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Home / Issues / № 4, 2016


Kruglov V. N.

To improve the existing structure of Russian cities and for creating new models it needs a good development system at all levels. Only the system approach and the use of all features of this area, it is possible to achieve not only the maximum economic effect, but also its social, environmental, and architectural components [1, S. 145]. Particularly important in this are non-standard approaches and innovative. This is despite the fact that often the interests of developers often lie in the opposite direction, due to the only extract high profit margins.

For example, in the summer of 2015, the municipal authorities of Kaluga demolished in the city, including the historic center, more than 60 illegal construction projects. The process is initiated by the regional Prosecutor's office, drawing attention to how the place of an old "fire victims" extremely rapidly grew elite high-rise building without any approval and permission.

For Moscow, this phenomenon - long a common practice. Suffice it to recall the widely reported in the press the demolition of illegal cottages in the conservation area at Karamyshevskaya embankment. The total area of all demolished buildings totalled more than 88 thousand sq. m. And in this respect for the regions, including Kaluga, could be very useful a rich Moscow experience.

But, on the other hand, we cannot ignore the fact that the business climate in the construction sector gets worse with every year [2, p. 24]. Today, law-abiding builders virtually powerless without the numerous decisions of the authorities on the ground. From the paper collection to the start of construction is at least a year. At the last stage of putting the house in operation is required, at least 18 certificates from various authorities.

To build high quality and modern materials every year becomes more and more expensive. The cheapest square meter sold where still replicated the Soviet experience of "Khrushchev" and outdated technology of panel construction, and even, perhaps, in neighborhoods of low-rise housing, which are rented without any serious examination. The quality of this home leaves much to be desired far better, but the price is appealing [3, C. 217]. When problems arise, to solve them have been the buyers of new buildings. It is not surprising that in 2015 the total volume built in Kaluga housing, failed to take into operation only half.

In Kaluga, as in Moscow, the land is a sought - after resource investment. The average cost Kaluga weave has long exceeded the level of 100 thousand rubles, and land with utilities for sale in 5-6 times more expensive.

Therefore, the most sensitive issue is the allocation of free land for construction. In the city it has almost none. The land for building is sold at a speculative price through auctions [4, p. 313].  

The logical question is: who will build in Kaluga, and with what technologies? Will again invite the Muscovites, Belarusians, Ukrainians and Turks? And what a building complex, which the locals have always been proud of? What preferences can get the citizens, in addition to major construction projects due to the budget area?

And here in terms of innovation, development of the most interesting is the experience of our closest neighbors from other regions. For example, to take at least the same Belgorod experience. Any person wishing to solve their housing problem, receives from the municipal Fund not less than 20 acres of land.  

Local authorities due to budget down to the land with all necessary communications: gas and electricity. Build a road. Banks lend to future developers on concessional terms for up to 20 years. And this is the only requirement: to build a individual house in three years according to any one of dozens of proposed model projects developers. In the sale of this land is not received. And it is progressing by leaps and bounds. Largely due to such sequence of actions Belgorod is building new housing in three times more of Kaluga.

One of directions of effective development is the direction of wooden construction that optimizes financial and environmental aspects of construction projects. According to experts, by 2020 the market of wooden housing construction in the Russian Federation will increase by almost half. It is expected that the Russians will be built approximately 40 million square meters of low-rise housing.

The reasons for the construction boom in the "wood" segment a few, chief of which is associated with the deterioration of the environment. Residents of towns and cities, more and more prefer to spend time outdoors, many move to the suburbs for permanent residence, and for building houses try to choose environmentally friendly natural materials.

What better way to match the environment than wood that fully meets our climatic conditions? Its reliability and ability to form an ideal microclimate it is well established. This building material is really unique: the wood is easily processed, durable, and has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. Not surprisingly, most Europeans prefer to live in wooden houses. By the way, they build from this natural material ten times more than in Russia.

However, already now the demand for wooden houses in our country is quite high (according to the experts of the construction market, the demand for own house is generally superior to the current proposal not less than 5 times), and the price of Russian timber is far below the European prices.  

Of materials for the construction of wooden houses are increasingly choosing glued laminated timber for its distinct advantage is natural, combined with high adaptability.

House of laminated veneer lumber the finished basement can be erected very quickly, within 2-3 weeks. It may seem incredible, but in this short period the quality of construction and reliability ready-made home in no way inferior built on the technologies involving the traditional months-long construction cycle. On the building plot, the house is delivered as a "designer" - set of numbered parts, each of which is ready to assemble and needs no improvement. The house is mounted in a few weeks, but his finishing can be started immediately, without waiting for shrinkage.

The thing here is that dry, glued laminated timber, which is made from a kit, does not require a period of so-called "aging". As for finishing - it really is minimal: it is only necessary to treat protective-decorative compositions, and all - the house has a beautiful appearance.

Its lifetime can greatly exceed the lifetimes of any other wooden structures, and the reason is a fundamentally new technology for processing wood, passing drying in special chambers. Thermal effect destroys all biological "danger" and the house of laminated veneer lumber is its owners even longer.

By the way, the Governor of Kaluga region Anatoly Artamonov believes that wood construction can become a serious stimulus for development of Kaluga's economy. Therefore, the construction of new housing settlements, the regional authorities have paid greater attention and support in the preparation and establishment of infrastructure and communications [5, p. 39]. To increase housing for low-rise construction the task is to involve not only large producers but also small construction companies, for which there is a range of preferences and financial support.

Order today to own modern house-building plant, will require investments worth at least $ 100 million. During the initial stage of development of the profitability of production does not exceed 5%. Such a business many can not afford. Moreover, in a number of aspects of the domestic market of wooden housing construction can be described as highly competitive. Therefore, the best option might be collaboration with a proven and major partners.  

In the Kaluga region is one of the leaders of the modern wooden house - building of "Plitspichprom" in the town of Balabanovo, a manufacturer of high-quality and reliable low-rise buildings brand "Dominant". Capacity of the enterprise - 50 thousand sq m of housing annually. In Russia such large companies with their own timber base and production facilities, are relatively few.

The company "Plitspichprom", which is a well-known industrial group "Soyuz" offers today the businessmen working in construction, to expand the business to become a dealer of products of wooden construction under the brand name "Dominant". Low-rise houses, cottages, houses, baths. Made in Balabanovo are of high quality and liquidity, long-term service, and the company "Plitspichprom has a reputation of a reliable partner. At the beginning of 2016, "Plitspichprom announced the expansion of its dealer network, which currently consists of companies from Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Samara and Kaluga regions.

Thus, an innovative approach for the development of regional development can emerge simultaneously from several directions. The first of these - effective program providing the process where one of the main component should be transparency. Simplification of the licensing procedure of construction must increase the importance of monitoring the quality and environmental friendliness of constructed facility.

Another of the conditions - long-term Bank loans for housing at a sufficiently low rate. The infrastructure lay settlements should be a priority of the authorities, based on the capabilities of local budgets. And, of course, it is necessary to develop the direction of environmentally friendly buildings, supporting in this area the biggest and most promising producers. It was then obtained as would fully correspond to the manufactured cost.

1.Belova E. L., Pirogova T. E. legal regulation of accounting of financial results of the organization. /E. L. Belova, T. E. Pirogova// Theory and practice of economic development at the international, national, regional levels. – Materials of International scientific-practical conference. Kaluga. – 2014. – pp. 144-149.

2.Erokhina E. V. Regional innovation subsystems: problems of formation and development. Monograph. – Kaluga: OOO "Vash Dom, 2014. – 60 S. – ISBN 978-5-98204-095-4.

3.Crete: With a, Molchanova E. V., Klochkov V. V. the Modeling of innovation processes in the regions. Regional innovation systems: analysis and forecasting: proceedings of the Sixteenth Kucerovsky readings / ed. by P. M. Nizhegorodtsev. - Novocherkassk: yurgtu (OR), 2013. - 318 S. - S. 214-218. - ISBN 978-5-9997-0365-1.

4.Roslyakova N.. Study of the level of innovative development of regions SZFO. Materials of international scientific-practical conference "Economic policy: towards a new paradigm". Fifteenth Kucerovsky reading. In 2 volumes. Volume 1 / edited by R. M. Nizhegorodtsev, A. I. Tikhonov, N. In.Fin'ko. – M.: publishing house of the "Good word", 2013. – S. 311-316.

5.Cherkasova V. A. the Relationship of financing policy with investment decisions of the company. /V. A. Cherkasova//Management in Russia and abroad. – No. 4. – 2014. – S. 36-44.

Bibliographic reference

Kruglov V. N. MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 4 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/466-25020 (22.02.2025).