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Teaching science
In line with the Bologna
process of preparing graduates for a successful career is seen as an important
social mission of the university [2], and graduate employment figures are among
the main criteria of any university activity [3].
In this context, in our
opinion, we have the following possibilities of application massive open online
course (MOOK) in the preparation of the university graduates:
1. The formation of professional competencies
learning in combination with traditional forms of learning;
2. The
development of generic competences of students and graduates in terms of
additional education;
3. Flexible retraining graduates to meet the
changing needs of the labor market;
4. Ensuring the continuity
of education, self-development program in accordance with the principle of
"education throughout life".
Work on all of the mentioned areas, in our opinion, should be implemented in close relationship with universities employers. For example, employers may be held as the very process of development of massive open online course, and to the examination of their content, as well as consultants. Unfortunately, our awareness of employers about this form of learning is still quite low. For example, according to the results of our survey of employers, only 7% of respondents know about such massive open online courses. Another 12% had heard of their existence. On the question of whether the MOOC improves the skills of employees and takes into account whether their passage applicants in recruitment procedure, all of the respondents answered negatively, suggesting the need for the organization of training seminars for employers on this issue.
Particular attention, in our view, should be given to the use of MOOC in retraining system in recent years, many graduates are trying to find a job or move up the career ladder, faced with the requirement to match training with the industry sector, for which a competition for the vacant position. To solve this problem could be the introduction of key ministries training requirements in the system of massive open online course with an indication of the necessary amount sufficient to training as a specialist in another field in the same specialty.
Speaking about the possibilities of massive open online course in the preparation of high school graduates, it should be noted, and the aspect of the quality of MOOC, which will largely determine the status and recognition of documents on their end. With regard to the activities of the university, it is clear that teachers as potential developers MOOC, should familiarize themselves with the world's best experience available in this area.
In conclusion, we note that to date it has already gained some experience in the use of massive open online course in the universities of the CIS countries. In this regard, it would be useful to organize close cooperation between related universities for exchange of experience in the development of MOOC, training of the teaching staff, the organization of joint workshops, seminars, on-line conferences.
2. Yerevan communiqué // Bologna Process – European Higher Education Area. – URL.: htpp:// www.ehea.info/ Uploads /SubmitedFiles/ 5_2015/112705. pdf
3. htpp://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/ doc/ report08/report_en /pdf
Kakenov K., Yessenbayeva G. ON THE POSSIBILITY TO APPLY THE MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE IN THE PREPARATION OF THE UNIVERSITY GRADUATES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25175 (22.02.2025).