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Study areas and Methods. The state of the Russian service sector, demonstrates the presence of not used possibilities of development. From the point of view of the resource approach in economic science "potential" is defined as the maximum possible effect of a specific level of management that can be achieved when using the whole complex of available resources. By definition Anchishkin, A. I., the economic potential is is defined as "productive resources, their volume, structure, technical level and quality..." [2, p. 13]. Abalkin L. I. defines potential as "a general, collective characteristics of resources" [1, p. 214].
The potential is a generalized, collective characteristics of available resources in a particular place and time and represents the totality of all existing opportunities and resources in any area or field that can be used to solve any tasks, achieve a certain goal. Therefore, the potential is complex, multifactorial, multivariate phenomenon, the study which initially hampered by the lack of a unified definition of the concept, not developed system of indicators of its assessment adapted for the cultural sector.
There are several types of potential and in the modern rapidly developing world of global integration processes, formed the new modern building. In the field of services, culture, economic potential was not seen as the main indicator of available resources in a particular place and time, which can be used to solve a specific task. At the present stage of economic potential in the services sector is interpreted from the standpoint of the process approach, originally proposed in the methodology of functional modeling IDEF0, which process is "the transformation of Inputs into Outputs under the influence and Control Mechanism" [6]. The potential of the Process is determined by its functionality and life cycle processes. This potential describes procedures for converting Inputs into Outputs and their efficacy [9]. Mechanism (resources) shows the resources of the process and ways of their connection. The mechanism provides the execution of the process from entering data or material objects transform function of the process Output data or material objects. To study the process of service provision particularly important potential of the process of providing services, including the components of the potentials of process elements, combined in a certain structure. Optimal rational structure components of the economic potential of the process for different types of processes varies considerably. For services seems of particular importance is the capacity of a Mechanism as the maximum possible use of resources for the economic process. A significant impact on the capacity of the service sector provide options for correlation of resources, which in the case of asynchronous actions can significantly increase or reduce its effectiveness.
Management services in the national standard ISO 9001:2015 for the first time applied a process approach, consisting of components: the definition of the required inputs and expected outputs of these processes; determine the sequence and interaction of these processes; the definition and application of criteria and methods required to ensure effective operation of these processes and their management; identify the necessary resources and ensuring their availability; distribution of duties, responsibility and authority within these processes; risk and opportunities; the evaluation of these processes and changing them for better performance; improvement of these processes [3].
In the case of services, culture reveals the potential complexity of this field, combining various activities, the use of different types of resources. The relevant process definition and measurement of the potentials of its elements allows the composition of shared (process) of capacity in the economy – a direct challenge.
Capacity in the economy must be clearly described by the respective process. The constituent elements of the potential are determined by the decomposition process – the inverse problem.
Scientific results eliminate existing conceptual vagueness of the term "capacity" in relation to the economy.
In Russia, the Ministry of culture in 2009, has developed the «mechanism for determining the possibility of creation and effective functioning of Autonomous cultural institutions» through the analysis of socio-economic status of the region. In the evaluation process there are four groups of factors to be considered: political; economic; social; technological [6].
For any subject of the Russian Federation, these factors can be complemented by factors that take into account regional peculiarities in the sphere of culture. Comprehensive review of the socio-economic status of subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of four groups of factors will determine the possibility of creating Autonomous institutions of culture (AIC) with the features of a specific subject [6]. In 2012, the Ministry of culture has developed a comprehensive model to assess the effectiveness of regional cultural institutions.
In our opinion, by combining the most important factors in assessing the possible establishment of cultural institutions in a municipality and their further operation with the method of evaluating the performance of regional institutions of culture, it is possible to define indicators to assess the potential subject of cultural industries. On generalized factors and indicators possible evaluation of the potential of the subject of the Russian Federation for the functioning of cultural organizations. According to the formed system of indicators is their division into groups – economic, social, technological and cultural indicators.
The international system of indicators to assess the potential of cultural institutions exploring the potential of developed countries, without taking into account a number of factors specific to the scope of activities of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the indicators, taking into account a number of factors affect the performance of the processes of improvement and in the future socio-economic development of the country, with a regional perspective, as each subject of the Russian Federation different conditions economic, social, technological and cultural development. However, the calculation and analysis of such indicators in the national practice is limited both by the lack of relevant statistical information (especially at the level of regions) and the lack of methods of their calculation. There is also no scientific justification for the necessary and sufficient number and composition indicators that evaluate the integral potential of culture.
From our point of view, it seems appropriate to introduce a new indicator: integrated potential of cultural industries, consisting of interconnected factors: economic, social, technological, cultural. This will allow more objectively and fully assess untapped sources of competitiveness of the study area. In addition, will take into account the multiplier effect of realising the potential of cultural industries, which is the primary growth employment directly in this segment of the market services sector, as well as increase employment in related sectors, reducing the costs of searching and hiring qualified professionals.
So the integral indicator for the selected service can be calculated as the sum of the weighted average of indicators of capacity for each individual service:
S = , (1)
where – is the indicator of economic potential, ,
- is indicator of social capital; ,
– is an indicator of cultural potential,
– an indicator of the technological potential of the n – type of service.
Results. Indicators of economic potential (table 1) industry cultures determine the development of living standards of the population.
Table 1. Indicators of economic potential of cultural industries
Indicators |
Calculation formula |
Dimension |
- the indicator of economic potential of cultural institutions
F = (T × Q) / R
R - the resource capacity of the organization, determined by the volume of budget financing of cultural institutions or attracted investments; T - the total time spent by all users of the cultural institutions on consumption provided by the institution services. Q - the monetary equivalent of a unit of free time of an individual which he can aim at improving their cultural level |
- the indicator of family consumption |
V - the total family income;
- the indicator family savings |
V - is the total family income |
- the indicator of economic status of the family |
V - the total family income;
These indicators reflect the quality of achieved economic goals, the aim of the development of this sector: the production and consumption of additional services, culture change in the consumer price index, increasing employment, improving the welfare of the population.
However, some quantitative economic indicators do not give an objective picture of the state of cultural industries. State of the industry of culture is determined by the social significance of the operation. For its determination it is necessary to consider the social and cultural potential of cultural industries.
The social potential to understand the totality of material and spiritual values of the society which determine the potential for development or disintegration of society a certain area. Social potential of the region is the aggregate, the combined territorial resource speaker of interrelated and interdependent complex of available resources that can be involved in social production in order to improve the quality of life of the population.
The group of indicators social potential of culture industry at the macro level can be attributed to the indicators proposed in table 2.
Table 2. Indicators of social potential of the cultural industries
Indicators of social capacity |
Calculation formulas |
Dimension |
-level indicator of family life;
-consumption of additional social services; |
- level employment in the field of culture;
The definition of social capital implies the need of definition of social effect, which characterizes the degree of satisfaction, quality of life. It can be determined the following trends: changing economic policies from consumption to savings and investment in human capital, rising demand, rising cultural and educational level of the consumers, satisfaction with social status or financial situation.
Technological (scientific / technological) potential is a fairly new concept in the sphere of cultural activity, linking it with the use of innovative economy and therefore focus on the definition of this totality have to be attracted and mobilized human, informational, financial, logistical and managerial resources and opportunities of society (state, region, industry, organization, enterprise etc.) to achieve the goals of scientific and technological development" [4, p. 66]. Indicators technological (science and technology) capacity at the macro level and meso level are: at the regional level – the cost of research and development, scientific and technological services in percent to GDP of the region; the number of employees engaged in research and development based on 10,0 thousand employees in the economy; coefficient of inventive activity (number of patents on new products and services of culture per 10 thousand population); proportion of knowledge-intensive services in total services culture; a number of advanced technologies in the field of culture, including a fundamentally new, new abroad and new in the country; the average annual revenue from the sale of licenses for new types of services of culture; the level of social productivity; the level of mechanization, automation and computerization of production services culture; socio-economic benefits to the economy resulting from the use of completed scientific developments, inventions and research.
The indicators technological (scientific-technological potential of the country include: qualification structure of employees in science and research in the field of culture, membership in international scientific organizations; share scientific and technical services in the field of culture, corresponding to world level or above it; share scientific and technical services that meet international standards; export licences, patents, knowledge-intensive services culture; number of mastered new equipment, new types of services in the sphere of culture; the share of knowledge-intensive services (in total, exports of services) in the sphere of culture.
Cultural potential – "the totality of the historical and cultural environment, spiritual values and intellectual resources, economic and material-technical base" [8, p. 7]. Cultural potential of subjects of the Russian Federation is the aggregate multi-factor education: historical and cultural environment, spiritual values, artistic and intellectual resources, economic and material-technical base, having permanent employment and socio-cultural ties of the population.
The essence of the cultural potential of the RF subject is "understanding it as a set of norms, values, meanings, human activities that affect the success and effectiveness of the development of society, the presence of spiritual and material resources, the intellectual base and its resources, mental and physical health of members of society, their will, perseverance and consistency in performing certain tasks" [8, p.10].
Often, cultural resources are considered as one of the components of the total potential. As cultural potential should be defined as the totality of accumulated resources culture, resources, sources, stocks and opportunities that, on the one hand, is accumulated by society in the form of material and spiritual results of human labor, on the other hand, are preserved as cultural values and cultural heritage, it is necessary to determine the factors of its development.
Thus, from a narrow point of view of cultural capacity is the totality of objective and subjective opportunities or factors contributing to the development of cultural industries of the subject of the Russian Federation (table 3).
Table 3. Indicators of cultural potential of the functioning of cultural industries
Indicators of cultural capacity |
Calculation formulas |
Dimension |
- the indicator of service provision culture |
- the indicator of consumption of services family culture |
- the indicator of the educational level of family members |
- the indicator updates services culture |
- the indicator access to services culture |
- the indicator of the educational and cultural level of the family members |
The total socio-cultural potential of cultural industries can be manifested in the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, the revival of the territory, both economic and human physical potential, preservation of the population and its national identity, national values and traditions, developing local entrepreneurship in the cultural sector, cultural understanding and communication.
Foreign and emerging Russian experience shows that the development of cultural industries is important not only infrastructure, historical and cultural monuments, natural landscape, the originality of the territory, ethnic and other features, but no less creativity, the creativity of the population of the subject. This requires deliberate actions on forming of image of the territory, region, country, creation of self-contained subcultural spaces with unique cultural capital "life force places" (cultural vitality).
This area provides a strategic scale of activities of regional structures of state authority, allowing both to increase the promotion of the region, its favorable positioning among other areas of the country, and the country as a whole on the world market. It is based on extensive involvement of cultural material, visual and virtual symbols, symbolic attributes, and is the creation of investment attractiveness. A new image is born through the integration of tradition and innovation being the actualization of territorial cultural symbols and iconic figures in the contemporary cultural context.
However, all the components of the quantitative indicators of the cultural industry can not fully appreciate the services of the cultural industries. The issue of quality is determined by the content generated cultural offerings, programs of culture. For the formation of quality indicators for the evaluation of the cultural industries should: the regular study of the cultural environment; the formation of the expert community of professionals; raising the level of personnel training and culture; increased interaction of professionals of different levels and areas.
Conclusions. To determine the importance of each indicator in the integral parameters, estimating their mean values. The more the average value of a particular factor, calculated by the number of units of observation, the greater their number the value of this indicator is significant and makes a substantial contribution to the final result. At the final stage of assessing the potential of cultural industries on the basis of General indicators it is possible to calculate integral of a complex indicator of the potential of this industry.
The calculation of the potential of cultural industries the basis for the development of organizational mechanism and gives the possibility to calculate the effect of the implementation of the program of support of cultural industries. Shape shaped support of cultural industries is the integrated service center. From our point of view, the integrated service center should be considered as an open multi-functional system that includes the totality of production, processes, material, devices for the creation of services in the sphere of culture, their production, distribution and consumption [5, p. 165]. The use of logistics principles of management in the service sector of culture as a distinctive characteristic of integrated service complexes opens up the possibility of using all advantages of business-processes in the study area. End-to-end management end control of flow processes, taking into account their quantitative and qualitative characteristics of, and reactions to the external environment in an integrated service complexes allows to adapt to market conditions the whole complex of services of culture, taking into account the specific requirements of the clients.
In this case, considered the effect of supporting the cultural industry on the quality of life, competitiveness of the specific region and overall state.
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URL: www.science-sd.com/466-25055 (22.02.2025).