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Investigations on direct electric energy production using phase transition (PT) heat accumulation/emission is of great technology relevance. Solution of the problem gives an opportunity to use sustainable temperature changes during 24 hours. Phase transitions in materials named thermal energy storage (TES) systems, can be used for power generation - transformation of heat of fusion/crystallization in electric current power through thermoelectric Seebeck effect during the process of PT at cooling [1,2].
For phase transitions study was used isoparaffin i-C22H46 (docozan) of density r = 774,9 kg/m3, molecular weight M = 310.6, temperature of melting Tm = 44oC, temperature and heat of allotropy transformation TA = 43oC, temperature of crystallization Tcr = 30,4oC with heat of DHC = 11,7 kcal/mol. For measurements of NMR-relaxation structure-dynamical parameters (SDP) - spin-lattice T1i, spin-spin T2i relaxation times - the NMR relaxometer NMR-10/PC was used. It has resonance frequency νo = 9,2 МHz and is described in our paper [3]. Temperature of samples was maintained with accuracy ± 0,2 о by thermo stabilization unit of our patent [4]. Spin-lattice T1i relaxation times were determined using spin-echo recovery sequence 90-t-90о-t0-180о. For spin-spin T2i relaxation times measurements 90о-t- (1800-2t-)N sequence was used. Experimental error of measurements was: for relaxation times ± 3¸4 %, for NMR-signal amplitudes recurrence ± 2 %, and could be reduced (n)1/2 times using n accumulations.
It was established, that solidification processes for i-С22Н46 two proton phases end not only at different temperatures ТК, but also at different times tк (fig.2) which depends from molecular motions restrictions. For proton phase В they are ТК = 34 оС and tк = 76 min, for А they are ТК = 22 оС and tк = 156 min. with the end of phase transition of paraffin i-С22Н46 to crystal state. It was considered, that in high-temperature approximation relaxation rate (Т1,2)-1 have two types of contributions: - intramolecular (Т1,2)-1int, which characterize relaxation from reorientations of CH3 groups and cis-trans configuration motion of ...-CH2-CH2-CH2... chains:
(Т1,2)int-1 = 3g4h2tR/8p2Rij6 (1)
and intermolecular (Т1,2)-1tr from translational forms of motions in melt of i-C22H46 [8]:
(Т1,2)tr-1 = pg4h2 NItD(1 + 2ao/5DtD)/4ao3 (2)
where g/2p = 4256/sеc×gauss - gyromagnetic ratio for protons, h = 6,626×10-34J/s - Plank constant, NI = 6,75×1028 m-3 - number of spins in cm3, ao - average molecular diameter, Rij - average distance between protons (nm), tR and tD - correlation times of rotational and translational motions (tD = ao/12D), D - self diffusion coefficient. In colloid systems (Т2i)int-1 is sufficiently greater, than (Т2i)tr-1, for instance even for compact benzol molecule (interproton distance Rij = 0.257 nm) is equal to 4,5% from the full relaxation rate, so eq(4) can be rewritten:
Т1,2В-1 = (3g4h2/4p2Rij6)tоexp(EА/RT) (3)
where EА - activation energy, from which inter-proton distances Rij can be calculated, which changed from Rij = 0.26 nm to Rij = 0.23 nm at phase transition of crystallization.
2. Zalba B., Marin J.M., Cabeza L.F., Mehling H. (2003) Applied Thermal Engineering 23, 251.
3. Каshaev R.S.-H., Idiatullin Z.Sh., Temnikov A.N. Device for sample thermostabilization in in relaxometer NMR (2006) Patent of Russian Federation on invention # 2319138.
4. Kashaev R.S., Faschiev N.R. (2011) Applied Magnetic Resonancе, 41, i.1, 31-43.
Kashaev R.S.-H. Interproton distances changes during phase transitions in some heatacculating/emitting organic materials studied by NMR . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25141 (22.02.2025).