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Teaching science
The combination of problem teaching method with a business game is used as needed to simulate a particular process and try different ways of behaving in it, for further transfer this experience in a real professional situation in the clinical acceptance. Problem method and role play are fundamentally related teaching methods, which creates favorable possibilities for their combination.
To date, in the literature there are a large variety of typologies and classifications of business games. For example on the methodology of the isolated well, role-playing, simulation, organizational activity games. For training, securing and identifying knowledge of students role-playing game is most suitable. The rules are pretty simple - the students are distributed defined roles for which certain tasks to be performed. The teacher calls the "patient" of his diagnosis, unknown to the other participants of the game, "patient" complained specific to a given diagnosis and simulated clinical picture. Teacher gives "doctor" data from different survey methods, according to the text of the problem, "the doctor", analyzing the data and shall put substantiate
diagnosis, prescribe treatment, "physician assistant" - to bring all the necessary materials and tools for the implementation of the proposed intervention. Students with a high level of training given to the role of head of the department, which monitors the scene and adjusts the action of participants in the game. At the end of the game Ball assessment identified possible knowledge.
The scenario role-playing game for the 2nd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry - modeling of the clinical situation to consolidate the knowledge on "Methods of examination of the patient dental clinic. Keeping medical records and rules for filling "Histories":
A group of students is distributed in the following roles:
1st student - "Patient". Problem: The patient should contact the dentist complaining. The student clearly indicates the diagnosis, such as "deep caries." This is revealed: a basic level of knowledge of the student on the symptoms of various dental diseases.
2nd student - "Dentist". Problem: the doctor must conduct a dental examination of the patient, to diagnose and to plan treatment. This reveals the ability to engage in dialogue with the patient to carry out a subjective (complaints, life history) and objective (external examination, oral examination) examination. The student should put a "presumptive diagnosis" and then refine it using dopolnitelnyee survey techniques (radiography, EDI).
3rd student - "nurse or dental assistant." Objective: To assist the dentist in the clinical reception during the examination and treatment of the patient. This reveals the ability to conduct a dialogue with the patient and the dentist, prepare your work area, fill in medical records.
4th student - "radiologist". Objective: To specify the desired type of X-ray examination and describe the X-ray image with deep caries. This revealed knowledge of additional methods of dental examination of the patient, the ability to select and interpret the necessary type of X-ray examination in this pathology;
5th student - "head of the department." Objective: To monitor and evaluate the actions of the doctor and the assistant:
By the dentist asked the patient (1st student) with complaints about the presence of cavities, pain when taking a cold and sweet food, going after the cause. A student playing the role of a dentist, begins a detailed survey to determine the leading symptoms. A detailed examination of the patient and examination data dictates oral assistant who records the inspection data to the appropriate columns history. After that, "the doctor" puts the preliminary diagnosis, in this case, deep caries. For a definitive diagnosis and determining treatment strategy assigns radiography and EDI - 25 tooth. The last stage of the doctor-student of the treatment plan and recommendations for prevention.
Conclusion: The above example scenario of classes according to the type of problem teaching method in conjunction with the business game can be successfully used for training students. Creating conditions for creative assimilation of educational information, providing more quality of education and a high level of survival knowledge.
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4. Mihalchenko DV, Mihalchenko VF, Manuylova EV, Zhidovinov AV, Filyuk EA The rationale for the use of calcium-containing preparations in the treatment of chronic apical periodontitis according to the results of immunological studies/Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - № 6. - P. 1019.
5. Mihalchenko DV, Zhidovinov AV, Arutyunov GR, Efremyan GM, Golovchenko SG Comparative evaluation retraction gels in prosthesis fixed prosthetic constructions/Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - № 3. - P. 229.
6. Mihalchenko VF, Mihalchenko AV, Antipova OA, Fedotova YM, Zhidovinov AV Efficiency of application of material photoactivated disinfection and «calcicur» the treatment of deep caries/Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - № 1-1. - P. 1287.
7. Mihalchenko VF, Zhidovinov AV, Denisenko LN, Golovchenko SG, Matveev SV Local immunity paraments galyanosis in oral/ Fundamental Research . - 2015. - № 1-2. - P. 303-306.
8. Milikevich VY, Klauchek SV, Mihalchenko DV Psychophysiological aspects of human adaptation to the prediction of orthopedic dental treatment/Dentistry. - 1998. - V. 77. - № 6. - P. 61-62.
9. Zhidovinov AV Research of local adaptive reactions of radiotherapy patients with defects of maxillofacial prosthesis removable/Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - № 6-0. - P. 60.
10. Zhidovinov AV, Mihalchenko DV, Sletov AA, Loktionova MV Treatment and rehabilitation of patients with surround defects mandible/Clinical Dentistry. - 2016. - № 2. - P. 63 - 66.
Mihalchenko D.V., Siryk S.V., Zhidovinov A.V., Orehov S.N. Improving the efficiency of the development of educational material medical students through problem-based learning method in conjunction with the business game.. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 4 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/466-25018 (22.02.2025).