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Home / Issues / № 2, 2016


Psychology and deontology in dentist’s work with children
Berlov A.V., Chuprov L.F., Kostrigin A.A.

In practice of dentists the psychology and deontology occupy a significant place. At the same time, it is considered that dentistry is only a toothache, therefore there is not so much attention given to this great field of medicine. Psychological and deontological problem of forming of trust relationship between doctor and patient at dentist's appointment is very serious, it must be a solution to improve the quality of the treatment and individual prevention [1]. There are several obstacles to visit the dentist, both for adults and children. The first obstacle of visit is the the objective pain associated with dental treatment and other manipulations in the oral cavity. The second obstacle is a self-hypnosis that dentistry is intolerable sensations associated with a drill.

It is a great art to win the favor of the patient (child) to the doctor. Therefore, it is necessary to begin the psychological preparation beforehand. Trust must begin with the first contact between doctor and child. If trust could not happen at the beginning of the meeting, it is hardly possible to predict  the success of the treatment. Confidence of the young patient to the doctor is won by complex doctor's behavior, starting with its general appearance and ending with the conduct of the survey and research methods. A child may not act as an object with which we do something.

The word is of particular importance for both healthy, and especially for the sick person. The word is one of the powerful factors of influence on the human psyche. It is therefore very important to start setting up the child for treatment at home. It is necessary to try to avoid any of the recommendations and warnings aimed at the upcoming treatment, to delete the negative impressions from your own experience of dental treatment. Health education of parents plays an important role[2].

Dentist, going to the patient, must show him his confidence with all his actions, skillfully prepare the patient for necessary manipulations, make moral impression and resolve his doubts. On the eve of the treatment the patient should take into account his state in which his came to the doctor and what situation he met in the hospital. One of these "irritants" is waiting at the door. This condition can develop "neurosis expectations". Neurosis expectations is frustrating compensatory reaction. Having come to the doctor as a result of long waiting, parents had a reactive state, which was transmitted to the child, and, entering the room, the little patient was negatively tuned for the treatment.

The doctor, under any circumstances, does not have the right to show his emotions during the appointment with patients. It is necessary to maintain self-control, endurance, dignity and remember that there is the patient in front of you, and more - it is the child.

We would like to discuss how to hold adequate sedation and analgesia in the children's reception. It is required to carry out psycho-emotional preparation and adequate premedication for children with a poor attitude to the treatment. This removes unwanted reactions on the part of the central and autonomic nervous system of the child and the doctor has the opportunity to make quality treatment.

In addition, it is necessary to address the problem of livability of children's dental clinics. As it is known, the disease is cured not only by doctor, but by the situation around patient. Externally well-appointed room should reassure the patient. Patients entering the study for the first time should feel comfort and calm. The fact that support staff works in the office and helps the doctor to not to be distracted from his duties is of considerable importance. Therefore the doctor performs only what is needed for dental treatment. Doctor's attention should be focused only on the patient and his problems.

1. Berlov A.V. Strategija vedenija ambulatornogo priema detskogo vracha-stomatologa i faktory, vlijajushhie na povedenie rebenka v stomatologicheskom kabinete // Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2012. № 12-1. S. 27-30.

2. Chuprov L.F., Buharkina O.G. Didakticheskie aspekty sanitarno-gigienicheskogo i psihologicheskogo prosveshhenija //Vestnik po pedagogike i psihologii Juzhnoj Sibiri. 2012. № 1-1. S. 92-97.

Bibliographic reference

Berlov A.V., Chuprov L.F., Kostrigin A.A. Psychology and deontology in dentist’s work with children. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25137 (22.02.2025).