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Home / Issues / № 5, 2016

Biological sciences

Nikolaeva O.N.


One of indexes of the immune status of an organism is the level of the circulating immune complexes in blood. Immune complexes are formed at accession of antibodies to antigens. Interaction of immune complexes with soluble cell-like effector systems leads to elimination of the bound antigens. Immune complexes are formed constantly as a result of the immune answer of an organism. Though detection of the circulating immune complexes is not specific to any particular disease, it provides necessary information concerning an immunopathology, development and the forecast of a disease. Existence of immune complexes is a sign of the proceeding immune protective process or the autoimmune conflict which can be revealed later by express tests [2, 10].

The circulating immune complexes in small concentration, serve as normative, are an obligatory component of blood serum of clinically healthy animals. During the post-natal period of development of animals the index of level of the circulating immune complexes represents one of criteria for evaluation of the functional maturity of a humoral link of immune system - changing from minimum values at newborns, it reaches indicators of adult animals to 18-month age [3].

It is confirmed that the circulating immune complexes serve as normative indicators and can be used as criteria for evaluation of the functional maturity of immune system of animals. Their level reflects severity of a course of a disease, level of activity of the immune answer of an organism. It is possible to apply indicators of the circulating immune complexes in blood serum with the diagnostic and prognostic purpose at an effectiveness assessment to the carried-out therapy and conditions of immune system in general [4, 5, 7, 9].

Material and methods

In this regard, the purpose of ours research was studying of dynamics of the circulating immune complexes in blood of young growth of farm animals at correction of anti-infectious immunity immunomodulators.

For achievement of a goal groups of newborn calfs and pigs on the principle of couples analogs were created. Calfs and pigs of control groups contained in conditions of the accepted technology of contents and feeding. Calfs of the second group received a fluid probiotic lactobakterin since the birth in two stages daily on 20 ml within 10 days with an interval in 10 days; calfs of the third group - a phytoprobiotic with a lucerne of a sowing campaign and a barberry ordinary [6] according to the above-named scheme. Pigs of the second group received a fluid probiotic lactobakterin in 10 days prior to depriving on 10 ml within 10 days with an interval in 10 days, pigs of the third group - a phytoprobiotic with a lucerne of a sowing campaign and a barberry ordinary [1] according to the above-named scheme.

Pigs were vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and a streptokokkoz aged at the age of 30 and 40 days, against a kolibakterioz before depriving with an interval in 10 days twice; calfs vaccinated against salmonellosis at 20-day age, against an infectious rhinotracheitis, a parainfluenza-3, respiratory синцитиальной diseases, viral diarrhea and pasteurellosis at 30-day age it is repeated with an interval in 30 days.

Sampling of blood for studying of dynamics of the circulating immune complexes was carried out prior to experience, then for the 25th, 35th, 65th, 75th days at calfs; prior to experience, then for the 15th, 25th, 35th days from the beginning of experience at pigs. The quantity of the circulating immune complexes determined by method Yu. A. Grinevich, A. N. Alferov (1981) by the selection precipitation in polyethylene glycol [1]. The size of the circulating immune complexes was estimated by P. V. Struchkov's method et al. (1985) [11].


The maintenance of the circulating immune complexes control and experienced groups was in blood serum of calfs and pigs at the level of 36,5±0,5 optical units - 36,9±0,4 optical units and 57,0±0,6 optical units - 57,6±0,4 optical units, respectively.

After vaccination against salmonellosis (for the 25th day of researches) at calfs the tendency to increase in quantity of the circulating immune complexes was noted. So, at calfs of control group the quantity of the circulating immune complexes exceeded background value on 0,8 optical units t (37,6±0,5 optical units), at calfs of the first group - on 1,2 optical units (37,8±0,4 optical units), at calfs of the second group - on 1,3 optical units (37,9±0,6 optical units).

For the 35th and 65th days of researches (after vaccination and a revaccination a vaccine «Kombovak P») at calfs increase in blood serum of the circulating immune complexes was registered. So, calfs of control group for the 35th and 65th days of researches had a maintenance of the circulating immune complexes above background value on 1,9 optical units (38,7±0,4 optical units) and on 3,2 optical units (39,9±0,4 optical units); at calfs of experienced groups the quantity of the circulating immune complexes increased, respectively, in the second group - on 2,6 optical units (39,2±0,4 optical units) and on 3,2 optical units (39,7±0,3 optical units); in the third group - on 1,9 optical units (38,4±0,6 optical units) and on 2,9 optical units (39,4±0,4 optical units). However, the quantity of the circulating immune complexes in blood of calfs of control group was above experienced values in the above-stated days.

For the 75th day of researches the tendency of increase in the circulating immune complexes in blood serum of calfs of control group remained, and at the calfs receiving a probiotic and a phytoprobiotic decrease in quantity of the circulating immune complexes was registered.

For the 15th day of researches (after vaccination against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, a streptokokkoz and a kolibakterioz) at pigs of the studied groups the quantity of the circulating immune complexes increased concerning a hum noise, respectively, on 1,6 optical units (58,6 ±0,6 optical units), on 0,2 optical units (57,8±0,5 optical units), on 0,25 optical units (57,4±1,8 optical units).

For the 25th day of researches (after the second vaccination) at pigs control and experienced groups increase in quantity of the circulating immune complexes also remained. So, the maximal increase was registered at pigs of control group - 59,8±0,4 optical units, at the pigs receiving lactobakterin and a phytoprobiotics the quantity of the circulating immune complexes was up to standard 59,4±0,4 optical units - 59,0±0,3 optical units

For the 35th day of researches the quantity of the circulating immune complexes in blood serum of pigs of experienced groups decreased and stabilized within background level (57,5±0,3 optical units - 57,4±0,5 optical units), and at pigs of control group the tendency of increase in the circulating immune complexes remained.

When studying the size of the circulating immune complexes it is not revealed in blood of average and finely divided complexes. The size varied within 1,0±0,01 Cd - 1,0±0,02 Cd.


Thus, vaccination causes increase in quantity of the circulating immune complexes in an organism of calfs and pigs. It is bound to increase in antigenic load of an organism of animals and formation of the normal immune answer. Use of immunomodulators promotes decrease in the circulating immune complexes and stabilization of the studied index within normative values. Besides, vaccination and correction of anti-infectious immunity a probiotic and a phytoprobiotic does not cause formation of pathogenic average and finely divided complexes.

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11. Struchkov P. V. Laboratornoe delo, 1985, no 7, pp. 410-412.

Bibliographic reference

Nikolaeva O.N. THE DYNAMICS OF THE CIRCULATING IMMUNE COMPLEXES AT VACCINATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 5 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/467-25043 (22.02.2025).