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Any professional activity implies not only the possession of theoretical and practical tools, professional style of thinking, but requires acquisition of system of rules of relationships.
Since the beginning of the 1990s among Russian students the psychologist's profession had began to gain popularity, which led to a significant increase in the number of higher education institutions willing to train such specialists. Nowadays in Russia there are a number of professional associations, such as the Russian Psychological Society (RPS), the Federation of Psychologists of Education of Russia, etc., but, in contrast to the foreign non-governmental structures, the success of their organizational and methodical work is low, and the licensing of professionals by mentioned associations is not due to the possibility or impossibility of having psychological practice [3; 4].
The psychologist ventured into an independent professional activity (self-employment), first of all, is in a situation where the sphere of his professional duties is not clearly designated in the regulations. Working in the structure of municipal institutions and services, the practical psychologist is forced to adapt to the demands not of the professional standard, but of the head of this structure, which often gives rise to ethical "role dilemmas" requiring to determine the direction of their own professional activity.
Practical activity and ethical foundations of psychological practice
The question of psychology and ethics is complex and ambiguous. For example, participants of discussion papers, edited by B.S. Bratus [2, P. 20] - N.L. Muskhelishvili and Yu.A. Schreider, categorically say that "psychology is out of ethics, and ethics is antipsychological".
Ethical contradictions and problems of the practical psychologist when working with a client [1, P. 21-39], as well as when research and teaching activities [1, pp 40-86] are well-known. These include the definition of the boundaries of privacy, the possibility of discussion on practice, the degree of openness in the relationship "psychologist client", undue experimentation, problems of fairness of research, incorrect research and plagiarism, and many, many others.
However, current severe Russian economic conditions force psychologists to go to extreme measures to provide themselves with work. Salary or ethical perfection ‑ sometimes the question is put like this. Beginners-scientists have to use mathematical and statistical tools that scientific journals, major customers and experienced scientists treat them more seriously. In our view, such approaches are sometimes less effective than a "thought experiment" or "sense of situation" [1, p. 43-44].
The process of preparing of the practical psychological activity and its organization acquires a number of questions directly related to ethical aspects. The desire to legally delineate the boundaries and possibilities of psychological practice, undertaken in the bill №553338-6 of Federal Law "On the psychological assistance to the population in the Russian Federation" was not successful. Strengthening of the state control, an attempt of introduction of licensing and certification procedures in psychologists activity often don't involve understanding the value nature of psychological practice. These discrepancies lead to attempts to formalize the activity of the psychologist, to equate it to the person providing the service, service workers. And exactly this approach alienates the practicing psychologist from the real aims and objectives of his profession.
2. Psihologija i jetika: opyt postroenija diskussij / Pod red. B.S. Bratusja. Samara: Bahar, 1999. 123 s.
3. Chuprov L.F. Deontologija v psihologicheskoj praktike // Nauka. Mysl'. – 2014. – № 12. URL: wwenews.esrae.ru/44-559 (data obrashhenija: 06.10.2016).
4. Shhukin A.S. Shizis prakticheskogo myshlenija psihologa sovremennosti // PEM: Psychology. Educology. Medicine. 2015. № 3-4. S. 398-406.
Berlov A.V., Chuprov L.F., Kostrigin A.A., Urusova E.A., Khusyainov T.M., Schukin A.S. Ethical-philosophical aspects of contemporary psychological practice in Russia . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25176 (22.02.2025).