that would give the ability to acquire a foreign language quickly takes place. Firstly, the pace of life is accelerating, and secondly, knowledge of a foreign language is becoming increasingly necessary. In addition, with the growing interdependence of countries increases the need for more in-depth learning of foreign languages, enhancing cooperation in the field of culture and education. Education has become one of the most important areas of activity. The need to establish alternative methods of language teaching has become a priority. Teaching should become more functional, more pragmatic. The communicative function of language became of prior importance, and contributed to the creation of a new method as a system of language teaching. What is the communicative teaching method necessary for? What is speaking?
Speaking is a productive type of speech activity, through which oral verbal communication is carried out. Speaking is the expression of ideas in order to solve the tasks of communication. This is a one man activity, although it is included in communication and can't exist outside of it, because communication is always an interaction with other people [1]. The content of speaking is the expression of thoughts in oral form. In the basis of speaking are pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar skills. In most methods of teaching speaking is one of the most important areas of teaching. Depending on a greater or lesser role of programming of a statement distinguish an active speech, a responding speech, and reproductive speech. The psychological structure of the act of speaking consists of four phases [2]:
- incentive-motivational, which manifests the human need for communication under the influence of a certain motive, and in the presence of a specific aim of speaking;
- analytical and synthetic, presented in the form of a collapsed mental actions on programming and the formulation of thoughts (there is a mechanism of internal registration of a statement, providing a word choice and grammatical prediction);
- executive-sound and intonational processing of a thought (at the initial stage of the learning the transition of a program of a statement to is carried out through the native language;
- controlling, the task of which is to signal possible errors and facilitate their correction; control implies that the speaker has standard, formed by the language practice and the comparing native speech to the standard.
There are special exercises for teaching speaking, which are divided into preparatory and speech exercises. Skills of unprepared speech, its reactivity, spontaneity, the subject is produced in the dialogue; and skills of prepared speech with its imitativeness, consistency, order - in the monologue.
J. M. Kolker focuses on the following point: "In recent decades traditional language teaching is customary opposed to the communicative and intensive methods" [3].
M. B. Rakhmanina emphasizes the following: "the speech partnership depends largely on the communicative behavior of the teacher that is also included in the aspect of speech aimed teaching and is due to the activity nature of communication" [4]. In fact, at all stages of the learning of the material teaching communication takes place. But there is a number of issues that require special teaching. Thus, for the ability to communicate a special role plays: the ability to contact, put it to stop and resume; the ability to pursue your own strategic line in communication, to realize it in tactics of behavior contrary to the strategies of other communicating; the ability to take into account each time a new speech partner, changing roles of partners, or the addressing aim of communication; the ability of the probabilistic forecasting of the behavior of the speech partners, their statements, the outcomes of a given situation.
As N.A. Zimnaya said [5]: "the aim of secondary education should not be the language that is appropriate to philological education in a special institution, and not the speech as a way of forming and formulating thoughts, and not even a speech activity - speaking, reading, listening or writing, but these types of speech activity as means of communication". With regard to speaking, that means that together with paralinguistic (facial expressions, gestures) and proxemics (movement, pose) it serves as the means of realization of oral forms of communication. Such a goal requires an appropriate method to achieve it. For speaking, it is the communicative method. The above mentioned is a crucial starting position: to teach speaking, without teaching communication, without creating the conditions of verbal communication on the lessons is impossible.
The dominant idea of the communicative approach is communicative aim of all types of speech activity - speaking, listening, reading and writing. Language as means of communication involves the creation of an environment in which the acquisition of the language material would be natural, in the process of communication, the course would be task-oriented, ensuring the achievement of educational goals. The peculiarity of the communicative approach lies in the similarity of the learning process with the real process of communication: the learning process simulates the process of communication, while maintaining adequacy. The rejection of a comprehensive study of language aspects (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) does not lead to acquisition of rules and vocabulary in solving communicative tasks. Teaching prepared clichés and phrases associated with specific situations, also does not lead to acquisition of a foreign language, because it does not contribute to the conscious shaping of the language system. Only consistent learning of the language system through the speech in the process of speech activity allows to create the mechanisms of speech.
Consider the principles of communicative method of teaching.
1. The principle of speech orientation. A speech orientation of the educational process lies not so much in the fact that the speech is pursued a practical purpose, but that the path to this goal is the very practical use of the language. The practical speech orientation is not only the objective, but also unity. A speech orientation involves speech influenced exercises, i.e. the degree, the measure of their similarity to speech. All of them have to be not exercises in repetition, but in speaking when the speaker has a certain task and when he carries out the speech effect on the interlocutor. The principle of speech orientation involves the use of communicative and valuable speech material. The usage of each phrase must be justified on grounds of communicative value to intended sphere of communication (the situation) and for this category of students. Not the last role here plays a speech nature of a lesson.
2. The principle of individualization with the leading role of its personal aspect. Individualization takes into account all the properties of a student as a personality: his skills, the ability to carry out verbal and educational activity and mainly his personality. Individualization is the principal feasible means of creating motivation and vigor. The attitude to the environment, which a person expresses in speech. And since this relationship is always individual, the speech is individual too. When teaching a foreign speech, an individual response is also possible if a speech task the student is facing meets his needs and interests as an individual. Any statement of a student, where possible, should be naturally motivated.
3. The principle of functionality. Any speech unit performs in the communicational process certain speech functions. Often after a course of study students knowing what the words and grammatical forms are, cannot use it in speaking, because there is no transfer (filling words and forms in isolation from the functions they perform in speech the word or a form is not associated with a speech task). Functionality is determined primarily by adequate communication process, selection and organization of material. The closer approach to the needs of communication is only possible when taking into account the linguistic tools and the organization of material not around conversational topics and grammar phenomena, but around situations and speech tasks. The unity of the lexical, grammatical and phonetic sides of speaking is also needed.
4. The principle of novelty. The process of communication is characterized by a constant change of the subject, circumstances, tasks, etc. The novelty provides the flexibility of language skills, without which their transfer is impossible, and the development of verbal skills, in particular its dynamics (of methodologically unprepared speech), ability to paraphrase (quality of productivity), the mechanism of combining, initiativity of utterance, speech rate, and particularly the strategy and tactics of the speaker. This requires a constant variation of the speech situation.
5. Personal orientation of communication. Faceless speech does not exist, it is always individual. Every person is different from others in his ability to perform educational and speech activity, and his characteristics as a individual: experience, the context of the work (each student has a set of activities, in which he is engaged and which are the basis of his relationship with other people), a set of specific feelings and emotions, their interests, their status in the team. Communicative learning involves all these personal characteristics, because it is the only way of creating of communicative conditions: communicative motivation, task orientation of speaking, formation of relationships, etc.
6. The situational principle. Situation as a principle in general means that all teaching speaking occurs on the basis of situations and through situations. In addition, the definition of a "situation" in communicative method substantially differs from the known definitions. According to the communicative method, we can give the following definition of a "situation". A situation is a dynamic system of relations between those who communicate which, due to its reflection in the mind creates the personal need for purposeful activity and nourishes that activity.
The purpose of communication is that learning the communication was in the process of communication, i.e., in adequate conditions. Consider these conditions:
The first is the consideration of the individuality of each student. Because every person is different in their natural properties (abilities), and in the ability to perform educational and speech activity, in their characteristics as individuals: personal experience, the context of the work (each student has a set of activities, in which he is engaged and which are the basis of his relationship with other people), a set of specific feelings and emotions (one has a sense of pride for his city, others not), their interests, their position in the class. Communicative learning involves all these personal characteristics, because it is the only way of creating of communicative conditions: communicative motivation, task orientation of speaking, formation of relationships, etc.
The second - the communication appears in speech orientation of the learning process. It lies in the fact that the path to practical acquisition of speaking as means of communication is through the very practical use of the language. The more conversational the exercise is, the more useful it is. Therefore, the linguistic exercises like "Put the nouns in the right case", "Make sentences using words," etc. should be excluded from the teaching tools. All the exercises should give a student a specific speech task and carries out the speech effect on the interlocutor. It is either conditionally-speech, or speech exercises. The problem, therefore, is not the organization of the educational dialogues, but the organization of speech partnership.
The third - communication is manifested in the functionality of the teaching. Functionality, first of all, determines the method of work for acquisition of lexical and grammatical sides of speaking. The functionality assumes that both words and grammatical forms are absorbed immediately in the activity, on the basis of its performance: the student performs a speech task - confirms the thought, doubt what was heard, asks about something, compels the interlocutor to action, and in this process learns the necessary words or grammatical forms.
The fourth - communication involves contextual communication. Contextual communication is the correlation of any phrase with a communicating relationship, with the context of their activities.
The fifth - communication means there is a constant novelty of the learning process. The novelty is the combination of permanent material, which, ultimately, eliminates arbitrary memorization (of dialogues, utterances, texts), causing great harm to the teaching of communication, and ensures the productivity of speaking.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the communication is required in the learning process, because communication is used to make speaking conditions adequate, such as recognition of the individuality of each student, display in speech orientation of the teaching process, display in the functionality of teaching, situational communication, the constant novelty of the teaching process.
Improving the quality of foreign language teaching and the communicative development of the students can be achieved through the use of gaming technology. Gaming technology provides the unity of emotional and rational learning. The game is in line with the natural needs and desires of students and is a unique tool of interested learning. A game does not replace traditional forms and methods of teaching, it allows to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson more effectively. At the same time, a game increases the interest of students to classes, stimulates the growth of cognitive activity that allows students to receive and assimilate large amounts of information, promotes the acquisition of skills of making correct decisions in various situations. Game interactions includes informal communication and allows the participants to reveal their personality, increase their self-esteem.
The importance of game activities in teaching a foreign language indicate many prominent methodists. Thus, M. N. Skatkin notes that it is very important for a teacher to understand which instructional objectives will contribute to this game, which mental processes it is intended for" [6]. According to E. I. Passov gaming activity has the following properties, as a means of teaching: motivation, the absence of coercion, individualization, deeply personal activity; the development of mental functions and abilities; teaching with enthusiasm [7]. A game is a teaching tool that activates mental activity of the learners, helps to make the learning process more attractive and interesting, agitates and experiences you that creates a powerful incentive to the acquisition of language. According to I. V. Nikishinoj the game recreated the subject and social content of activities, relations systems modeling, adequate conditions of identity formation [8]. I. E. Unt believed that a "good game" provides the highest efficiency of any activity and promotes the harmonious development of personality [9].
Thus, the use of games in educational process helps to achieve many educational objectives: the stimulation of motivation and interest in the subject area, in the general educational plan, the continuation of topic studying; maintain and increase the value of previously learned information received in another form, facts, system understanding, enhanced awareness of the various opportunities and challenges, consequences in the implementation of specific plans or capabilities; developing skills of critical thinking and analysis, decision making, independence, specific skills (synthesis, preparation of projects); change of attitudes, social values (competition and cooperation), the perception of the interests of others; self-development or the learning from other participants, the teacher's assessment of those same skills of others, the awareness of own level of education, the acquisition of skills required in the game, leadership qualities. Through play the psychological fatigue and the language barrier can be removed. It enables the teacher without excessive agitation to check the understanding of the topic, to identify gaps in students ' knowledge in the acquisition of practical skills. And most importantly, while conducting the game - to create a friendly atmosphere and a situation of success for students that promotes the development of their cognitive interest, communication and motivation.
2 Joe Sheils. Communication in the modern languages classroom / Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1993.
3 Kolker J. M. Practical methodology of foreign language teaching - M., 2000.
4 Rakhmanina M.B. A typology of methods of teaching foreign languages. - M., 1998. – 210 p.
5 Zimnaya I. A. Psychology of teaching foreign languages in school. – M.: Education, 1999.
6 Skatkin M. N. Problems of modern didactics. – M.: Vlados, 1999. – 360 p.
7 Passes E. I. Methods of teaching reading without translation in a foreign language. – Vladimir, 1991. – 187 p.
8 Nikishin I. V. Innovative educational technologies and the educational and teaching process in the school. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. – 91р.
9 Unt I. E. Individualization and differentiation of teaching. Moscow, 1990. - 192 p.
Stukalenko N.M. APPLYING OF COMMUNICATIVE METHODS IN EDUCATION . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25128 (22.02.2025).