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Home / Issues / № 3, 2016

Medical sciences

Lavrov V.


Information about the relation of psycho-emotional resources and health, comes from gerontology and from all areas of medicine, particularly from oncology. The study showed that cancer is largely due to the mental and behavioral characteristics of patient [7]. Personal resource are often considered by analogy with the power of technical devices. It can be assumed that the higher the resource, the more efficiently person counteracts to the harmful impacts. However, we need some clarification. Influence of the resource on the health is mediated by the regulation of the functional state of cerebral, somatic and vegetative systems. Previous studies [2-6] have confirmed the fact that the functional state is specific. Functional state, which ensures the success in one situation may not correspond to other problem situations. Therefore, the mental and emotional resources of the person are studied in two directions. At first, the psychological and physiological factors in the formation and preservation of the resource are investigated and secondly, the methods and skills of rational use of the resource to resist harmful influences and to overcome their consequences are defined.

The aim of this work was to identify the behaviour and skills used by long-lived individuals to mobilize personal resources and maintain a functional state that facilitates resistance to harmful factors. The study solved the following tasks: 1) clarifying the preferred strategy, followed by the centenarians in their behavior, 2) assessment of preservation of intelligence by the method of recognition of incomplete images, 3) analysis of emotionality by measuring anxiety and by testing micro-social relations, 4) comparison of the efficacy of psychotherapeutic and pharmacological influence on the mobilization of the resource.


Methods of research

Analysis of individual health of 12 men and 19 women aged from 81 to 92 years old, produced on the basis of the physiological data contained in the outpatient map has showed that they all have dysfunction of the body due to age and previous diseases. The severity of dysfunction did not reach the limit values, life-threatening. Testing with the original method of assessment of the behavioural strategies [3] revealed the preferred features of the behavior in a problem situation. List of strategies is given in table 1.

Table 1.




1. "Psychological protection" from the stressor (symbol "turtle").

3. Submission to requirements of living situation (symbol "hare").

5. Optimism in all situations, including undefined (symbol "frog").

7. Целеустремленность в разрешении возникших проблем (символ «дятел»).

2. Non-perception of stressor (symbol "ostrich").


4. Confrontation with microsocial environment (symbol "cock").

6. Preparing for the worst case event (symbol "camel").

8. Shipment of own negative emotions to other people (symbol "leech").

Categories of strategies:

I - perception of stressor (1,2), II - relations in microsocium (3,4), III - emotionality (5,6),

IV - decision of problems (7,8)


The safety of intelligence was assessed by the ability to make decisions in conditions of deficiency of useful information. Technique of recognition of fragmented images [9] was used. The emotionality was measured by the indicator of situational anxiety [1] and by the indicator of quality of relationships in the family. Method of analysis of the functional resource of the family [3] was used to assess relationships. The comparison of the results of psychotherapeutic and pharmacological psychotropic effects was based on the opinions expressed by sixteen centenarians (5 men and 11 women) who turned to a therapist for help in overcoming the disorders and fulfilled the requirements of the local doctor on the usage of pharmacological drugs.

Results and discussion

The analysis of the data showed that elderly people without intellectual disabilities are attentive to their health. Conclusion about the safety of intelligence was based on data obtained by the method of recognition of fragmented images [9]. The threshold identification did not exceed the normal range. As evidenced by the test of behavior, long-livers preferred functional strategies 1, 3, 5, 7 (see table 1) to preserve the emotional resource and to maintain the optimal functional state. Situational anxiety of the aged respondents ranged from 3 to 6 stanines. The survey took place in the conditions of a prosperous state of health with the absence of acute illness. Under these conditions such anxiety was classified as moderate. It supported the activation of brain and somatic systems [2]. The presence of moderate anxiety is due to the readiness for action, for the solving of life's problems and resistance encountered diseases. Some centenarians (16 respondents) feared for their lives and used psychotropic drugs. Comparison of psychotherapeutic and pharmacological effects has led to the recognition of the benefits of psychotherapy, with its mobilising action. In addition, psychotherapy has regained the motivation to maintain positive emotional relationships with others. Respondents tried to take an active role in society and strived to achieve family harmony. Measurement of the quality of family relationships has shown that six families of centenarians have high positive resource, and others have average positive resource. Psychotherapy helped to come to terms with calendar and biological ages. Centenarians calmed the fear of the end of life.

We believe that it is appropriate to turn to the achievements in the field of Informatics, to understand the behavioral algorithms, aimed at rational use of the resource. Informatics uses cloud computing in solving problems of optimal access to available information and the energy resources upon request by the user [8]. The search for the answer to the question concerning the rational use of the personal resource for the preservation of health is a similar problem.

This work has demonstrated the features of the lifestyle and status of the aged people. The emphasis was on the formation of personal responsibility for individual health and the prolongation of life through rational expenditure of mental and emotional resources.

1. Bizyuk A.P., Wasserman L.I., Iovlev B.V. Application of integrative test of anxiety. – SPb.: Adaptest, 1997. 23 p.

2. Lavrov V.V. Brain and psyche. SPb: RSPU. 1996. 156 p.

3. Lavrova N. M. Lavrov V. V. Family therapy: from simple to complex.– St. Petersburg: Bridge. 2009. 73 p.

4. Lavrov V.V., Lavrova N.M., Lavrov N.V. Ecotherapy and valeology.− In sat.: "Human Health". SPb: St. Petersburg State Medical University. 2011. P. 139-140.

5. Lavrova N.M., Lavrov V.V., Lavrov N.V. Mediation: making of critical decisions. М.: APPL. 2013. 224 p.

6. Lavrov V.V., Lavrova N.M Influence of aggression on wholeness, integrity, value and subjectivity of the image of the conflict situation. – In sat.: “Cognitive psychology: interdisciplinary research and integrative practices”. SPb.: VVM. 2015. P. 342-347.

7. Nudelman Yu. Not afraid of cancer, how it is diagnosed and treated // http://www.julinudelmann.com/BRPortal/br/P102

8. Antonopoulos N., Lee G. Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications.− L.: Springer. 2010. 379 p.

9. Chihman V.N., Lavrov V.V., Shelepin Yu.E., Pronin S.V., Pushkarev Yu.P. Influence of anxiety on recognition of fragmented contour images by human observers // Perception. 2001. V. 30. P. 88.

Bibliographic reference

Lavrov V. LONG LIVING AND "CLOUDY" PRINCIPLES OF MOBILIZATION OF PSYCHOEMOTIONAL RESOURCE . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 3 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/465-25011 (21.02.2025).