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Design of grain mover associated with the provision of a number of technical requirements: obtain the greatest possible desired qualifications, minimum mass and size ditch the device, high quality floating mass of grain.
Length of spiral of the screw is H = 2 m, step s = 0.06 m speed n = 900 min -1 = 15 c -1, density of the grain material ρ = 740 kg/ m3, the diameter of the helical screw is D = 0,086 m.
The inner diameter of the spiral of the screw is equal to d = 0.02 m, window height is equal to h = 0.25 m, the window width in cross-section a = 0,26 m, in the outlet section b = 0,49 m. Square in all the walk-through sections:
= 5,5·10–3 m2;
= 0,065 m2;
= 0,23 m2.
On the basis of the continuity equation of flow for any i-th cross-section in the channel can be recorded:
Where the rate of flow Q will be equal to: = 3,66 kg /c = 13,2 t/h.
The experimental value of the rate of flow: Qэ = 7.2 t/h.
Taking into account experimental studies of the coefficient of the lag:
= 0,55.
Then the speed in each section will be:
0,5 m/с;
0,042 m/с;
0,022 m/с.
Pressure drop in each section is a spiral-screw device when the movement of grain in the agitator is on the basis of Bernoulli's equation:
0,47 N/m2
100 N/m2
Pulling force G is given by: 12,3 N.
Given the ratio of 8·104 kg/m find the speed of the device:
0,0124m/с = 0,744 m/min.
This speed allows you to effectively carry out the turning of grain in the mound.
Isaev Yu. M., Semashkin N. M., Zlobin V. A., Dzhabrailov T.A. DETERMINATION OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE GRAIN MOVER. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25184 (07.03.2025).