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Home / Issues / № 5, 2016

Biological sciences

Andreeva A.V., Nikolaeva O.N.


One of the most important functions of normal microflora is its participation in cooperation with an organism of the owner in ensuring populated resistance. These mechanisms giving stability to normal microflora and providing prevention of settling of an organism of the owner with foreign microorganisms [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

The investigations of the populated resistance in calf's intestines are important.

Material and methods

Newborn calves were an object of research. Calves were divided into six groups (control and five skilled) served. Each group of calves were equel.  Calfs of the control group contained in conditions of the accepted technology of the contents and feeding;  second group with a forage - received a liquid probiotic  (Lactobacterium plantarum 8P-A3). Since the birth in two stages daily on 20 ml within 10 days with an interval in 10 days;  calves of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth groups - received compositions of phytoprobiotics with a sowing campaign Lucerne, chistotely big, a barberry ordinary and a sowing campaign Lucerne with a barberry ordinary [Nazyrova N. R., 2007] respectively according to the above-named scheme.

Bacteriological researches of excrements conducted according to E.P. Kasatkina et al.   (1996).


Phytoprobiotics has restoring effect on the microbiocenosis in newborn calf's intestine:

- bifido- and laktobacterium activity, in comparison with control animals, in 1,7 and 2,2 times increases; in 1,8 and 2,3 times; in 1,8 and 2,3 times and in 1,9 and 2,4 times, respectively;

 -  in comparison with control animals the quantity of St. aureus, decrease in 1,42;  1,6;  1,5 and 1,8 times;  enterococci - in 1,36;  1,29;  1,3 and 1,4 times;  Proteus mirabilis - in 1,36;  1,3;  1,2 and 1,4 times;  sort Candida mushrooms - in 1,7;  2,1;  1,9 and by 2,2 times. Growth of a Ps. aureginosa and haemolytic intestinal stick are also oppressed.


During research work it was established that application of compositions of phytoprobiotics allows to carry out correction enterobiocenosis calf's towards prevalence bifido-and laktobacterium.

1. Andreeva A.V., Nikolayeva O.N., Mjuristaya M.L. Fitoprobiotiki pri disbacteriozah kishechnika molodnyaka sel´skohozyastvenuh zhivotnyh, Bashkirskij gosudarstvennyj agrarnyj universitet, Ufa, 2009.

2. Nazyrova N.R. Vlijanie jekstraktov lekarstvennyh rastenij na biologicheskuju aktivnost' shtamma Lactobacterium plantarum 8P-A3: avtoref. dis. kand. biol. Nauk, Ufa, 2007, 23 p.

3. Nikolayeva O.N., Mjuristaya M.L., Andreeva A.V. Application phitoprobiotics and polysalts of microcells in animal industries, European Journal of Natural History. 2007. № 6. S. 145.

4. Nikolayeva O.N., Mjuristaya M.L., Andreeva A.V. Effectivnost´ primeneniya fitoprobiotikov I polisli mikroelementov dlya profilaktiki zheludochno-kischechnyh zabolevaniy molodnyaka sel´skohozyastvenuh zhivotnyh, Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya, 2007, N. 12, S. 227-228.

5. Chistyakova O.N., Andreeva А.V., Timerbaeva R. Kh. Mikrobiotsenoz zheludochno-kischechogo tracta telyat pri primenenii fitoprobiotikov, Problemy i perspectivy razvitiya innovatsionnoy deyatel´nosti v agpopromyshlenom proizvodstve, 2007. S. 236-239.

Bibliographic reference

Andreeva A.V., Nikolaeva O.N. THE MICROBIOTA OF A DIGESTIVE TRACT OF CALFS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 5 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/467-25042 (22.02.2025).