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Home / Issues / № 4, 2016

Sociological Science

Davydovskij F.N.


Concept of key performance indicators in the modern theory and practice of scientific organization of work occupies a significant place and has a weighty significance for the successful solution of the problem of economic growth of the Russian economy. Russian government seeks to double the productivity of labor, there is an attempt to revive the ministerial institute of labor regulation, actively promoted the system of professional standards, produces a new human resources management strategy in a crisis. Last, certainly it should be based on principles such as the focus on efficiency, quality, innovation development, material and moral interests of workers in the results of their labor. Of particular interest, in our opinion, is the implementation of these principles in relation to the work of engineers - designers, design offices working in machine-building enterprises. The actual practice of research content and the nature of work of this category of workers has demonstrated the complexity and diversity of the problem of material incentives for engineers, specific activity which is not only in the effective application of the special skills of design, but also in the successful combination of creativity of the labor process with a professional universalism and interchangeability. In our opinion, this fact is the starting point, the foundation of the model of work organization of engineers - designers, the construction of which is dedicated to the fundamentals of this article.

Study areas and Methods

Subject of research: the construction of an optimal model of the duties of employees of the design bureau, based on the method of regulation of employment.

Methods: method of analysis of job functions of employees, which allows to distinguish between the scope of work of each employee and ensure its uniform loading, the method of regulation of duties of employees, the study of normative - technical documentation and information materials, classification and grouping.

Scope: activities of engineers and designers of the design bureau. The base and baseline data for the development of article topics the grounds and initial data for this writing were:

I. Results of the scientific - research works that have received state registration Federal State Autonomous Scientific Institution «Center for Information Technologies and Systems of executive authorities» [1].

II. The results of their own research set out in the relevant reports and publications [2, 3, 4, 5].

The aims and objectives of the study

1. Develop and implement in actual practice the method of constructing an effective business model design bureau, based on the regulation of the duties of employees.

2. Development of evaluation system of indicators and criteria for performance of their duties the staff in the conditions of activity of the design bureau.


- Analyzed the specifics of the content and nature of the work of engineers - designers, existing job descriptions and position, their fullness and exhaustion;

- Formed part of the common and individual responsibilities of the design office, identified the key responsibilities of employees;

- Proposed classifier duties of employees of the design bureau to determine the effectiveness of their implementation;

- Proposed optimal model of the duties of employees, based on the method of regulation of employment.


A distinctive feature of the simulation activities of engineers - designer’s lies in the specifics of their work, which, in turn, is associated with substantial side job functions of engineering work in general. Perhaps in no other area of ??professional activity, this ability does not play such a significant role, because on the one hand, the high qualification allows the engineer - constructor successfully address many interrelated problems, and on the other - promotes the development of its professional universalism and labor co-operation within the design office . Due to the latter property is a redistribution of work between designers of different qualification levels and, thus, through the ability to perform the work of other designers achieved a high level of performance as a whole unit.

Furthermore, universalism and multi-tasking allows you to effectively solve the problems of a creative nature, often requiring formal thinking and non-standard logic. The latter circumstance is - essentially a factor of the internal motivator employee, the main vector of development that serves the need for self-fulfillment and satisfaction from the results. Accordingly, there is a need to rationalize the activities of engineers - designers, which will allow, on the one hand, creating the most effective model for the organization of their work, and on the other - to unlock the creative potential of the new engineering ideas.

In - First, the theory and practice of the scientific organization of administrative work in the course of its development, it has developed many different approaches to solve the problem of building effective business model managers, professionals and employees. In - the second, in the theory and practice of one of the most common methods of organization of employees is to regulate labor, aimed at the creation of a specific system of rules for the implementation of effective action. Norma also represents a model of the most effective activities, i.e. fixed idea of ??purpose, means and results. In turn, this suggests that complete normalization process (regulation) activity includes three main phases: the development model of employees work; evaluation of the results; bringing the regulatory requirements to the artist.

Accordingly, work of engineers can be exactly reflected in a specific business model, that is, have a pre-fixed by the regulatory in nature. Labor Regulation in this case involves ordering the implementation of specific activities in the field of construction and design, that is, to determine the most effective ways to perform work operations. Accordingly, the full implementation of the rules on the implementation of an activity suggests the most effective way to achieve the results of work on a particular job position.

This implies that the effective assessment of such a result is possible only in case of compliance of the tasks (responsibilities) normative model of a particular employee. The result is an engineer working objectively must be the result of the performance of their duties, which are, in turn, part of its regulatory activity model. Its content is, as a whole, shows the empirical relationship between the employee's official duties and the level of the desired results of their implementation. This level has a measurable property in the various units of accounting result of labor, which, in turn, demonstrates the effectiveness of the duties for a given time period. This general duties common to all, without exception, job positions and to achieve general results of operations units, should have common to the assessment of the efficiency of labor, and individual responsibilities - an individual assessment, reflecting the specificity of obligations it is for this job position. Development of such a model work requires, first, to determine which of the employee can be assessed, and which are not. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyze actual duties performed by all employees and departments to optimize the resulting array of duties to better define the desired results.

The analysis of the totality of duties appropriate to begin with a statement of the main tasks of the post. To articulate the main production task focuses not just on the employee performance of duties, namely to achieve a certain goal. Under the main task of the post meant perceivable supervisors result, the achievement of which is a necessary and determines the direction and nature of the job position activities. Usually problems are formulated qualitatively, as their quantification is often difficult or impossible. With regard to the design office, this problem may be, for example, be formulated as the development, design and introduction into production of new industrial designs, technology, utility models and rational constructive improvements in the final production of the enterprise.

In line with the main objective defines the obligations, that is, activities implemented in the post. Since every obligation to provide only some - that one aspect of the product, it is very important to determine the entire set of responsibilities. To do this, you need to determine what kind of work it is necessary to perform, in what form, are the results of activities, participation is no official position is necessary and sufficient.

Table 1 shows an example of the resulting business model design Bureau employees. In its structure highlighted the general duties inherent to the sample of all positions, and the individual, peculiar to specific job positions. The nature of the tasks performed allows to classify the duty of all received together as follows: / 1 / responsibilities for the execution of the work; / 2 / duty of inspection work; / 3 / duties in coordination of work; / 4 / duties according to work; / 5 / responsibilities for the organization of work.

As part of building the business model of each of the above duties assigned to individual identification, and then carried out a study on the labor content of job positions and the resulting sample exhibited an appropriate designation for each charge. The results of the analysis of aggregate duties design Bureau employees (Table 2) show that their work is dominated by performing functions related to the implementation of the basic units of the problem formulated above, control - accounting functions, including performance of staff duties of inspection, coordination and approval of the work, and organizational functions.

Resulting in the analysis of official positions of the system of indicators and criteria for performance of official duties is structured as follows (Table 3).

Thus, the proposed optimal business model design office, built by the method of regulation duties, permits, on the one hand, to optimize the entire set of them by identifying the most significant for the solution of the main objectives and division of tasks, and on the other - logically linking results of performance of official duties the system of indicators of the employees. Thus, selected evaluation criteria are very simple and are formed on the basis yes / no, which in practice significantly simplifies the use of the optimum activity model and allows a qualitative assessment of the results.

Summary and Conclusions

Presented in the article, the results suggest the following conclusions:

1. It is proposed as a method for constructing an optimal business model employee to use regulation of official duties, which includes three components: the development model of employees work; assessment of the results obtained based on criteria developed; bringing the regulatory requirements to the artist.

2. A qualifier of duties of employees in nature executable goals and objectives, which has found its application in the construction of an optimal business model design bureau, which allowed, in turn, to identify the most important for the final result of the duties with subsequent fixation in job descriptions and regulations.

3. Regulation of the key responsibilities of the design bureau under the optimal business model enabled us to formulate appropriate indicators to measure their performance. A set of criteria for evaluating the performance indicators of common and individual responsibilities.

1. Davydovskij F. Develop a system of bonuses of managers, professionals and employees of ship-yards based on key performance indicators / unpublished scientific papers / report on the research is registered in «Center for Information Technologies and Systems of executive authorities» - № 02201458127. - Registration date: 16.12.2014.

2. Velichko E., Davydovskij F. Economic independence of industrial enterprises in the conditions of in-house calculation of the structural units of energy monopoly / Northwest Open Technical Univer-sity. – P. 126 - Deposited manuscript. Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of Russian Academy of Sciences. 26.08.2015. Number 139-В2015

3. Davydovskij F. Develop a system of bonuses of employees of central plant laboratories of key performance indicators of labor / Audit and financial analysis, 2014. Number 5, p.p. 424-431

4. Davydovskij F., Velichko E. Information - analytical model studies of key organizational posi-tions as a means of analyzing the content of administrative work / «The science of the third millen-nium»: a collection of articles of the International scientific-practical conference. Ufa. «AETER-NA». 2016, p.p. 23-27

5. Davydovskij F. Remuneration system and the problem of material remuneration of engineering and technical personnel involved in the implementation of innovative projects / Issues of innovation economics. Moscow. «Creative Economy». 2014. Number 2 (16), p.p. 13-21. Available at: http://bgscience.ru/lib/10067/ (Date of the application – 31.07.2016.)

Bibliographic reference

Davydovskij F.N. OPTIMIZATION MODEL OF DUTES AS A MEANS OF LABOUR REGULATION OF ENGINEERS - DESIGNERS . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 4 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/466-25059 (22.02.2025).