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Home / Issues / № 4, 2016

Teaching science

Structural-substantial model of methodological training of a teacher for working in the conditions of an inclusive educational environment
Rasskazov F.D., Muller O.Y.
Today the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the educational process is dictated not only by various normative documents, but also by the social order to implement inclusive education. We need to create the most accessible and effective educational environment, organized with regard to the individual characteristics of students. The teacher, undoubtedly, becomes a key figure that can create and support an inclusive process. The teacher’s professionalism  in the conditions of an inclusive educational environment consist of  the ability to perceive, hear and listen to the children themselves, as well as the ability to interact with colleagues, work in a team.

According to the results of our survey among the teachers of Surgut, only 13% of teachers are willing to organize joint education of children with special educational needs and typical children. That is why the effectiveness of inclusion in education depends greatly on the specific training skills of teachers.

In our opinion, the result of such training should be methodical readiness of teachers in the field of inclusive education. Theoretical analysis of the scientific literature suggests that there are no scientific studies to develop methodological approaches to the management of methodological work in institutions of higher education [4].

However, the modernization of education demands from a modern teacher willingness to solve innovative methodological problems, which involves the formation of the valuable relation to the methodical work, interest in the methodical literature; abilities to model the information in different pedagogical conditions, conduct and analyze the pedagogical experiment on the basis of special methodological knowledge.

Based on the literature review we clarified the definition of methodological willingness of the teacher which is the process and the result of mastering the system of methodological knowledge, abilities, skills, representing a willingness to solve problems of innovative methodological problems based on the achievements of pedagogical science, advanced pedagogical experience and analysis of existing innovative pedagogical processes. In the course of summarizing the results of our research, we have developed a structural model of a methodological training of a teacher for working the conditions of an inclusive educational environment.

The advantage of the structural model of methodological training of teachers are that the methodological approaches which are its foundation, structure and informative  content of the components contains mechanisms, ways of children’s adaptation with special educational needs and their parents to the educational environment conditions enable multi-level support for the student with special educational needs at any educational level, it can be seen in the methodological support of teachers, student leaders of educational institutions during child’s inclusion with special educational needs in the educational process along with ordinary children. The use of modern methodological foundations allows us to make adjustments to the process of creating an inclusive educational environment on the basis of scientific analysis, taking into account the synergetic concept.

The implementation of the model is based on a methodological strategy research, in which we have identified the systematic, person-oriented, cluster approaches.

The systematic approach used for the implementation of the structural model helps us to understand the essence of the educational process in terms of inclusion, to reveal the relationship of all the components of an inclusive educational environment. There is a possibility of modeling of pedagogical process in a structured way, in conjunction with the cultural environment in accordance with the innovative requirements. Consequently, not only the model is created in accordance with the requirements of the environment, but also the existing environment requires an innovative model. Systematic approach gives the opportunity to understand mechanisms of the activities of subjects of scientific and educational cluster, understanding the pedagogical conditions and risks developing during the course of innovative activity of educational institutions.

Person-oriented approach in the framework of an inclusive environment allows us to consider the problems of students’ inclusion   in the educational environment, integrating the following areas: a development of the personality in society, pedagogical educational impact on the social environment, the interaction of personality and environment.

For the implementation of the model we require the cluster approach as an effective tool for the creation and development of an inclusive educational environment in the conditions of the northern city [6]. Consequently, teacher needs to understand the general mechanism of the scientific and educational cluster and, accordingly, to the stages of methodological training for working in the conditions of inclusion taking into account the cluster approach:

1. The methodological training and support of teachers who have already been working at various levels of education (Kindergarten - School -SSEI - HEI) in a modular program by establishing creative teams, groups of teachers for the development of main competencies in the Center of  inclusive education on the basis of  Surgut State University [3]. According to the results of our study, 21% of Surgut teachers believe that a support of learning process and education of children with special educational needs is an important direction in the establishment of an inclusive educational environment.

2. Networking of educational institutions with regard to their single specialization-one type of activity-educational and multi-directional activities of the institutions, that is, they are sports and medical organizations, associations of additional social and psychological support.

Due to the internal coherence of the cluster subjects we need the mobility of its education workers, the creation and implementation of  joint projects with the aim of further development of the cluster [2].

The results of the survey conducted among the city's teachers, indicate that 23% of teachers see as a result of the development of an inclusive educational environment the social partnership development as intersubjective interaction (Fig. 1).

Fig.1 Priority directions in the development of
  inclusive educational environment


3. Cooperation as the main type of interaction between all educational organizations that are part of the cluster.

4. The high level of an innovative activity involves representatives of the academic community in the educational institutions’ activities that is the coordinating role of the Centre of inclusive education on the basis of Surgut State University (Fig. 2) .

Fig. 2  Structural model of training of a teacher for

working in the conditions of inclusive education


It is important to take into account such aspects of competence-based approach, as the focus on the practical result and on the development of both a child and a teacher in the process of activity for high quality implementation of structural model of teachers’ training to work in the conditions of an inclusive educational environment.

Thus, the teacher’s training is a system consisting of the environmental influence and the individual personality of teacher’s characteristics. The whole model, presented as a set of teacher’s characteristics in inclusive educational environment demonstrates ways of solving the main problem - the creation of an inclusive educational environment at different levels of education with the purpose of  the fullest inclusion of students with special educational needs in a group, an educational process, in the society.

1. On Education in the Russian Federation: the Federal Law of 29.12.2012 number 273-FZ. http://www.sudact.ru. (Reference date: 12.05.2016).

2. O.Y. Muller, F.D. Rasskazov, N.A. Rotova (2016). Methodological approaches to the development of adapted educational programs for students with disabilities in high educational institutes. Kazan Science, (number 1, p. 98-101). Kazan, Russia: Kazan Publishing House.

3. O.Y. Muller, F.D.Rasskazov, N.A.Rotova. The cluster approach in the creation of an inclusive educational environment in a northern city. The world of science, culture, education, (number 2, 2016). Gorno-Altaisk, Russia. http://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?titleid=26070.

4. O.Y.Muller, F.D.Rasskazov. (2015) The creation of an inclusive learning environment in high educational institutes: problems and prospects. Science, education and society: Trends and Prospects of Development. (Materials Intern. Scientific-practical. Conf. Cheboksary, December 13th. 2015, pp. 130-134). Cheboksary, Russia.

5. O.Y.Muller, F.D.Rasskazov (2015). Creating the conditions for inclusive education of students in Surgut State University. Educational environment today: development strategy. (Materials of the IV International scientific-practical conference. Cheboksary, December 11th. 2015, number 3 (4), pp 213-216). Cheboksary, Russia.

6. N.V.Solovova. Management of methodological work of high educational institutes in the conditions of realization of innovative methodological problems: Dis. .. Dr. ped. Science / N.V. Solovova. - Samara, 2011. - 571 p.

Bibliographic reference

Rasskazov F.D., Muller O.Y. Structural-substantial model of methodological training of a teacher for working in the conditions of an inclusive educational environment. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 4 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/466-25025 (22.02.2025).