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Psychological science has emerged from the womb of philosophy. Many psychological teachings until the second half of the XIX century, when psychology was formed as an independent science, had been both philosophical. The close relationship of psychology and philosophy for a long time influenced and continues to influence the modern psychological concepts.
This intertwining of psychology and philosophy is seen in such phenomenon of philosophical creativity, as philosophical dictionaries. The separation between philosophy and psychology hadn't reflected in the XIX century yet, therefore so there are a large number of psychological terms inside them. Besides, it wasn't published any psychological dictionary in the XIX century.
This article will consider three philosophical dictionary of the XIX century written: "Essay on philosophical dictionary" by A.I. Galich [2] and his "Lexicon of philosophical subjects" [2], and "Philosophical Dictionary" by S.S. Gogotsky [4]. The purpose of this work is to consider what psychological terms are involved in these philosophical dictionaries.
Alexander Ivanovich Galich (1783-1848) - a philosopher, esthetician, a follower of Schelling; extraordinary professor of philosophy department of St. Petersburg University. "Essay on philosophical dictionary" by A.I. Galic consists of terms in Russian, as well as in the original language in which they were used by the author developed them, in Latin and German.
There are lots of psychological terms in it: analysis, anticipation, apathia, apperception, associatio, perception, reflexio sensus communis, synthesis, ideal, interest, thinking, understanding, psychology, general state, syncretism, meaning, consciousness, imagination, sensuality. The advantage of dictionary of A.I. Galich is that he came to explaining of some of the terms through translation, but not through the interpretation of them with conceptual constructions.
A very short list of psychological concepts is given in another dictionary of A.I. Galich "Lexicon of philosophical subjects": attitudes, dispassion, Senseless, inspiration.
Dictionaries of A.I. Galic don't contain a very large number of psychological terms, it can say that, on the one hand, the philosophy of the beginning of XIX century didn't use psychological terms in its discourse, on the other hand, a quite narrow range of psychological terms were developed during this period, which, moreover, hadn't commonly used yet.
Another philosopher, published the largest philosophical vocabulary, was S.S. Gogotsky. Silvester Silvestrovich Gogotsky (1813-1889) - a theologian, philosopher, historian of philosophy, teacher; Doctor of philosophy and ancient philology.
His dictionary contains the following terms: abstraction, analysis, antipathy, anticipation, apathy, apperception, archetype, association of ideas, passion, indifference, unconscious, attention, will, imagination, memory, revival, hallucination, genius, hypochondria, soul, ideal, idea, idiosyncrasy, illusion, individual, intellectual, interest, dream, facial expressions, mnemonics, thinking, observation, sensation, memory, perception, motivation, cognition, representation, recollection, psychism, psychology, psychophysics, mind, stimulation, intelligence, reflective, reflection, sympathy, syncretism, conscience, intuition, ability, passion, shame, subjective, talent, temperament, intelligence, mental, fantasy, phenomenology, phlegmatic, temper, choleric, sensuality, sensitivity, feeling, experiment, enthusiasm, I.
Dictionary of S.S. Gogotsky contains a sufficient number of psychological concepts, in addition, has psychiatric terms, too. This may indicate that by the middle of the XIX century the psychological vocabulary had been developed by a wider audience of scientists and thinkers.
Therefore, the philosophical dictionary is a source of study of the development of psychological science in the XIX century.
2. Gogockij S.S. Filosofskij slovar' / Vstupit. stat'ja A.A, Shevcova. – SPb.: Tropa Trojanova; Ivanovo: IT «Roshha Akademii», 2009. – 297 s.
Chuprov L.F., Khusyainov T.M., Kostrigin A.A. On psychological terms in Russian philosophical dictionaries of XIX century. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25138 (22.02.2025).